See What's new in Azure Cognitive Search for the most recent announcements.

Month Feature Description
November Customer-managed key encryption (extended) Extends customer-managed encryption over the full range of assets created and managed by a search service. Generally available.
September Visual Studio Code extension for Azure Cognitive Search Adds a workspace, navigation, intellisense, and templates for creating indexes, indexers, data sources, and skillsets. This feature is currently in public preview.
September System managed service identity (indexers) Generally available.
September Outbound requests using a private link Generally available.
September Management REST API (2020-08-01) Generally available.
September Management REST API (2020-08-01-Preview) Adds shared private link resource for Azure Functions and Azure SQL for MySQL Databases.
September Management .NET SDK 4.0 Azure SDK update for the management SDK, targeted REST API version 2020-08-01. Generally available.
August double encryption Generally available on all search services created after August 1, 2020 in these regions: West US 2, East US, South Central US, US Gov Virginia, US Gov Arizona.
July Azure.Search.Documents client library Azure SDK for .NET, generally available.
July client library Azure SDK for Python, generally available.
July @azure/search-documents client library Azure SDK for JavaScript, generally available.
June Knowledge store Generally available.
June Search REST API 2020-06-30 Generally available.
June Search REST API 2020-06-30-Preview Adds Reset Skillset to selectively reprocess skills, and incremental enrichment.
June Okapi BM25 relevance algorithm Generally available.
June executionEnvironment (applies to search services using Azure Private Link.) Generally available.
June AML skill (preview) A cognitive skill that extends AI enrichment with a custom Azure Machine Learning (AML) model.
May Debug sessions (preview) Skillset debugger in the portal.
May IP rules for in-bound firewall support Generally available.
May Azure Private Link for a private search endpoint Generally available.
May Managed service identity (indexers) - (preview) Connect to Azure data sources using a managed identity.
May sessionId query parameter, scoringStatistics=global parameter Global search statistics, useful for machine learning (LearnToRank) models for search relevance.
May featuresMode relevance score expansion (preview)
March Native blob soft delete (preview) Deletes search documents if the source blob is soft-deleted in blob storage.
March Management REST API (2020-03-13) Generally available.
February PII Detection skill A cognitive skill that extracts and masks personal information.
February Custom Entity Lookup skill A cognitive skill that finds words and phrases from a list and labels all documents with matching entities.
January Customer-managed key encryption Generally available
January IP rules for in-bound firewall support New IpRule and NetworkRuleSet properties in CreateOrUpdate API.
January Create a private endpoint Set up a Private Link for secure connections to your search service. This preview feature has a dependency Azure Private Link and Azure Virtual Network as part of the solution.