UploadBatchServiceLogsResult Class

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.microsoft.azure.batch.protocol.models.UploadBatchServiceLogsResult

public class UploadBatchServiceLogsResult

The result of uploading Batch service log files from a specific compute node.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
int numberOfFilesUploaded()

Get the numberOfFilesUploaded value.

String virtualDirectoryName()

Get the virtual directory name is part of the blob name for each log file uploaded, and it is built based poolId, nodeId and a unique identifier.

UploadBatchServiceLogsResult withNumberOfFilesUploaded(int numberOfFilesUploaded)

Set the numberOfFilesUploaded value.

UploadBatchServiceLogsResult withVirtualDirectoryName(String virtualDirectoryName)

Set the virtual directory name is part of the blob name for each log file uploaded, and it is built based poolId, nodeId and a unique identifier.

Method Details


public int numberOfFilesUploaded()

Get the numberOfFilesUploaded value.


the numberOfFilesUploaded value


public String virtualDirectoryName()

Get the virtual directory name is part of the blob name for each log file uploaded, and it is built based poolId, nodeId and a unique identifier.


the virtualDirectoryName value


public UploadBatchServiceLogsResult withNumberOfFilesUploaded(int numberOfFilesUploaded)

Set the numberOfFilesUploaded value.


numberOfFilesUploaded - the numberOfFilesUploaded value to set


the UploadBatchServiceLogsResult object itself.


public UploadBatchServiceLogsResult withVirtualDirectoryName(String virtualDirectoryName)

Set the virtual directory name is part of the blob name for each log file uploaded, and it is built based poolId, nodeId and a unique identifier.


virtualDirectoryName - the virtualDirectoryName value to set


the UploadBatchServiceLogsResult object itself.

Applies to