IEvalRat::get_BlockedRatingAttributes Method

This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.
The get_BlockedRatingAttributes method determines whether content is blocked for a given rating system and rating level.


HRESULT get_BlockedRatingAttributes(
  [in]           EnTvRat_System enSystem,
  [in]           EnTvRat_GenericLevel enLevel,
  [out, retval]  LONG *plbfAttrs


  • enSystem [in]
    Specifies the rating system, as an EnTvRat_System enumeration type.

  • enLevel [in]
    Specifies the rating level, as an EnTvRat_GenericLevel enumeration type. The meaning of this value depends on the rating system.

  • plbfAttrs [out]
    [out, retval] Receives a bitwise combination of flags from the BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes enumeration. The flags indicate whether the overall rating is blocked, or specific attributes within the rating are blocked.

Return Value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include those in the following table.

Return code Description


Invalid argument.


NULL pointer argument.


The method succeeded.


If the BfIsBlocked flag is set, all content with the specified rating level will be blocked. If one of the BfIsAttr_ X flags is set, any content with that rating level and attribute will be blocked.


Header Declared in Tvratings.h.

See Also

IEvalRat Interface

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Build date: 12/4/2008