AI services in Fabric (preview)


This feature is in preview.

Azure AI services, formerly known as Azure Cognitive Services, help developers and organizations rapidly create intelligent, cutting-edge, market-ready, and responsible applications with prebuilt and customizable APIs and models. AI services empower developers even when they don't have direct AI or data science skills or knowledge. The goal of Azure AI services is to help developers create applications that can see, hear, speak, understand, and even begin to reason.

Fabric provides two options for utilizing Azure AI services:

  • Pre-built AI models in Fabric (preview).

    Fabric seamlessly integrates with Azure AI services, allowing you to enrich your data with prebuilt AI models without any prerequisite. We recommend using this option as you can utilize your Fabric authentication to access AI services, and all usage are billed against your Fabric capacity. This option is currently in public preview with limited AI services available.

    Azure OpenAI Service, Text Analytics, Azure AI Translator are available out of the box in Fabric, with support for both RESTful API and SynapseML. You can also use the OpenAI Python Library to access Azure OpenAI service in Fabric. For more information on available models, see prebuilt AI models in Fabric.

  • Bring your own key (BYOK).

    You can provision your AI services on Azure and bring your own key to use them from Fabric. If the desired AI services aren't yet supported in the prebuilt AI models, you can still use BYOK.

    To learn more about how to use Azure AI services with BYOK, visit Azure AI services in SynapseML with bring your own key.

Prebuilt AI models in Fabric (preview)


Prebuilt AI models are currently available in preview and offered for free with a limitation on the number of concurrent requests per user. For Open AI models, the limit is 20 requests per minute per user.

Azure OpenAI Service

REST API, Python SDK. SynapseML

  • GPT-35-turbo: GPT-3.5 models can understand and generate natural language or code. The most capable and cost effective model in the GPT-3.5 family is GPT-3.5 Turbo, which has been optimized for chat and works well for traditional completions tasks as well. Thegpt-35-turbo-16k model supports up to 16,384 tokens.
  • gpt-4 family: gpt-4 and gpt-4-32k are supported.
  • text-embedding-ada-002 (version 2), embedding model that can be used with embedding API requests. The maximum accepted request token is 8,191, and the returned vector has dimensions of 1,536.

Text Analytics


  • Language detection: detects language of the input text.
  • Sentiment analysis: returns a score between 0 and 1 indicating the sentiment in the input text.
  • Key phrase extraction: identifies the key talking points in the input text.
  • Personally Identifiable Information(PII) entity recognition: identify, categorize, and redact sensitive information in the input text.
  • Named entity recognition: identifies known entities and general named entities in the input text.
  • Entity linking: identifies and disambiguates the identity of entities found in text.

Azure AI Translator


  • Translate: Translates text.
  • Transliterate: Converts text in one language from one script to another script.

Available regions

Available regions for Azure OpenAI Service

For the list of Azure regions where prebuilt AI services in Fabric are now available, see the Available regions section of the article "Overview of Copilot in Fabric and Power BI (preview)."

Available regions for Text Analytics and Azure AI Translator

Prebuilt Text Analytics, Azure AI Translator in Fabric are now available for public preview in the Azure regions listed in this article. If your Microsoft Fabric home region isn't listed, you can still create a Microsoft Fabric capacity in a region that is supported. For more information, see Buy a Microsoft Fabric subscription. To find out what your Fabric home region is, see Find your Fabric home region.

Asia Pacific Europe Americas Middle East and Africa
Australia East North Europe Brazil South South Africa North
Australia Southeast West Europe Canada Central UAE North
Central Indian France Central Canada East
East Asia Norway East East US
Japan East Switzerland North East US 2
Korea Central Switzerland West North Central US
Southeast Asia UK South South Central US
South India UK West West US
West US 2
West US 3