HostedControl Members

This control makes it easier to create WinForm applications by wrapping the most common operations into a base class.

The following tables list the members exposed by the HostedControl type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  HostedControl Overloaded.  


Protected Fields

  Name Description
protected field actions Dictionary of actions
protected field actionsByID Dictionary of actions


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property AccessibilityObject  (inherited from Control)
public property AccessibleDefaultActionDescription  (inherited from Control)
public property AccessibleDescription  (inherited from Control)
public property AccessibleName  (inherited from Control)
public property AccessibleRole  (inherited from Control)
public property ActiveControl  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property AgentID Useful for management apps that need to know who is logged into them. This is used for apps supporting the IHostedApplication2 interface.
public property AllowDrop  (inherited from Control)
public property Anchor  (inherited from Control)
public property AppHostWorkItem For CAB integration purposes only; allows injection of current WorkItem
public property ApplicationID Returns the unique id for this hosted application.
public property ApplicationName Returns the name of the hosted application as given in the database.
public property AutoScaleDimensions  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property AutoScaleMode  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property AutoScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property AutoScrollMargin  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property AutoScrollMinSize  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property AutoScrollOffset  (inherited from Control)
public property AutoScrollPosition  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property AutoSize  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
public property AutoSizeMode  (inherited from UserControl)
public property AutoValidate  Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property BackColor  (inherited from Control)
public property BackgroundImage  (inherited from Control)
public property BackgroundImageLayout  (inherited from Control)
public property BindingContext  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
public property BorderStyle  (inherited from UserControl)
public property Bottom  (inherited from Control)
public property Bounds  (inherited from Control)
public property CanEmbed Returns true if the application can be hosted within the UII panels. False if the application can only be integrated with UII via scripts.
public property CanFocus  (inherited from Control)
public property CanSelect  (inherited from Control)
public property Capture  (inherited from Control)
public property CausesValidation  (inherited from Control)
public property ClientRectangle  (inherited from Control)
public property ClientSize  (inherited from Control)
public property CompanyName  (inherited from Control)
public property ConfigurationReader Gets or set the hosted controls Configuration Value reader object.
public property Container  (inherited from Component)
public property ContainsFocus  (inherited from Control)
public property Context Contains session-wide context. Modifying this also notifies other applications of the context change.
public property ContextMenu  (inherited from Control)
public property ContextMenuStrip  (inherited from Control)
public property Controls  (inherited from Control)
public property Created  (inherited from Control)
public property CurrentAutoScaleDimensions  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property Cursor  (inherited from Control)
public property DataBindings  (inherited from Control)
public property DisplayGroup The name of the UII panel this application is hosted within. This is taken from the database Application table initialization XML.
public property DisplayRectangle  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
public property Disposing  (inherited from Control)
public property Dock  (inherited from Control)
public property DockPadding  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property EnableAutoSignOn Get the value of private member variable enableAutoSignOn.
public property Enabled  (inherited from Control)
public property Focused  (inherited from Control)
public property Font  (inherited from Control)
public property ForeColor  (inherited from Control)
public property Handle  (inherited from Control)
public property HasChildren  (inherited from Control)
public property Height  (inherited from Control)
public property HorizontalScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property Icon Used for hosted WinForm apps that want a simple way to set their icons.
public property ImeMode  (inherited from Control)
public property ImplementedAsCcf20 Allows system to run certain routines as CCF 2.0 or prior
public property InvokeRequired  (inherited from Control)
public property IsAccessible  (inherited from Control)
public property IsAdapterSessionController Gets a boolean indicating whether the adapter is a SessionController.
public property IsDisposed  (inherited from Control)
public property IsDynamic Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is dynamic.
public property IsGlobal Tells whether the hosted application is global
public property IsHandleCreated  (inherited from Control)
public property IsListed Allows to be seen but not listed in SessionExplorer or CurrentSessionUI
public property IsMirrored  (inherited from Control)
public property IsNavigating Could be used to indicate an application is changing its state.
public property IsTagged When true, application is dependent on workflow
public property LayoutEngine  (inherited from Control)
public property Left  (inherited from Control)
public property Location  (inherited from Control)
public property Margin  (inherited from Control)
public property MaximumSize  (inherited from Control)
public property MinimumSize  (inherited from Control)
public property Name  (inherited from Control)
public property OptimumSize The size that the applications's window will initially be if it is a floating window.
public property Padding  (inherited from Control)
public property Parent  (inherited from Control)
public property ParentForm  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property PreferredSize  (inherited from Control)
public property ProductName  (inherited from Control)
public property ProductVersion  (inherited from Control)
public property RecreatingHandle  (inherited from Control)
public property Region  (inherited from Control)
public property Right  (inherited from Control)
public property RightToLeft  (inherited from Control)
public property SessionManager Allows hosted apps to have access to sessions
public property Site  Overridden. (inherited from Component)
public property Size  (inherited from Control)
public property TabIndex  (inherited from Control)
public property TabStop  (inherited from Control)
public property Tag  (inherited from Control)
public property Text Sets/Gets the text for the window or tab control containing this application.
public property Top  (inherited from Control)
public property TopLevelControl  (inherited from Control)
public property TopLevelWindow Returns a control for the owning window of this hosted app. If this is an external application, then null is returned.
public property UseWaitCursor  (inherited from Control)
public property VerticalScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property Visible  (inherited from Control)
public property Width  (inherited from Control)
public property WindowTarget  (inherited from Control)


