ModuleClient Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class ModuleClient extends InternalClient

Public API for communicating from Edge Modules. A ModuleClient can be used to send messages from an Edge module to an EdgeHub or an IotHub. It can also send twin updates and listen for method calls from an EdgeHub or IotHub as well

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
ModuleClient(String connectionString, IotHubClientProtocol protocol)

Constructor for a ModuleClient instance. or

HostName=xxxx;DeviceId=xxxx;SharedAccessKey= xxxx;moduleId=xxxx;HostNameGateway=xxxx

ModuleClient(String connectionString, IotHubClientProtocol protocol, ClientOptions clientOptions)

Constructor for a ModuleClient instance. or

HostName=xxxx;DeviceId=xxxx;SharedAccessKey= xxxx;moduleId=xxxx;HostNameGateway=xxxx

ModuleClient(String hostName, String deviceId, String moduleId, SasTokenProvider sasTokenProvider, IotHubClientProtocol protocol)

Constructor that allows for the client's SAS token generation to be controlled by the user. Note that options in this client such as setting the SAS token expiry time will throw UnsupportedOperationException since the SDK no longer controls that when this constructor is used.

ModuleClient(String hostName, String deviceId, String moduleId, SasTokenProvider sasTokenProvider, IotHubClientProtocol protocol, ClientOptions clientOptions)

Constructor that allows for the client's SAS token generation to be controlled by the user. Note that options in this client such as setting the SAS token expiry time will throw UnsupportedOperationException since the SDK no longer controls that when this constructor is used.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
ModuleClient createFromEnvironment(UnixDomainSocketChannel unixDomainSocketChannel)

Create a module client instance from your environment variables

ModuleClient createFromEnvironment(UnixDomainSocketChannel unixDomainSocketChannel, IotHubClientProtocol protocol)

Create a module client instance from your environment variables

ModuleClient createFromEnvironment(UnixDomainSocketChannel unixDomainSocketChannel, IotHubClientProtocol protocol, ClientOptions clientOptions)

Create a module client instance from your environment variables

DirectMethodResponse invokeMethod(String deviceId, DirectMethodRequest directMethodRequest)

Invoke a method on a device

DirectMethodResponse invokeMethod(String deviceId, String moduleId, DirectMethodRequest directMethodRequest)

Invoke a method on a module

void sendEvent(Message message)
void sendEvent(Message message, String outputName)

Synchronously sends a message to to a particular outputName.

void sendEvent(Message message, String outputName, int timeoutMilliseconds)

Synchronously sends a message to to a particular outputName.

void sendEventAsync(Message message, MessageSentCallback callback, Object callbackContext)
void sendEventAsync(Message message, MessageSentCallback callback, Object callbackContext, String outputName)

Sends a message to a particular outputName asynchronously

ModuleClient setMessageCallback(MessageCallback callback, Object context)

Sets the message callback.

ModuleClient setMessageCallback(String inputName, MessageCallback callback, Object context)

Sets the message callback to be fired when a telemetry message arrives on the specified input channel. All other messages will trigger the default message callback in setMessageCallback(MessageCallback callback, Object context). Any message that triggers this callback will not also trigger the default callback.

Inherited Members

InternalClient.close() InternalClient.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS InternalClient.getConfig() InternalClient.getProductInfo() InternalClient.getTwin() InternalClient.getTwin(int timeoutMilliseconds) InternalClient.getTwinAsync(GetTwinCallback twinCallback, Object callbackContext) InternalClient.getTwinAsync(GetTwinCorrelatingMessageCallback twinCallback, Object callbackContext) withRetry) InternalClient.sendEvent(Message message, int timeoutMilliseconds) InternalClient.sendEvents(List<Message> messages) InternalClient.sendEvents(List<Message> messages, int timeoutMilliseconds) InternalClient.sendEventsAsync(List<Message> messages, MessagesSentCallback callback, Object callbackContext) InternalClient.setConnectionStatusChangeCallback(IotHubConnectionStatusChangeCallback callback, Object callbackContext) InternalClient.setOperationTimeout(long timeout) InternalClient.setRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy retryPolicy) InternalClient.subscribeToDesiredProperties(DesiredPropertiesCallback desiredPropertiesCallback, Object desiredPropertiesCallbackContext) InternalClient.subscribeToDesiredProperties(DesiredPropertiesCallback desiredPropertiesCallback, Object desiredPropertiesCallbackContext, int timeoutMilliseconds) InternalClient.subscribeToDesiredPropertiesAsync(DesiredPropertiesCallback desiredPropertiesCallback, Object desiredPropertiesCallbackContext, SubscriptionAcknowledgedCallback subscriptionAcknowledgedCallback, Object desiredPropertiesSubscriptionCallbackContext) InternalClient.subscribeToMethods(MethodCallback methodCallback, Object methodCallbackContext) InternalClient.subscribeToMethods(MethodCallback methodCallback, Object methodCallbackContext, int timeoutMilliseconds) InternalClient.subscribeToMethodsAsync(MethodCallback methodCallback, Object methodCallbackContext, SubscriptionAcknowledgedCallback methodStatusCallback, Object methodStatusCallbackContext) InternalClient.updateReportedProperties(TwinCollection reportedProperties) InternalClient.updateReportedProperties(TwinCollection reportedProperties, int timeoutMilliseconds) InternalClient.updateReportedPropertiesAsync(TwinCollection reportedProperties, ReportedPropertiesCallback reportedPropertiesCallback, Object callbackContext) InternalClient.updateReportedPropertiesAsync(TwinCollection reportedProperties, ReportedPropertiesUpdateCorrelatingMessageCallback reportedPropertiesUpdateCorrelatingMessageCallback, Object callbackContext)

