
The filter structure used to limit lobby search results to only those lobbies owned by the player's friends.


struct PFLobbySearchFriendsFilter {  
    bool includeSteamFriends;  
    bool includeFacebookFriends;  
    const char* includeXboxFriendsToken;  


includeSteamFriends   bool

A flag which includes the player's Steam friends list if their PlayFab account is linked to their Steam account.

includeFacebookFriends   bool

A flag which includes the player's Facebook friends list if their PlayFab account is linked to their Facebook account.

includeXboxFriendsToken   const char*
is null-terminated

An Xbox Live token that, when provided, includes the player's Xbox Live friends list if their PlayFab account is linked to their Xbox Live account.

To retrieve this token, make a POST request to "" with an empty request body using one of the GetTokenAndSignature APIs provided by Xbox Live.

GetTokenAndSignature APIs are provided natively as part of the Microsoft Game Core Development Kit (GDK). On all other platforms, these APIs are provided via the Xbox Authentication Library API (XAL).


Regardless of which external friend lists are included when constructing this filter, friends from the PlayFab friends list will always be included.


Header: PFLobby.h

See also

PFLobby members