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property AutoScaleFactor  (inherited from ContainerControl)
protected property CanEnableIme  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected property CanRaiseEvents  Overridden. (inherited from Component)
protected property CreateParams  Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl)
protected property DefaultCursor  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultImeMode  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultMargin  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultMaximumSize  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultMinimumSize  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultPadding  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultSize  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected property DesignMode  (inherited from Component)
protected property DoubleBuffered  (inherited from Control)
protected property Events  (inherited from Component)
protected property FontHeight  (inherited from Control)
protected property HScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
protected property ImeModeBase  (inherited from Control)
protected property ResizeRedraw  (inherited from Control)
protected property ScaleChildren  (inherited from Control)
protected property VScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method AddAction Adds an action for use from one application or the UII core to this application. An action with id of 1 is the default action and is called when initing the application. There is no requirement to have a default action though.
public method BeginInvoke  (inherited from Control)
public method BeginInvoke  (inherited from Control)
public method BringToFront  (inherited from Control)
public method Close Called when the app is closed.
public method Contains  (inherited from Control)
public method CreateControl  (inherited from Control)
public method CreateGraphics  (inherited from Control)
public method CreateObjRef  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
public method Dispose  (inherited from Component)
public method DoAction Overloaded.  
public method DoDefaultAction Performs this hosted application's default action, if there is one. The default action is the one with an id of 1, but it is not required.
public method DoDragDrop  (inherited from Control)
public method DrawToBitmap  (inherited from Control)
public method EndInvoke  (inherited from Control)
public method Equals  (inherited from Object)
public method ErrorMsg So hosted winform applications can use this and have the same error message style as the rest of the desktop.
public method FindForm  (inherited from Control)
public method FireChangeContext Informs all the other applications that the context has changed.
public method FireRequestAction Sends a request to perform some action to another application. If the RequestActionEventArgs has a target of *, then all apps get the action.
public method Focus  (inherited from Control)
public method GetChildAtPoint  (inherited from Control)
public method GetChildAtPoint  (inherited from Control)
public method GetContainerControl  (inherited from Control)
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetIconList Gets the icon images
public method GetLifetimeService  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
public method GetNextControl  (inherited from Control)
public method GetPreferredSize  (inherited from Control)
public method GetStateData Gets the application state data for the windows application For now we retrieve only the InputText value
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method HandleRequestAction This is for internal UII use only. Please do not use directly. Public visibility necessary for CAB integration.
public method HandleRequestDefaultAction This is for internal UII use only. Please do not use directly. Public visibility necessary for CAB integration.
public method Hide  (inherited from Control)
public method Initialize Called when the application should initialize its internal state
public method InitializeLifetimeService  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
public method Invalidate  (inherited from Control)
public method Invalidate  (inherited from Control)
public method Invalidate  (inherited from Control)
public method Invalidate  (inherited from Control)
public method Invalidate  (inherited from Control)
public method Invalidate  (inherited from Control)
public method Invoke  (inherited from Control)
public method Invoke  (inherited from Control)
public method NotifyContextChange Overloaded.  
public method PerformAutoScale  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public method PerformLayout  (inherited from Control)
public method PerformLayout  (inherited from Control)
public method PointToClient  (inherited from Control)
public method PointToScreen  (inherited from Control)
public method PreProcessControlMessage  (inherited from Control)
public method PreProcessMessage  (inherited from Control)
public method RectangleToClient  (inherited from Control)
public method RectangleToScreen  (inherited from Control)
public method Refresh  (inherited from Control)
public method ResetBackColor  (inherited from Control)
public method ResetBindings  (inherited from Control)
public method ResetCursor  (inherited from Control)
public method ResetFont  (inherited from Control)
public method ResetForeColor  (inherited from Control)
public method ResetImeMode  (inherited from Control)
public method ResetRightToLeft  (inherited from Control)
public method ResetText  (inherited from Control)
public method ResumeLayout  (inherited from Control)
public method ResumeLayout  (inherited from Control)
public method Scale  (inherited from Control)
public method Scale  Obsolete.  (inherited from Control)
public method Scale  Obsolete.  (inherited from Control)
public method ScrollControlIntoView  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public method Select  (inherited from Control)
public method SelectNextControl  (inherited from Control)
public method SendToBack  (inherited from Control)
public method SessionChange Called for global applications when the session is activated or deactivated Not called for non-global applications.
public method SetAutoScrollMargin  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public method SetBounds  (inherited from Control)
public method SetBounds  (inherited from Control)
public method SetContext Overloaded.  
public method SetStateData Sets the StateData to the controls
public method Show  (inherited from Control)
public method SuspendLayout  (inherited from Control)
public method ToString  Overridden. (inherited from Object)
public method Update  (inherited from Control)
public method Validate  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public method Validate  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public method ValidateChildren  Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl)
public method ValidateChildren  Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method AccessibilityNotifyClients  (inherited from Control)
protected method AddImplicitAction Adds implicit action . Action Id will use the maximum available int .
protected method AdjustFormScrollbars  Overridden. (inherited from ScrollableControl)
protected method CreateAccessibilityInstance  (inherited from Control)
protected method CreateControlsInstance  (inherited from Control)
protected method CreateHandle  (inherited from Control)
protected method DefWndProc  (inherited from Control)
protected method DestroyHandle  (inherited from Control)
protected method Dispose  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method DoAction Overloaded.  
protected method Finalize  Overridden. (inherited from Object)
protected method GetAccessibilityObjectById  (inherited from Control)
protected method GetAutoSizeMode  (inherited from Control)
protected method GetScaledBounds  (inherited from Control)
protected method GetScrollState  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
protected method GetService  (inherited from Component)
protected method GetStyle  (inherited from Control)
protected method GetTopLevel  (inherited from Control)
protected method InitLayout  (inherited from Control)
