Delete call recordings


The feature availability information is as follows.

Dynamics 365 Contact Center—embedded Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone Dynamics 365 Customer Service
No Yes Yes

You can delete call recordings that are no longer required. To delete the call recordings, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Dynamics 365 instance, go to the app and select the Advanced Find icon displayed on the menu.
  2. On the Advanced Find page, select Recordings in the Look for dropdown list. More information: Create, edit, or save a view using legacy advanced find
  3. Select the required recording.
  4. Select the Delete icon.

Alternatively, you can delete the recordings from the msdyn_ocrecording entity by using the DELETE request.

You can also delete call recordings in bulk. More information: Bulk deletion

Configure call recording, transcription, and real-time translation