DepthFrame Class

Represents a frame where each pixel represents the distance (in millimeters) of the closest object seen by that pixel.


public ref class DepthFrame sealed : IClosable
public sealed class DepthFrame : IDisposable
var depthFrame = WindowsPreview.Kinect.DepthFrame;


DepthFrame has the following members.


Name Description
DepthFrameSource Gets the source of the depth frame.
DepthMaxReliableDistance Gets the maximum reliable depth of the depth frame, in millimeters.
DepthMinReliableDistance Gets the minimum reliable depth of the depth frame, in millimeters.
FrameDescription Gets the description of the depth frame.
RelativeTime Gets the timestamp of the depth frame.


Name Description
Close Releases system resources associated with the depth frame.
CopyFrameDataToArray Copies the depth frame data into the array provided.
CopyFrameDataToBuffer Copies the depth frame data into the memory location provided.
LockImageBuffer Gives an app access to the underlying buffer used by the system to store this frame's data.


The data for this frame is stored as 16-bit unsigned integers, where each value represents the distance in millimeters. The maximum depth distance is 8 meters, although reliability starts to degrade at around 4.5 meters. Developers can use the depth frame to build custom tracking algorithms in cases where the BodyFrame isn’t enough.


Namespace: WindowsPreview.Kinect

Metadata: windowspreview.kinect.winmd

See also


WindowsPreview.Kinect Namespace