sp_help_log_shipping_primary_secondary (Transact-SQL)
This stored procedure returns information regarding all the secondary databases for a given primary database.
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions
[ @primary_database = ] 'primary_database'
- [ @primary_database = ] 'primary_database'
Is the name of the database on the primary server. primary_database is sysname, with no default.
0 (success) or 1 (failure)
Column name | Description |
secondary_server |
The name of the secondary instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine in the log shipping configuration. |
secondary_database |
The name of the secondary database in the log shipping configuration. |
sp_help_log_shipping_primary_secondary must be run from the master database on the primary server.
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can run this procedure.
This example illustrates using sp_help_log_shipping_primary_secondary to retrieve a list of secondary databases associate with the primary database AdventureWorks.
master.dbo.sp_help_log_shipping_primary_secondary @primary_database=N'AdventureWorks'
System Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)