DXGKCB_QUEUE_DPC callback function (dispmprt.h)

The DxgkCbQueueDpc function queues a deferred procedure call (DPC) for execution at IRQL DISPATCH_LEVEL.



BOOLEAN DxgkcbQueueDpc(
  [in] HANDLE DeviceHandle


[in] DeviceHandle

A handle that represents a display adapter. The display miniport driver previously obtained this handle in the DeviceHandle member of the DXGKRNL_INTERFACE structure that was passed to DxgkDdiStartDevice.

Return value

DxgkCbQueueDpc returns TRUE if the DPC is successfully queued; otherwise it returns FALSE.


This function queues a DPC object for the display miniport and calls the DxgkDdiDpcRoutine function when the interrupt service routine (ISR) requests it.

There can only be one callback to this function scheduled per device at any one time. If a callback is already scheduled for a device, a second call to DxgkCbQueueDpc will not have any effect and will return FALSE.

For more information on the use of this function, see these topics:


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Target Platform Desktop
Header dispmprt.h (include Dispmprt.h)
IRQL Any level

See also

