CoreWebView2Settings Class

Defines properties that enable, disable, or modify WebView features. Changes to CoreWebView2Settings.IsGeneralAutofillEnabled and CoreWebView2Settings.IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled will take effect immediately, while other setting changes made after CoreWebView2.NavigationStarting event do not apply until the next top-level navigation.


Members Description
AreBrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled Determines whether browser-specific accelerator keys are enabled.
AreDefaultContextMenusEnabled Determines whether the default context menus are shown to the user in WebView.
AreDefaultScriptDialogsEnabled Determines whether WebView renders the default JavaScript dialog box.
AreDevToolsEnabled Determines whether the user is able to use the context menu or keyboard shortcuts to open the DevTools window.
AreHostObjectsAllowed Determines whether host objects are accessible from the page in WebView.
HiddenPdfToolbarItems Used to customize the PDF toolbar items.
HostObjectDispatchAdapter The default adapter to be used when passing IInspectable objects to CoreWebView2.AddHostObjectToScript.
IsBuiltInErrorPageEnabled Determines whether to disable built in error page for navigation failure and render process failure.
IsGeneralAutofillEnabled Determines whether general form information will be saved and autofilled.
IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled Determines whether password information will be autosaved.
IsPinchZoomEnabled Determines the ability of the end users to use pinching motions on touch input enabled devices to scale the web content in the WebView2.
IsReputationCheckingRequired Determines whether SmartScreen is enabled when visiting web pages
IsScriptEnabled Determines whether running JavaScript is enabled in all future navigations in the WebView.
IsStatusBarEnabled Determines whether the status bar is displayed.
IsSwipeNavigationEnabled Determines whether the end user to use swiping gesture on touch input enabled devices to navigate in WebView2.
IsWebMessageEnabled Determines whether communication from the host to the top-level HTML document of the WebView is allowed.
IsZoomControlEnabled Determines whether the user is able to impact the zoom of the WebView.
UserAgent Determines WebView2's User Agent.



bool AreBrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled

Determines whether browser-specific accelerator keys are enabled. When this setting is set to false, it disables all accelerator keys that access features specific to a web browser, including but not limited to:

  • Ctrl+F and F3 for Find on Page
  • Ctrl+P for Print
  • Ctrl+R and F5 for Reload
  • Ctrl+Plus and Ctrl+Minus for zooming
  • Ctrl+Shift-C and F12 for DevTools
  • Special keys for browser functions, such as Back, Forward, and Search

It does not disable accelerator keys related to movement and text editing, such as:

  • Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down
  • Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V
  • Ctrl+A for Select All
  • Ctrl+Z for Undo

Those accelerator keys will always be enabled unless they are handled in the CoreWebView2Controller.AcceleratorKeyPressed event.

This setting has no effect on the CoreWebView2Controller.AcceleratorKeyPressed event. The event will be fired for all accelerator keys, whether they are enabled or not.

The default value of AreBrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled is true.


bool AreDefaultContextMenusEnabled

Determines whether the default context menus are shown to the user in WebView. The default value is true.


bool AreDefaultScriptDialogsEnabled

Determines whether WebView renders the default JavaScript dialog box. This is used when loading a new HTML document. If set to false, WebView does not render the default JavaScript dialog box (specifically those displayed by the JavaScript alert, confirm, prompt functions and beforeunload event). Instead, WebView raises CoreWebView2.ScriptDialogOpening event that contains all of the information for the dialog and allow the host app to show a custom UI. The default value is true.


bool AreDevToolsEnabled

Determines whether the user is able to use the context menu or keyboard shortcuts to open the DevTools window. The default value is true.


bool AreHostObjectsAllowed

Determines whether host objects are accessible from the page in WebView. The default value is true.


CoreWebView2PdfToolbarItems HiddenPdfToolbarItems

Used to customize the PDF toolbar items. By default, it is CoreWebView2PdfToolbarItems.None and so it displays all of the items. Changes to this property apply to all CoreWebView2s in the same environment and using the same profile. Changes to this setting apply only after the next navigation.


