workbookTableRow resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents a row in a table.


Method Return Type Description
List workbookTableRow collection Get a workbookTableRow object collection.
Add workbookTableRow Add a new row to the table.
Get workbookTableRow Read the properties and relationships of a tableRow object.
Update workbookTableRow Update a workbookTableRow object.
Delete None Delete the row from the table.
Add rows workbookTableRow Add rows to the table.
Get item at workbookTableRow Get a row based on its position in the collection.
Get row range workbookRange Return the range object associated with the entire row.


Property Type Description
index Int32 The index of the row within the rows collection of the table. Zero-based. Read-only.
values Json The raw values of the specified range. The data returned could be of type string, number, or a Boolean. Any cell that contain an error will return the error string.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.workbookTableRow",
  "index": "Integer",
  "values": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.Json"