PFMultiplayer C/C++ API overview - PFLobby.h
Function | Description |
PFLobbyAddMember | Add a local user as a member to the lobby. |
PFLobbyForceRemoveMember | Forcibly remove an entity from the lobby. |
PFLobbyGetAccessPolicy | Gets the access policy of the lobby. |
PFLobbyGetConnectionString | Gets the default connection string associated with the lobby. |
PFLobbyGetCustomContext | Retrieves the app's private, custom pointer-sized context value previously associated with this lobby object. |
PFLobbyGetLobbyId | Gets the ID of the Lobby. |
PFLobbyGetLobbyProperty | Get the lobby property value from its key. |
PFLobbyGetLobbyPropertyKeys | Get the list of lobby property keys. |
PFLobbyGetMaxMemberCount | Gets the max member count of the lobby. |
PFLobbyGetMemberConnectionStatus | Determines a member's connection status to the notification service. |
PFLobbyGetMemberProperty | Get the member property's value from its key. |
PFLobbyGetMemberPropertyKeys | Get a list of the specified member's property keys. |
PFLobbyGetMembers | Gets the list of PlayFab entities currently joined to the lobby as members. |
PFLobbyGetMembershipLock | Gets the lobby's current membership lock state. |
PFLobbyGetOwner | Gets the current owner of the lobby. |
PFLobbyGetOwnerMigrationPolicy | Gets the owner migration policy of the lobby. |
PFLobbyGetSearchProperty | Get the search property value from its key. |
PFLobbyGetSearchPropertyKeys | Get the list of search property keys. |
PFLobbyGetServer | Gets the server entity joined to the lobby. |
PFLobbyGetServerConnectionStatus | Retrieves the lobby server's connection status to the notification service. |
PFLobbyGetServerProperty | Get the lobby server property's value from its key. |
PFLobbyGetServerPropertyKeys | Get a list of the lobby server's property keys. |
PFLobbyLeave | Request one or all local users to leave the lobby. |
PFLobbyPostUpdate | Post an update to the lobby as a player. |
PFLobbySendInvite | Send an invite to this lobby from the local user to the invited entity. |
PFLobbyServerDeleteLobby | Delete a lobby on behalf of the game_server entity that owns the lobby. |
PFLobbyServerLeaveAsServer | Requests that the server leave the client-owned lobby it's currently in. |
PFLobbyServerPostUpdate | Post an update to the lobby as the server-owner. |
PFLobbyServerPostUpdateAsServer | Post an update to a client-owned lobby as a joined server. |
PFLobbySetCustomContext | Configures an optional, custom pointer-sized context value with this lobby object. |
PFMultiplayerClaimServerLobby | Claim ownership of a pre-existing server lobby. |
PFMultiplayerCreateAndClaimServerLobby | Create a new lobby as a game_server entity. |
PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby | Create a new lobby and add the creating PlayFab entity to it. |
PFMultiplayerFindLobbies | Search for lobbies on behalf of the local user. |
PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges | Returns an array of PFLobbyStateChanges that were being processed. |
PFMultiplayerGetLobbyInviteListenerStatus | Retrieve the status of the entity's invite listener. |
PFMultiplayerJoinArrangedLobby | Joins a lobby using an arrangement string provided by another service, such as matchmaking. If no one has joined the lobby yet, the lobby is initialized using the configuration parameters. |
PFMultiplayerJoinLobby | Join a lobby as the local PlayFab entity. |
PFMultiplayerJoinLobbyAsServer | Join a client-owned lobby as a server. |
PFMultiplayerStartListeningForLobbyInvites | Enables the Lobby invite listener for a given entity. |
PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges | Retrieves an array of all PFLobbyStateChanges to process since the last such call. |
PFMultiplayerStopListeningForLobbyInvites | Disables the Lobby invite listener for a given entity. |
Structure | Description |
PFLobbyArrangedJoinConfiguration | The initial configuration data used when joining an arranged lobby. |
PFLobbyCreateConfiguration | The initial configuration data used when creating a lobby. |
PFLobbyDataUpdate | A request to make an update to the shared portion of the lobby. |
PFLobbyJoinConfiguration | The initial configuration data used when joining a lobby. |
PFLobbyMemberDataUpdate | A request to make an update to the member-owned portion of the lobby document. |
PFLobbyMemberUpdateSummary | A collection of hints about an update which has been successfully applied to the lobby on behalf of a member. |
PFLobbySearchConfiguration | The configuration structure used to specify how a PFMultiplayerFindLobbies operation should be performed. |
PFLobbySearchFriendsFilter | The filter structure used to limit lobby search results to only those lobbies owned by the player's friends. |
PFLobbySearchResult | An entry in the collection of lobby search results received upon successful completion of a PFMultiplayerFindLobbies operation. |
PFLobbyServerDataUpdate | A request to make an update to the associated server state of a client-owned lobby. |
PFLobbyServerJoinConfiguration | The initial configuration data used when joining a client-owned lobby as a server. |
State changes
State change | Description |
PFLobbyAddMemberCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the AddMemberCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyClaimServerLobbyCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the ClaimServerLobbyCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyCreateAndClaimServerLobbyCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the CreateAndClaimServerLobbyCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyCreateAndJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the CreateAndJoinLobbyCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyDisconnectedStateChange | Information specific to the Disconnected type of state change. |
PFLobbyDisconnectingStateChange | Information specific to the Disconnecting type of state change. |
PFLobbyFindLobbiesCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the FindLobbiesCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyForceRemoveMemberCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the ForceRemoveMemberCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyInviteListenerStatusChangedStateChange | Information specific to the InviteListenerStatusChanged type of state change. |
PFLobbyInviteReceivedStateChange | Information specific to the InviteReceived type of state change. |
PFLobbyJoinArrangedLobbyCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the JoinArrangedLobbyCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyJoinLobbyAsServerCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the JoinLobbyAsServerCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the JoinLobbyCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyLeaveLobbyCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the LeaveLobbyCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyMemberAddedStateChange | Information specific to the MemberAdded type of state change. |
PFLobbyMemberRemovedStateChange | Information specific to the MemberRemoved type of state change. |
PFLobbyPostUpdateCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the PostUpdateCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbySendInviteCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the SendInviteCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyServerDeleteLobbyCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the ServerDeleteLobbyCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyServerLeaveLobbyAsServerCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the ServerLeaveLobbyAsServerCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyServerPostUpdateAsServerCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the ServerPostUpdateAsServerCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyServerPostUpdateCompletedStateChange | Information specific to the ServerPostUpdateCompleted type of state change. |
PFLobbyStateChange | A generic, base structure representation of an event or change in state in the Lobby library. |
PFLobbyUpdatedStateChange | Information specific to the Updated type of state change. |
Enumeration | Description |
PFLobbyAccessPolicy | Values representing the lobby's access policy. |
PFLobbyDisconnectingReason | Reasons the client no longer has access to the Lobby. |
PFLobbyInviteListenerStatus | Values representing the current status of an invite listener. |
PFLobbyMemberConnectionStatus | Values representing the current status of a member's connection status to the notification service. |
PFLobbyMemberRemovedReason | Reasons why a member was removed from a lobby. |
PFLobbyMembershipLock | Values representing the state of the lobby's membership lock. |
PFLobbyOwnerMigrationPolicy | The available policies the lobby service can use to migrate lobby ownership between members. |
PFLobbyServerConnectionStatus | Values representing the current status of the Lobby Server's connection status to the notification service. |
PFLobbyStateChangeType | The types of state changes that can occur in the Lobby library. |