forwardingProfile resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.networkaccess


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

A forwarding profile determines which types of traffic are routed through the Global Secure Access services and which ones are skipped. The handling of specific traffic is determined by the forwarding policies that are added to the forwarding profile.

Inherits from microsoft.graph.networkaccess.profile.


Method Return type Description
List microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile collection Get a list of the microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile objects and their properties.
Get microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile Read the properties and relationships of a microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile object.
List forwarding profiles for branch (deprecated) microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile collection Get a list of the microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile objects for a branch and their properties.
Create forwarding profile for branch (deprecated) microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile Create a microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile object for a branch.
Update forwarding profile for branch (deprecated) None Update the properties of a microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile object for a branch.


Property Type Description
associations microsoft.graph.networkaccess.association collection Specifies the users, groups, devices, and remote networks whose traffic is associated with the given traffic forwarding profile.
description String Profile description. Inherited from microsoft.graph.networkaccess.profile.
id String Identifier for the profile. Inherited from microsoft.graph.entity.
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset Profile last modified time. Inherited from microsoft.graph.networkaccess.profile.
name String Profile name. Inherited from microsoft.graph.networkaccess.profile.
priority Int32 Profile priority.
state microsoft.graph.networkaccess.status Determines whether the profile is active or inactive. Inherited from microsoft.graph.networkaccess.profile. The possible values are: enabled, disabled.
trafficForwardingType microsoft.graph.networkaccess.trafficForwardingType Profile traffic type. The possible values are: m365, internet, private.
version String Version.


Relationship Type Description
policies microsoft.graph.networkaccess.policyLink collection The collection of policies that are linked to this traffic forwarding profile. Inherited from microsoft.graph.networkaccess.profile. Supports $expand and a nested $expand to retrieve the policy. That is /forwardingProfiles?$expand=policies($expand=policy).

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.networkaccess.forwardingProfile",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "name": "String",
  "description": "String",
  "state": "String",
  "version": "String",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "trafficForwardingType": "String",
  "associations": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.networkaccess.association"
  "priority": "Integer"