ICoreWebView2DispatchAdapter HostObjectDispatchAdapter

The default adapter to be used when passing IInspectable objects to CoreWebView2.AddHostObjectToScript.


bool IsBuiltInErrorPageEnabled

Determines whether to disable built in error page for navigation failure and render process failure. When disabled, blank page is displayed when related error happens. The default value is true.


bool IsGeneralAutofillEnabled

Determines whether general form information will be saved and autofilled. General autofill information includes information like names, street and email addresses, phone numbers, and arbitrary input. This excludes password information. When disabled, no suggestions appear, and no new information is saved. When enabled, information is saved, suggestions appear, and clicking on one will populate the form fields. The default value is true. It will apply immediately after setting.


bool IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled

Determines whether password information will be autosaved. When disabled, no new password data is saved and no Save/Update Password prompts are displayed. However, if there was password data already saved before disabling this setting, then that password information is auto-populated, suggestions are shown and clicking on one will populate the fields. When enabled, password information is auto-populated, suggestions are shown and clicking on one will populate the fields, new data is saved, and a Save/Update Password prompt is displayed. The default value is false. It will apply immediately after setting.


bool IsPinchZoomEnabled

Determines the ability of the end users to use pinching motions on touch input enabled devices to scale the web content in the WebView2. When disabled, the end users cannot use pinching motions on touch input enabled devices to scale the web content in the WebView2. The default value is true. Pinch-zoom, referred to as "Page Scale" zoom, is performed as a post-rendering step, it changes the page scale factor property and scales the surface the web page is rendered onto when user performs a pinch zooming action. It does not change the layout but rather changes the viewport and clips the web content, the content outside of the viewport isn't visible onscreen and users can't reach this content using mouse. This API only affects the Page Scale zoom and has no effect on the existing browser zoom properties (CoreWebView2Settings.IsZoomControlEnabled and CoreWebView2Controller.ZoomFactor) or other end user mechanisms for zooming.


bool IsReputationCheckingRequired

Determines whether SmartScreen is enabled when visiting web pages The default value is true. IsReputationCheckingRequired is used to control whether SmartScreen is enabled or not. SmartScreen is enabled or disabled for all CoreWebView2s using the same user data folder. If CoreWebView2Setting.IsReputationCheckingRequired is true for any CoreWebView2 using the same user data folder, then SmartScreen is enabled. If CoreWebView2Setting.IsReputationCheckingRequired is false for all CoreWebView2 using the same user data folder, then SmartScreen is disabled. When it is changed, the change will be applied to all WebViews using the same user data folder on the next navigation or download. If the newly created CoreWebview2 does not set SmartScreen to false, when navigating(Such as Navigate(), LoadDataUrl(), ExecuteScript(), etc.), the default value will be applied to all CoreWebview2 using the same user data folder.


bool IsScriptEnabled

Determines whether running JavaScript is enabled in all future navigations in the WebView. This only affects scripts in the document. Scripts injected with CoreWebView2.ExecuteScriptAsync runs even if script is disabled. The default value is true.


bool IsStatusBarEnabled

Determines whether the status bar is displayed. The status bar is usually displayed in the lower left of the WebView and shows things such as the URI of a link when the user hovers over it and other information. The default value is true. The status bar UI can be altered by web content and should not be considered secure.


bool IsSwipeNavigationEnabled

Determines whether the end user to use swiping gesture on touch input enabled devices to navigate in WebView2. Swiping gesture navigation on touch screen includes:

  • Swipe left/right (swipe horizontally) to navigate to previous/next page in navigation history.
  • Pull to refresh (swipe vertically) the current page. (This feature is currently disabled by default in the browser, to enable in WebView2, set CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions.AdditionalBrowserArguments property with --pull-to-refresh switch). It defaults to true. When set to false, the end user cannot swipe to navigate or pull to refresh. This API only affects the overscrolling navigation functionality and has no effect on the scrolling interaction used to explore the web content shown in WebView2.


bool IsWebMessageEnabled

Determines whether communication from the host to the top-level HTML document of the WebView is allowed. This is used when loading a new HTML document. If set to true, communication from the host to the top-level HTML document of the WebView is allowed using CoreWebView2.PostWebMessageAsJson, CoreWebView2.PostWebMessageAsString, and message event of Communication from the top-level HTML document of the WebView to the host is allowed using function and the CoreWebView2.WebMessageReceived event. If set to false, then communication is disallowed. CoreWebView2.PostWebMessageAsJson and CoreWebView2.PostWebMessageAsString fail and fails by throwing an instance of an Error object. The default value is true.


bool IsZoomControlEnabled

Determines whether the user is able to impact the zoom of the WebView. When disabled, the user is not able to zoom using Ctrl++, Ctr+-, or Ctrl+mouse wheel, but the zoom is set using CoreWebView2Controller.ZoomFactor property. The default value is true.


string UserAgent

Determines WebView2's User Agent. The default value is the default User Agent of the Edge browser. This property may be overridden if the User-Agent header is set in a request. If the parameter is empty the User Agent will not be updated and the current User Agent will remain.

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