AudioSource Class

Represents an audio frame source.


public ref class AudioSource sealed : INotifyPropertyChanged
public sealed class AudioSource : INotifyPropertyChanged
var audioSource = WindowsPreview.Kinect.AudioSource;


AudioSource has the following members.


Name Description
AudioBeams Gets the audio beams.
AudioCalibrationState Gets a value that indicates whether or not the Kinect Sensor is properly calibrated to listen for audio. This API is not implemented in the Kinect for Windows v2 SDK and will always return Calibrated. It is included to support cross-compilation with the Xbox SDK.
IsActive Gets the current activity status of this source.
KinectSensor Gets the parent sensor.
MaxSubFrameCount Gets the maximum number of sub frames.
SubFrameDuration Gets the sub frame duration.
SubFrameLengthInBytes Gets the sub frame length (in bytes).


Name Description
OpenReader Opens a new stream reader. This reader must be disposed.


Name Description
FrameCaptured Event that fires whenever a frame is captured.
PropertyChanged Occurs when a property of the AudioSource class changes.


Namespace: WindowsPreview.Kinect

Metadata: windowspreview.kinect.winmd

See also


WindowsPreview.Kinect Namespace