protected method InvokeGotFocus  (inherited from Control)
protected method InvokeLostFocus  (inherited from Control)
protected method InvokeOnClick  (inherited from Control)
protected method InvokePaint  (inherited from Control)
protected method InvokePaintBackground  (inherited from Control)
protected method IsInputChar  (inherited from Control)
protected method IsInputKey  (inherited from Control)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)
protected method NotifyInvalidate  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnAutoSizeChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnAutoValidateChanged  (inherited from ContainerControl)
protected method OnBackColorChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnBackgroundImageChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnBindingContextChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnCausesValidationChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnChangeUICues  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnClick  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnClientSizeChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnContextMenuChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnContextMenuStripChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnControlAdded  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnControlRemoved  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnCreateControl  Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl)
protected method OnCursorChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnDockChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnDoubleClick  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnDragDrop  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnDragEnter  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnDragLeave  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnDragOver  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnEnabledChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnEnter  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnFontChanged  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method OnForeColorChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnGiveFeedback  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnGotFocus  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnHandleCreated  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnHandleDestroyed  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnHelpRequested  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnImeModeChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnInvalidated  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnKeyDown  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnKeyPress  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnKeyUp  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnLayout  Overridden. (inherited from ScrollableControl)
protected method OnLeave  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnLoad  (inherited from UserControl)
protected method OnLocationChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnLostFocus  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMarginChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseCaptureChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseClick  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseDoubleClick  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseDown  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseEnter  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseHover  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseLeave  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseMove  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseUp  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseWheel  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMove  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnNotifyMessage  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnPaddingChanged  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method OnPaint  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnPaintBackground  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentBackColorChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentBackgroundImageChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentBindingContextChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentChanged  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentCursorChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentEnabledChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentFontChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentForeColorChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentRightToLeftChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnParentVisibleChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnPreviewKeyDown  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnPrint  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnQueryContinueDrag  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnRegionChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnResize  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method OnRightToLeftChanged  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method OnScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
protected method OnSizeChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnStyleChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnSystemColorsChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnTabIndexChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnTabStopChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnTextChanged  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnValidated  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnValidating  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnVisibleChanged  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method ProcessCmdKey  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method ProcessDialogChar  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method ProcessDialogKey  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method ProcessKeyEventArgs  (inherited from Control)
protected method ProcessKeyPreview  (inherited from Control)
protected method ProcessTabKey  (inherited from ContainerControl)
protected method RaiseDragEvent  (inherited from Control)
protected method RaiseKeyEvent  (inherited from Control)
protected method RaiseMouseEvent  (inherited from Control)
protected method RaisePaintEvent  (inherited from Control)
protected method RecreateHandle  (inherited from Control)
protected method ResetMouseEventArgs  (inherited from Control)
protected method RtlTranslateAlignment  (inherited from Control)
protected method RtlTranslateAlignment  (inherited from Control)
protected method RtlTranslateAlignment  (inherited from Control)
protected method RtlTranslateHorizontal  (inherited from Control)
protected method RtlTranslateLeftRight  (inherited from Control)
protected method ScaleControl  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method ScaleCore  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method ScrollToControl  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
protected method Select  Overridden. (inherited from Control)
protected method SetAutoSizeMode  (inherited from Control)
protected method SetBoundsCore  (inherited from Control)
protected method SetClientSizeCore  (inherited from Control)
protected method SetDisplayRectLocation  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
protected method SetScrollState  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
protected method SetStyle  (inherited from Control)
protected method SetTopLevel  (inherited from Control)
protected method SetVisibleCore  (inherited from Control)
protected method SizeFromClientSize  (inherited from Control)
protected method UpdateBounds  (inherited from Control)
protected method UpdateBounds  (inherited from Control)
protected method UpdateDefaultButton  (inherited from ContainerControl)
protected method UpdateStyles  (inherited from Control)
protected method UpdateZOrder  (inherited from Control)
protected method WndProc  Overridden. (inherited from ContainerControl)