Constructor Details


public ModuleClient(String connectionString, IotHubClientProtocol protocol)

Constructor for a ModuleClient instance. or

HostName=xxxx;DeviceId=xxxx;SharedAccessKey= xxxx;moduleId=xxxx;HostNameGateway=xxxx


connectionString - The connection string for the edge module to connect to. Must be in format HostName=xxxx;deviceId=xxxx;SharedAccessKey= xxxx;moduleId=xxxx;
protocol - The protocol to use when communicating with the module


UnsupportedOperationException - if using any protocol besides MQTT, if the connection string is missing the "moduleId" field, or if the connection string uses x509
IllegalArgumentException - if the provided connection string is null or empty, or if the provided protocol is null


public ModuleClient(String connectionString, IotHubClientProtocol protocol, ClientOptions clientOptions)

Constructor for a ModuleClient instance. or

HostName=xxxx;DeviceId=xxxx;SharedAccessKey= xxxx;moduleId=xxxx;HostNameGateway=xxxx


connectionString - The connection string for the edge module to connect to. Must be in format HostName=xxxx;deviceId=xxxx;SharedAccessKey= xxxx;moduleId=xxxx;
protocol - The protocol to use when communicating with the module
clientOptions - The options that allow configuration of the module client instance during initialization


UnsupportedOperationException - if using any protocol besides MQTT, if the connection string is missing the "moduleId" field, or if the connection string uses x509
IllegalArgumentException - if the provided connection string is null or empty, or if the provided protocol is null


public ModuleClient(String hostName, String deviceId, String moduleId, SasTokenProvider sasTokenProvider, IotHubClientProtocol protocol)

Constructor that allows for the client's SAS token generation to be controlled by the user. Note that options in this client such as setting the SAS token expiry time will throw UnsupportedOperationException since the SDK no longer controls that when this constructor is used.


hostName - The host name of the IoT hub that this client will connect to.
deviceId - The Id of the device containing the module that the connection will identify as.
moduleId - The Id of the module that the connection will identify as.
sasTokenProvider - The provider of all SAS tokens that are used during authentication.
protocol - The protocol that the client will connect over.


public ModuleClient(String hostName, String deviceId, String moduleId, SasTokenProvider sasTokenProvider, IotHubClientProtocol protocol, ClientOptions clientOptions)

Constructor that allows for the client's SAS token generation to be controlled by the user. Note that options in this client such as setting the SAS token expiry time will throw UnsupportedOperationException since the SDK no longer controls that when this constructor is used.


hostName - The host name of the IoT hub that this client will connect to.
deviceId - The Id of the device containing the module that the connection will identify as.
moduleId - The Id of the module that the connection will identify as.
sasTokenProvider - The provider of all SAS tokens that are used during authentication.
protocol - The protocol that the client will connect over.
clientOptions - The options that allow configuration of the module client instance during initialization.

Method Details


public static ModuleClient createFromEnvironment(UnixDomainSocketChannel unixDomainSocketChannel)

Create a module client instance from your environment variables


unixDomainSocketChannel - the implementation of the UnixDomainSocketChannel interface that will be used if any unix domain socket communication is required. May be null if no unix domain socket communication is required. If this argument is null and unix domain socket communication is required, this method will through an IllegalArgumentException. To check if unix domain socket communication is required for your Edge runtime, check its "IOTEDGE_WORKLOADURI" environment variable. If it is not present, or its value is prefixed with "HTTP" or "HTTPS", then no unix domain socket communication is required, and this argument can be set to null. If its value is present and is prefixed with "unix", then unix domain socket communication will be required, and this argument must not be null.


the created module client instance


IotHubClientException - if the module client cannot be created


public static ModuleClient createFromEnvironment(UnixDomainSocketChannel unixDomainSocketChannel, IotHubClientProtocol protocol)

