CSettingsStore Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at CSettingsStore Class.

Wraps Windows API functions, providing an object-oriented interface that you use to access the registry.


class CSettingsStore : public CObject  


Public Constructors

Name Description
CSettingsStore::CSettingsStore Constructs a CSettingsStore object.

Public Methods

Name Description
CSettingsStore::Close Closes the open registry key.
CSettingsStore::CreateKey Opens the specified key or creates it if it does not exist.
CSettingsStore::DeleteKey Deletes the specified key and all its children.
CSettingsStore::DeleteValue Deletes the specified value of the open key.
CSettingsStore::Open Opens the specified key.
CSettingsStore::Read Retrieves the data for a specified key value.
CSettingsStore::Write Writes a value to the registry under the open key.


The member functions CreateKey and Open are very similar. If the registry key already exists, CreateKey and Open function in the same way. However, if the registry key does not exist, CreateKey will create it whereas Open will return an error value.


The following example demonstrates how to use the Open and Read methods of the CSettingsStore class. This code snippet is part of the Tool Tip Demo sample.

 CSettingsStore reg (FALSE, TRUE);
    DWORD dwEnableBalloonTips = 1;

    if (reg.Open (_T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced")) &&
        reg.Read (_T("EnableBalloonTips"), dwEnableBalloonTips))
        return dwEnableBalloonTips == 1;

Inheritance Hierarchy




Header: afxsettingsstore.h


Closes the open registry key.

virtual void Close();


By default, this method is called from the destructor of the CSettingsStore Class.


Opens a registry key or creates it if it does not exist.

virtual BOOL CreateKey(LPCTSTR pszPath);


[in] pszPath
Specifies the name of a key to be created or opened.

Return Value

0 if successful; otherwise a nonzero value.


CreateKey uses m_hKey as the root of registry inquiries. It searches for pszPath as a subkey of m_hKey. If the key does not exist, CreateKey creates it. Otherwise, it opens the key. CreateKey then sets m_hKey to the created or opened key.


Creates a CSettngsStore object.

    BOOL bAdmin,  
    BOOL bReadOnly);


[in] bAdmin
Boolean parameter that specifies whether the CSettingsStore object is acting in administrator mode.

[in] bReadOnly
Boolean parameter that specifies whether the CSettingsStore object is created in read-only mode.


If bAdmin is set to false, the m_hKey member variable is set to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. If you set bAdmin to true, m_hKey is set to HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

The security access depends on the bReadOnly parameter. If bReadonly is false, the security access will be set to KEY_ALL_ACCESS. If bReadyOnly is true, the security access will be set to a combination of KEY_QUERY_VALUE, KEY_NOTIFY and KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS. For more information about security access together with the registry, see Registry Key Security and Access Rights.

The destructor for CSettingsStore releases m_hKey automatically.


Deletes a key and all its children from the registry.

virtual BOOL DeleteKey(
    LPCTSTR pszPath,  
    BOOL bAdmin = FALSE);


[in] pszPath
The name of the key to delete.

[in] bAdmin
Switch that specifies the location of the key to delete.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


This method will fail if the CSettingsStore object is in read-only mode.

If the parameter bAdmin is zero, DeleteKey searches for the key to delete under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. If bAdmin is nonzero, DeleteKey searches for the key to delete under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.


Deletes a value from m_hKey.

virtual BOOL DeleteValue(LPCTSTR pszValue);


[in] pszValue
Specifies the value field to remove.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


Opens a registry key.

virtual BOOL Open(LPCTSTR pszPath);


[in] pszPath
The name of a registry key.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


After this method successfully opens the specified key, it sets m_hKey to the handle of this key.


Reads a value from a key in the registry.

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    int& iVal);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    DWORD& dwVal);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CString& sVal);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CStringList& scStringList);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CStringArray& scArray);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CDWordArray& dwcArray);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CWordArray& wcArray);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CByteArray& bcArray);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    LPPOINT& lpPoint);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CRect& rect);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    BYTE** ppData,  
    UINT* pBytes);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CObList& list);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CObject& obj);

virtual BOOL Read(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CObject*& pObj);


[in] pszKey
Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the value to read from the registry.

[out] iVal
Reference to an integer variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] dwVal
Reference to a 32-bit double word variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] sVal
Reference to a string variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] scStringList
Reference to a string list variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] scArray
Reference to a string array variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] dwcArray
Reference to a 32-bit double word array variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] wcArray
Reference to a 16-bit word array variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] bcArray
Reference to a byte array variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] lpPoint
Reference to a pointer to a POINT structure that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] rect
Reference to a CRect variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] ppData
Pointer to a pointer to data that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] pBytes
Pointer to an unsigned integer variable. This variable receives the size of the buffer that ppData points to.

[out] list
Reference to a CObList variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] obj
Reference to a CObject variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

[out] pObj
Reference to a pointer to a CObject variable that receives the value read from the registry key.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


Read checks for pszKey as a subkey of m_hKey.


Writes a value to the registry under the open key.

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    int iVal);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    DWORD dwVal);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    LPCTSTR pszVal);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CStringList& scStringList);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CByteArray& bcArray);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CStringArray& scArray);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CDWordArray& dwcArray);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CWordArray& wcArray);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    const CRect& rect);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    LPPOINT& lpPoint);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    LPBYTE pData,  
    UINT nBytes);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CObList& list);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CObject& obj);

virtual BOOL Write(
    LPCTSTR pszKey,  
    CObject* pObj);


[in] pszKey
Pointer to a string that contains the name of the value to set.

[in] iVal
Reference to an integer variable that contains the data to store.

[in] dwVal
Reference to a 32-bit double word variable that contains the data to store.

[in] pszVal
Pointer to a null-terminated string variable that contains the data to store.

[in] scStringList
Reference to a CStringList variable that contains the data to store.

[in] bcArray
Reference to a byte array variable that contains the data to store.

[in] scArray
Reference to a string array variable that contains the data to store.

[in] dwcArray
Reference to a 32-bit double word array variable that contains the data to store.

[in] wcArray
Reference to a 16-bit word array variable that contains the data to store.

[in] rect
Reference to a CRect variable that contains the data to store.

[in] lpPoint
Reference to a pointer to a POINT variable that contains the data to store.

[in] pData
Pointer to a buffer that contains the data to store.

[in] nBytes
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the data to which the pData parameter points.

[in] list
Reference to a CObList variable that contains the data to store.

[in] obj
Reference to a CObject variable that contains the data to store.

[in] pObj
Pointer to a pointer to a CObject variable that contains the data to store.

Return Value

TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE.


In order to write to the registry, you must set bReadOnly to a nonzero value when you create a CSettingsStore object. For more information, see CSettingsStore::CSettingsStore.

See Also

Hierarchy Chart
CWinAppEx Class