DepthFrame Class
Represents a frame where each pixel represents the distance (in millimeters) of the closest object seen by that pixel.
public ref class DepthFrame sealed : IClosable
public sealed class DepthFrame : IDisposable
var depthFrame = WindowsPreview.Kinect.DepthFrame;
DepthFrame has the following members.
Name | Description |
DepthFrameSource | Gets the source of the depth frame. |
DepthMaxReliableDistance | Gets the maximum reliable depth of the depth frame, in millimeters. |
DepthMinReliableDistance | Gets the minimum reliable depth of the depth frame, in millimeters. |
FrameDescription | Gets the description of the depth frame. |
RelativeTime | Gets the timestamp of the depth frame. |
Name | Description |
Close | Releases system resources associated with the depth frame. |
CopyFrameDataToArray | Copies the depth frame data into the array provided. |
CopyFrameDataToBuffer | Copies the depth frame data into the memory location provided. |
LockImageBuffer | Gives an app access to the underlying buffer used by the system to store this frame's data. |
The data for this frame is stored as 16-bit unsigned integers, where each value represents the distance in millimeters. The maximum depth distance is 8 meters, although reliability starts to degrade at around 4.5 meters. Developers can use the depth frame to build custom tracking algorithms in cases where the BodyFrame isn’t enough.
Namespace: WindowsPreview.Kinect
Metadata: windowspreview.kinect.winmd