Set up a domain
Microsoft Identity Manger (MIM) works with your Active Directory (AD) domain. You should already have AD installed, and make sure you have a domain controller in your environment for a domain that you are able to administer.
This article walks you through the steps to prepare your domain to work alongside MIM.
Create user accounts and groups
All the components of your MIM deployment need their own identities in the domain. This includes the MIM components like Service and Sync, as well as SharePoint and SQL.
This walkthrough uses sample names and values from a company called Contoso. Replace these with your own. For example:
- Domain controller name - corpdc
- Domain name - contoso
- MIM Service Server name - corpservice
- MIM Sync Server name - corpsync
- SQL Server name - corpsql
- Password - Pass@word1
Sign in to the domain controller as the domain administrator (e. g. Contoso\Administrator).
Create the following user accounts for MIM services. Start PowerShell and type the following PowerShell script to update the domain.
import-module activedirectory $sp = ConvertTo-SecureString "Pass@word1" –asplaintext –force New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMINSTALL –name MIMINSTALL Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMINSTALL –NewPassword $sp Set-ADUser –identity MIMINSTALL –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1 New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMMA –name MIMMA Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMMA –NewPassword $sp Set-ADUser –identity MIMMA –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1 New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMSync –name MIMSync Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMSync –NewPassword $sp Set-ADUser –identity MIMSync –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1 New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMService –name MIMService Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMService –NewPassword $sp Set-ADUser –identity MIMService –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1 New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMSSPR –name MIMSSPR Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMSSPR –NewPassword $sp Set-ADUser –identity MIMSSPR –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1 New-ADUser –SamAccountName SharePoint –name SharePoint Set-ADAccountPassword –identity SharePoint –NewPassword $sp Set-ADUser –identity SharePoint –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1 New-ADUser –SamAccountName SqlServer –name SqlServer Set-ADAccountPassword –identity SqlServer –NewPassword $sp Set-ADUser –identity SqlServer –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1 New-ADUser –SamAccountName BackupAdmin –name BackupAdmin Set-ADAccountPassword –identity BackupAdmin –NewPassword $sp Set-ADUser –identity BackupAdmin –Enabled 1 -PasswordNeverExpires 1 New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMpool –name MIMpool Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMPool –NewPassword $sp Set-ADUser –identity MIMPool –Enabled 1 -PasswordNeverExpires 1
Create security groups to all the groups.
New-ADGroup –name MIMSyncAdmins –GroupCategory Security –GroupScope Global –SamAccountName MIMSyncAdmins New-ADGroup –name MIMSyncOperators –GroupCategory Security –GroupScope Global –SamAccountName MIMSyncOperators New-ADGroup –name MIMSyncJoiners –GroupCategory Security –GroupScope Global –SamAccountName MIMSyncJoiners New-ADGroup –name MIMSyncBrowse –GroupCategory Security –GroupScope Global –SamAccountName MIMSyncBrowse New-ADGroup –name MIMSyncPasswordSet –GroupCategory Security –GroupScope Global –SamAccountName MIMSyncPasswordSet Add-ADGroupMember -identity MIMSyncAdmins -Members Administrator Add-ADGroupmember -identity MIMSyncAdmins -Members MIMService Add-ADGroupmember -identity MIMSyncAdmins -Members MIMInstall
Add SPNs to enable Kerberos authentication for service accounts
setspn -S http/ Contoso\mimpool setspn -S http/mim Contoso\mimpool setspn -S http/ Contoso\mimsspr setspn -S http/ Contoso\mimsspr setspn -S FIMService/ Contoso\MIMService setspn -S FIMService/ Contoso\MIMService
During Setup we need to add the following DNS 'A' records for proper name resolution
- Point to corpservice physical ip address
- Point to corpservice physical ip address
- Point to corpservice physical ip address