DXGKCB_WRITE_DEVICE_SPACE callback function (dispmprt.h)

The DxgkCbWriteDeviceSpace function writes to a device configuration space or the expansion ROM of a display adapter.



NTSTATUS DxgkcbWriteDeviceSpace(
  [in]  HANDLE DeviceHandle,
  [in]  ULONG DataType,
  [in]  PVOID Buffer,
  [in]  ULONG Offset,
  [in]  ULONG Length,
  [out] PULONG BytesWritten


[in] DeviceHandle

A handle that represents a display adapter. The display miniport driver previously obtained this handle in the DeviceHandle member of the DXGKRNL_INTERFACE structure that was passed to DxgkDdiStartDevice.

[in] DataType

The type of write transaction to be performed. This parameter must be one of the following values, which are defined in Dispmprt.h:


Write to the parent bus device's configuration space.


Write to the display adapter's configuration space.


Write to the configuration space of a memory controller hub that is a peer to the adapter's parent bus.


Write to the display adapter's expansion ROM.

[in] Buffer

A pointer to a buffer that supplies the data to be written to the configuration space.

[in] Offset

The offset, in bytes, into the configuration space, at which the write transaction begins.

[in] Length

The number of bytes to be written.

[out] BytesWritten

A pointer to a ULONG-typed variable that receives the number of bytes actually written.

Return value

DxgkCbWriteDeviceSpace returns one of the following values:

Return code Description
STATUS_SUCCESS The function succeeded.
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER The DeviceHandle, DataType, or Buffer parameter is invalid.
STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL The function was unable to write the data.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Target Platform Desktop
Header dispmprt.h (include Dispmprt.h)

See also
