IEvalRat Interface

This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The IEvalRat interface is used to evaluate content ratings carried by a broadcast stream. This interface is exposed by the EvalRat (ratings evaluator) object. The EvalRat object is implemented by third parties.

The Encrypter/Tagger filter and the Decrypter/Detagger filter use this interface. Applications use the interfaces exposed by those filters, but typically do not use the IEvalRat interface.



The IEvalRat interface inherits the methods of the IDispatch interface.

In addition, IEvalRat defines the following methods.

Method Description


Determines whether content is blocked for a given rating system and rating level.


Indicates whether a program without rating information is blocked.


Compares two ratings and returns the more restrictive of the two.


Specifies whether to block content that has a specified rating.


Specifies whether to block a program for which rating information has not been obtained.


Determines whether a program with the specified rating should be blocked.

See Also

TV Ratings Interfaces

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Build date: 12/4/2008