
Called whenever the title wants to update the social graph and get list of change events.


HRESULT XblSocialManagerDoWork(  
         const XblSocialManagerEvent** socialEvents,  
         size_t* socialEventsCount  


socialEvents   _Outptr_result_maybenull_
Type: XblSocialManagerEvent**

Passes back a pointer to the array of social events that have occurred since the last call to XblSocialManagerDoWork. This array is only valid until the next call to XblSocialManagerDoWork. The internal array will automatically be cleaned up when XblCleanup is called.

socialEventsCount   _Out_
Type: size_t*

Passes back the number of events in the social events array.

Return value


HRESULT return code for this API operation.


Must be called every frame for data to be up to date. The array of social events that is sent back is only valid until the next call to XblSocialManagerDoWork. Make sure to check if there were social events sent back. If the social events array is null, no results. If the social events count is 0, no results. If there were social events sent back then handle each XblSocialManagerEvent by their respective XblSocialManagerEventType.


Header: social_manager_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
