DXGKCB_READ_DEVICE_SPACE callback function (dispmprt.h)

The DxgkCbReadDeviceSpace function reads from a device configuration space or the expansion ROM of a display adapter.



NTSTATUS DxgkcbReadDeviceSpace(
  [in]  HANDLE DeviceHandle,
  [in]  ULONG DataType,
  [in]  PVOID Buffer,
  [in]  ULONG Offset,
  [in]  ULONG Length,
  [out] PULONG BytesRead


[in] DeviceHandle

A handle that represents a display adapter. The display miniport driver previously obtained this handle in the DeviceHandle member of the DXGKRNL_INTERFACE structure that was passed to DxgkDdiStartDevice.

[in] DataType

The type of read transaction to be performed. This parameter must be one of the following values, which are defined in Dispmprt.h.


Read from the PCI Express (PCIe) root port's configuration space.


Read from the display adapter's configuration space.


Read from the configuration space of a memory controller hub that is a peer to the adapter's parent bus.


Read from the display adapter's expansion ROM.

[in] Buffer

A pointer to a caller-allocated buffer that receives the data read from the configuration space or ROM.

[in] Offset

The offset, into the configuration space or the expansion ROM, at which the read transaction begins.

[in] Length

The number of bytes to be read.

[out] BytesRead

A pointer to a ULONG-typed variable that receives the number of bytes actually read.

Return value

DxgkCbReadDeviceSpace returns one of the following values:

Return code Description
STATUS_SUCCESS The function succeeded.
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER The DeviceHandle, DataType, or Buffer parameter is invalid.
STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL The function was unable to read the data.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Target Platform Desktop
Header dispmprt.h (include Dispmprt.h)

See also
