educationClass resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents a class within a school. The educationClass resource currently corresponds to a Microsoft 365 group and shares the same ID. Students are regular members of the class, and Teachers are owners and have appropriate rights.


For Microsoft 365 experiences to work correctly, teachers must be members of both the teachers and members collections.


Method Return Type Description
Get class educationClass Read properties and relationships of an educationClass object.
Add member educationUser Add a new educationUser for the class by posting to the members navigation property.
List members educationUser collection Get an educationUser object collection.
Remove member educationUser Remove an educationUser from the class through the members navigation property.
List schools educationSchool collection Get an educationSchool object collection.
Add teacher educationUser Add a new educationUser for the class by posting to the teachers navigation property.
List teachers educationUser collection Get a list of teachers for the class.
Remove teacher educationUser Remove an educationUser from the class through the teachers navigation property.
Create educationAssignment Create a new educationAssignment by posting to the assignments collection.
List assignments educationAssignment collection Get an educationAssignment object collection.
List modules educationModule collection Get an educationModule object collection.
Get group group Get the Microsoft 365 group that corresponds to this educationClass.
Create category educationCategory Create a new educationCategory for this class.
List categories educationCategory collection Get a list of educationCategory objects that belong to this class.
Update class educationClass Update educationClass object.
Delete class None Delete educationClass object.
Get delta educationClass collection Get incremental changes for educationClasses.
Get recently modified submissions educationSubmission collection Retrieve submissions modified in the previous seven days.


Property Type Description
id String Unique identifier for the class.
classCode String Class code used by the school to identify the class.
course educationCourse Course information for the class.
createdBy identitySet Entity who created the class.
description String Description of the class.
displayName String Name of the class.
externalId String ID of the class from the syncing system.
externalName String Name of the class in the syncing system.
externalSource String The type of external source this resource was generated from (automatically determined from externalSourceDetail). Possible values are: sis, lms, or manual.
externalSourceDetail String The name of the external source from which this resource was generated.
grade String Grade level of the class.
mailNickname String Mail name for sending email to all members, if this is enabled.
term educationTerm Term for the class.


Relationship Type Description
assignments educationAssignment collection All assignments associated with this class. Nullable.
members educationUser collection All users in the class. Nullable.
modules educationModule collection All modules in the class. Nullable.
schools educationSchool collection All schools that this class is associated with. Nullable.
teachers educationUser collection All teachers in the class. Nullable.
assignmentCategories educationCategory collection All categories associated with this class. Nullable.
assignmentDefaults educationAssignmentDefaults collection Specifies class-level defaults respected by new assignments created in the class.
assignmentSettings educationAssignmentSettings collection Specifies class-level assignments settings.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "classCode": "String",
  "course": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.educationCourse" },
  "createdBy": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.identitySet" },
  "description": "String",
  "displayName": "String",
  "externalId": "String",
  "externalName": "String",
  "externalSource": "string",
  "grade": "string",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "mailNickname": "String",
  "term": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.educationTerm" }