regex_iterator Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at regex_iterator Class.

Iterator class for matches.


class regex_iterator {  
   typedef basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits>  
   typedef match_results<BidIt> value_type;  
   typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;  
   typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;  
   typedef const match_results<BidIt>* pointer;  
   typedef const match_results<BidIt>& reference;  
   regex_iterator(BidIt first, BidIt last,  
   const regex_type& re,  
   regex_constants::match_flag_type f = regex_constants::match_default);
   bool operator==(const regex_iterator& right);
   bool operator!=(const regex_iterator& right);
   const match_results<BidIt>& operator*();
   const match_results<BidIt> * operator->();
   regex_iterator& operator++();
   regex_iterator& operator++(int);
   BidIt begin;
   // exposition only  
   BidIt end;
   // exposition only  
   regex_type *pregex;     // exposition only  
   regex_constants::match_flag_type flags; // exposition only  
   match_results<BidIt> match;
   // exposition only  


The iterator type for submatches.

The type of elements to match.

Traits class for elements.


The template class describes a constant forward iterator object. It extracts objects of type match_results<BidIt> by repeatedly applying its regular expression object *pregex to the character sequence defined by the iterator range [begin, end).


See the following topics for examples on regular expressions:


Header: <regex>

Namespace: std


The type of an iterator difference.

typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;  


The type is a synonym for std::ptrdiff_t.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_difference_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


The type of the iterator category.

typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;  


The type is a synonym for std::forward_iterator_tag.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_iterator_category.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


Compares iterators for inequality.

bool operator!=(const regex_iterator& right);


The iterator to compare to.


The member function returns !(*this == right).


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_operator_ne.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


Accesses the designated match.

const match_results<BidIt>& operator*();


The member function returns the stored value match.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_operator_star.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


Increments the iterator.

regex_iterator& operator++();

regex_iterator& operator++(int);


If the current match has no characters the first operator calls regex_search(begin, end, match, *pregex, flags | regex_constants::match_prev_avail | regex_constants::match_not_null); otherwise it advances the stored value begin to point to the first character after the current match then calls regex_search(begin, end, match, *pregex, flags | regex_constants::match_prev_avail). In either case, if the search fails the operator sets the object to an end-of-sequence iterator. The operator returns the object.

The second operator makes a copy of the object, increments the object, then returns the copy.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_operator_inc.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


Compares iterators for equality.

bool operator==(const regex_iterator& right);


The iterator to compare to.


The member function returns true if *this and right are both end-of-sequence iterators or if neither is an end-of-sequence iterator and begin == right.begin, end == right.end, pregex == right.pregex, and flags == right.flags. Otherwise it returns false.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_operator_as.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


Accesses the designated match.

const match_results<BidIt> * operator->();


The member function returns the address of the stored value match.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_operator_arrow.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


The type of a pointer to a match.

typedef match_results<BidIt> *pointer;  


The type is a synonym for match_results<BidIt>*, where BidIt is the template parameter.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_pointer.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


The type of a reference to a match.

typedef match_results<BidIt>& reference;  


The type is a synonym for match_results<BidIt>&, where BidIt is the template parameter.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_reference.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


Constructs the iterator.


regex_iterator(BidIt first,
    BidIt last,  
    const regex_type& re,
    regex_constants::match_flag_type f = regex_constants::match_default);


Beginning of sequence to match.

End of sequence to match.

Regular expression for matches.

Flags for matches.


The first constructor constructs an end-of-sequence iterator. The second constructor initializes the stored value begin with first, the stored value end with last, the stored value pregex with &re, and the stored value flags with f. It then calls regex_search(begin, end, match, *pregex, flags). If the search fails, the constructor sets the object to an end-of-sequence iterator.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_construct.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


The type of the regular expression to match.

typedef basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits> regex_type;  


The typedef is a synonym for basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits>.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_regex_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  


The type of a match.

typedef match_results<BidIt> value_type;  


The type is a synonym for match_results<BidIt>, where BidIt is the template parameter.


// std_tr1__regex__regex_iterator_value_type.cpp   
// compile with: /EHsc   
#include <regex>   
#include <iostream>   
typedef std::regex_iterator<const char *> Myiter;   
int main()   
    const char *pat = "axayaz";   
    Myiter::regex_type rx("a");   
    Myiter next(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter end;   
    for (; next != end; ++next)   
        std::cout << "match == " << next->str() << std::endl;   
// other members   
    Myiter it1(pat, pat + strlen(pat), rx);   
    Myiter it2(it1);   
    next = it1;   
    Myiter::iterator_category cat = std::forward_iterator_tag();   
    Myiter::difference_type dif = -3;   
    Myiter::value_type mr = *it1;   
    Myiter::reference ref = mr;   
    Myiter::pointer ptr = &ref;   
    dif = dif; // to quiet "unused" warnings   
    ptr = ptr;   
    return (0);   
match == a  
match == a  
match == a  

See Also