Public Events

  Name Description
public event ActionCompleted For internal use Obsolete.
public event ActionCompletedEvent Event to notify ApplicationHost that an action has completed. Using CAB's EventBroker to publish the event topic.
public event AutoSizeChanged  (inherited from UserControl)
public event AutoValidateChanged  (inherited from UserControl)
public event BackColorChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event BackgroundImageChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event BackgroundImageLayoutChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event BindingContextChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event CausesValidationChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event ChangeContext This event is for internal UII use only and should not be used directly. If your hosted control wants to recieve context change notification, you should be overriding NotifyContextChange method in your implementation.
public event ChangeUICues  (inherited from Control)
public event Click  (inherited from Control)
public event ClientSizeChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event ContextMenuChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event ContextMenuStripChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event ControlAdded  (inherited from Control)
public event ControlRemoved  (inherited from Control)
public event CursorChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event Disposed  (inherited from Component)
public event DockChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event DoubleClick  (inherited from Control)
public event DragDrop  (inherited from Control)
public event DragEnter  (inherited from Control)
public event DragLeave  (inherited from Control)
public event DragOver  (inherited from Control)
public event EnabledChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event Enter  (inherited from Control)
public event FontChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event ForeColorChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event GiveFeedback  (inherited from Control)
public event GotFocus  (inherited from Control)
public event HandleCreated  (inherited from Control)
public event HandleDestroyed  (inherited from Control)
public event HelpRequested  (inherited from Control)
public event ImeModeChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event Invalidated  (inherited from Control)
public event KeyDown  (inherited from Control)
public event KeyPress  (inherited from Control)
public event KeyUp  (inherited from Control)
public event Layout  (inherited from Control)
public event Leave  (inherited from Control)
public event Load  (inherited from UserControl)
public event LocationChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event LostFocus  (inherited from Control)
public event MarginChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseCaptureChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseClick  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseDoubleClick  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseDown  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseEnter  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseHover  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseLeave  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseMove  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseUp  (inherited from Control)
public event MouseWheel  (inherited from Control)
public event Move  (inherited from Control)
public event PaddingChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event Paint  (inherited from Control)
public event ParentChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event PreviewKeyDown  (inherited from Control)
public event QueryAccessibilityHelp  (inherited from Control)
public event QueryContinueDrag  (inherited from Control)
public event RegionChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event RequestAction For internal use Obsolete.
public event RequestActionEvent Event to request an action of another application to be invoked. Using CAB's EventBroker to publish the event topic.
public event RequestActionStatusEvent Event to notify ApplicationHost of action status.
public event Resize  (inherited from Control)
public event RightToLeftChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event Scroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public event SizeChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event StyleChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event SystemColorsChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event TabIndexChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event TabStopChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event TextChanged  (inherited from UserControl)
public event Validated  (inherited from Control)
public event Validating  (inherited from Control)
public event VisibleChanged  (inherited from Control)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
  ActivateControl  (inherited from ContainerControl)
  OnDragDrop  (inherited from Control)
  OnDragEnter  (inherited from Control)
  OnDragLeave  (inherited from Control)
  OnDragOver  (inherited from Control)


See Also


HostedControl Class
Microsoft.Uii.Csr Namespace

Unified Service Desk
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