Create a module client instance from your environment variables


unixDomainSocketChannel - the implementation of the UnixDomainSocketChannel interface that will be used if any unix domain socket communication is required. May be null if no unix domain socket communication is required. If this argument is null and unix domain socket communication is required, this method will through an IllegalArgumentException. To check if unix domain socket communication is required for your Edge runtime, check its "IOTEDGE_WORKLOADURI" environment variable. If it is not present, or its value is prefixed with "HTTP" or "HTTPS", then no unix domain socket communication is required, and this argument can be set to null. If its value is present and is prefixed with "unix", then unix domain socket communication will be required, and this argument must not be null.
protocol - the protocol the module client instance will use


the created module client instance


IotHubClientException - if the module client cannot be created


public static ModuleClient createFromEnvironment(UnixDomainSocketChannel unixDomainSocketChannel, IotHubClientProtocol protocol, ClientOptions clientOptions)

Create a module client instance from your environment variables


unixDomainSocketChannel - the implementation of the UnixDomainSocketChannel interface that will be used if any unix domain socket communication is required. May be null if no unix domain socket communication is required. If this argument is null and unix domain socket communication is required, this method will through an IllegalArgumentException. To check if unix domain socket communication is required for your Edge runtime, check its "IOTEDGE_WORKLOADURI" environment variable. If it is not present, or its value is prefixed with "HTTP" or "HTTPS", then no unix domain socket communication is required, and this argument can be set to null. If its value is present and is prefixed with "unix", then unix domain socket communication will be required, and this argument must not be null.
protocol - the protocol the module client instance will use
clientOptions - The options that allow configuration of the module client instance during initialization


the created module client instance


IotHubClientException - if the module client cannot be created


public DirectMethodResponse invokeMethod(String deviceId, DirectMethodRequest directMethodRequest)

Invoke a method on a device


deviceId - the device to invoke a method on
directMethodRequest - the request containing the method to invoke on the device


the result of the method call


IotHubClientException - if the method cannot be invoked
IllegalArgumentException - if deviceId is null or empty


public DirectMethodResponse invokeMethod(String deviceId, String moduleId, DirectMethodRequest directMethodRequest)

Invoke a method on a module


deviceId - the device the module belongs to
moduleId - the module to invoke the method on
directMethodRequest - the request containing the method to invoke on the device


the result of the method call


IotHubClientException - if the method cannot be invoked
IllegalArgumentException - if deviceId is null or empty, or if moduleId is null or empty


public void sendEvent(Message message)




public void sendEvent(Message message, String outputName)

Synchronously sends a message to to a particular outputName.


message - the message to be sent.
outputName - the outputName to route the message to


InterruptedException - if the operation is interrupted while waiting on the telemetry to be acknowledged by the service.
IllegalStateException - if the client has not been opened yet or is already closed.
IotHubClientException - if the request is rejected by the service for any reason of if the synchronous operation times out.


public void sendEvent(Message message, String outputName, int timeoutMilliseconds)

Synchronously sends a message to to a particular outputName.


message - the message to be sent.
outputName - the outputName to route the message to
timeoutMilliseconds - The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the service to acknowledge this message. If 0, then it will wait indefinitely.


InterruptedException - if the operation is interrupted while waiting on the telemetry to be acknowledged by the service.
IllegalStateException - if the client has not been opened yet or is already closed.
IotHubClientException - if the request is rejected by the service for any reason of if the synchronous operation times out.


public void sendEventAsync(Message message, MessageSentCallback callback, Object callbackContext)




public void sendEventAsync(Message message, MessageSentCallback callback, Object callbackContext, String outputName)

Sends a message to a particular outputName asynchronously


message - the message to send
callback - the callback to be fired when the message is acknowledged by the service
callbackContext - the context to be included in the callback when fired
outputName - the outputName to route the message to


IllegalStateException - if the client has not been opened yet or is already closed.


public ModuleClient setMessageCallback(MessageCallback callback, Object context)

Sets the message callback.


callback -

the message callback. Can benull 

</code> . </p>

context -

the context to be passed to the callback. Can benull 

</code> .</p>


itself, for fluent setting.


IllegalArgumentException -

if the callback isnull 

</code> but a context is passed in. </p>


public ModuleClient setMessageCallback(String inputName, MessageCallback callback, Object context)

Sets the message callback to be fired when a telemetry message arrives on the specified input channel. All other messages will trigger the default message callback in setMessageCallback(MessageCallback callback, Object context). Any message that triggers this callback will not also trigger the default callback.


inputName - the input name channel to listen for.
callback -

the message callback. Can benull 

</code> . </p>

context -

the context to be passed to the callback. Can benull 

</code> .</p>


this object, for fluent setting

Applies to