cloudPcReports resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents the Windows 365 Cloud PC-related reports, including the Windows 365 Cloud PC remote connections report.

Use a method in the Methods section to get the corresponding report data in the response. Alternatively, you can use the cloudPCExportJob resource and specify a storage account URL to download the specific report.


Method Return type Description
getActionStatusReports Stream Get the remote action status reports, including data such as the Cloud PC ID, Cloud PC device display name, initiating user's principal name, device owner's user principal name, action taken, and action state.
getCloudPcRecommendationReports Stream Get the device recommendation reports for Cloud PCs, such as the usage category report.
getConnectionQualityReports Stream Get the overall connection quality reports for all devices within a current tenant during a given period, including metrics like the average round trip time (P50), average available bandwidth, and UDP connection percentage. Get other real-time metrics such as last connection round trip time, last connection client IP, last connection gateway, and last connection protocol.
getDailyAggregatedRemoteConnectionReports Stream Get the daily aggregated remote connection reports like round trip time and available bandwidth in a given period.
getFrontlineReport Stream Get Frontline Cloud PC license usage reports, such as servicePlanId, licenseCount, and claimedLicenseCount, for real-time, 7 days, or 28 days trend.
getInaccessibleCloudPcReports Stream Get inaccessible Cloud PCs with details, including the latest health state, failed connection count, failed health check count, and system status.
getRawRemoteConnectionReports Stream Get the raw real-time remote connection report for a Cloud PC without any calculation or aggregation.
getRealTimeRemoteConnectionLatency Stream Get the real-time remote connection latency reports like current round trip time and available bandwidth of a Cloud PC.
getRealTimeRemoteConnectionStatus Stream Get the real-time remote connection status reports like sign-in status or days since the last use of a Cloud PC.
getRemoteConnectionHistoricalReports Stream Get a Cloud PC's remote connection historical reports, such as signInDateTime, signOutDateTime, or usageInHour, in a given period.
getSharedUseLicenseUsageReport (deprecated) Stream Get the shared use license usage reports, such as servicePlanId, licenseCount, and claimedLicenseCount, for real-time, 7 days, or 28 days trend.
getTotalAggregatedRemoteConnectionReports Stream Get the total aggregated remote connection reports, like usage and daysSinceLastUse, in a given period.
retrieveCrossRegionDisasterRecoveryReport Stream Retrieve the Windows 365 cross-region disaster recovery report with configuration health check results, disaster recovery status, latest cross-region restore points, and user settings.


Property Type Description
id String The unique identifier for the reports. Read-only.


Relationship Type Description
exportJobs cloudPcExportJob collection The export jobs created for downloading reports.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.cloudPcReports",
  "id": "String (identifier)"