TaskContainerSettings Class

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.microsoft.azure.batch.protocol.models.TaskContainerSettings

public class TaskContainerSettings

The container settings for a Task.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
List<ContainerHostBatchBindMountEntry> containerHostBatchBindMounts()

Get if this array is null or be not present, container task will mount entire temporary disk drive in windows (or AZ_BATCH_NODE_ROOT_DIR in Linux).

String containerRunOptions()

Get these additional options are supplied as arguments to the "docker create" command, in addition to those controlled by the Batch Service.

String imageName()

Get this is the full Image reference, as would be specified to "docker pull".

ContainerRegistry registry()

Get this setting can be omitted if was already provided at Pool creation.

TaskContainerSettings withContainerHostBatchBindMounts(List<ContainerHostBatchBindMountEntry> containerHostBatchBindMounts)

Set if this array is null or be not present, container task will mount entire temporary disk drive in windows (or AZ_BATCH_NODE_ROOT_DIR in Linux).

TaskContainerSettings withContainerRunOptions(String containerRunOptions)

Set these additional options are supplied as arguments to the "docker create" command, in addition to those controlled by the Batch Service.

TaskContainerSettings withImageName(String imageName)

Set this is the full Image reference, as would be specified to "docker pull".

TaskContainerSettings withRegistry(ContainerRegistry registry)

Set this setting can be omitted if was already provided at Pool creation.

TaskContainerSettings withWorkingDirectory(ContainerWorkingDirectory workingDirectory)

Set the default is 'taskWorkingDirectory'.

ContainerWorkingDirectory workingDirectory()

Get the default is 'taskWorkingDirectory'.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Constructor Details


public TaskContainerSettings()

Method Details


public List containerHostBatchBindMounts()

Get if this array is null or be not present, container task will mount entire temporary disk drive in windows (or AZ_BATCH_NODE_ROOT_DIR in Linux). It won't' mount any data paths into container if this array is set as empty.


the containerHostBatchBindMounts value


public String containerRunOptions()

Get these additional options are supplied as arguments to the "docker create" command, in addition to those controlled by the Batch Service.


the containerRunOptions value


public String imageName()

Get this is the full Image reference, as would be specified to "docker pull". If no tag is provided as part of the Image name, the tag ":latest" is used as a default.


the imageName value


public ContainerRegistry registry()

Get this setting can be omitted if was already provided at Pool creation.


the registry value


public TaskContainerSettings withContainerHostBatchBindMounts(List containerHostBatchBindMounts)

Set if this array is null or be not present, container task will mount entire temporary disk drive in windows (or AZ_BATCH_NODE_ROOT_DIR in Linux). It won't' mount any data paths into container if this array is set as empty.


containerHostBatchBindMounts - the containerHostBatchBindMounts value to set


the TaskContainerSettings object itself.


public TaskContainerSettings withContainerRunOptions(String containerRunOptions)

Set these additional options are supplied as arguments to the "docker create" command, in addition to those controlled by the Batch Service.


containerRunOptions - the containerRunOptions value to set


the TaskContainerSettings object itself.


public TaskContainerSettings withImageName(String imageName)

Set this is the full Image reference, as would be specified to "docker pull". If no tag is provided as part of the Image name, the tag ":latest" is used as a default.


imageName - the imageName value to set


the TaskContainerSettings object itself.


public TaskContainerSettings withRegistry(ContainerRegistry registry)

Set this setting can be omitted if was already provided at Pool creation.


registry - the registry value to set


the TaskContainerSettings object itself.


public TaskContainerSettings withWorkingDirectory(ContainerWorkingDirectory workingDirectory)

Set the default is 'taskWorkingDirectory'. Possible values include: 'taskWorkingDirectory', 'containerImageDefault'.


workingDirectory - the workingDirectory value to set


the TaskContainerSettings object itself.


public ContainerWorkingDirectory workingDirectory()

Get the default is 'taskWorkingDirectory'. Possible values include: 'taskWorkingDirectory', 'containerImageDefault'.


the workingDirectory value

Applies to