dwrite.h header
This header is used by DirectWrite. For more information, see:
dwrite.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IDWriteBitmapRenderTarget Encapsulates a 32-bit device independent bitmap and device context, which can be used for rendering glyphs. |
IDWriteFactory Used to create all subsequent DirectWrite objects. This interface is the root factory interface for all DirectWrite objects. |
IDWriteFont Represents a physical font in a font collection. This interface is used to create font faces from physical fonts, or to retrieve information such as font face metrics or face names from existing font faces. |
IDWriteFontCollection An object that encapsulates a set of fonts, such as the set of fonts installed on the system, or the set of fonts in a particular directory. (IDWriteFontCollection) |
IDWriteFontCollectionLoader Used to construct a collection of fonts given a particular type of key. |
IDWriteFontFace This interface exposes various font data such as metrics, names, and glyph outlines. It contains font face type, appropriate file references, and face identification data. |
IDWriteFontFamily Represents a family of related fonts. (IDWriteFontFamily) |
IDWriteFontFile Represents a font file. Applications such as font managers or font viewers can call IDWriteFontFile::Analyze to find out if a particular file is a font file, and whether it is a font type that is supported by the font system. |
IDWriteFontFileEnumerator Encapsulates a collection of font files. The font system uses this interface to enumerate font files when building a font collection. |
IDWriteFontFileLoader Handles loading font file resources of a particular type from a font file reference key into a font file stream object. |
IDWriteFontFileStream Loads font file data from a custom font file loader. |
IDWriteFontList Represents a list of fonts. (IDWriteFontList) |
IDWriteGdiInterop Provides interoperability with GDI, such as methods to convert a font face to a LOGFONT structure, or to convert a GDI font description into a font face. It is also used to create bitmap render target objects. (IDWriteGdiInterop) |
IDWriteGlyphRunAnalysis Contains low-level information used to render a glyph run. |
IDWriteInlineObject Wraps an application-defined inline graphic, allowing DWrite to query metrics as if the graphic were a glyph inline with the text. |
IDWriteLocalFontFileLoader A built-in implementation of the IDWriteFontFileLoader interface, that operates on local font files and exposes local font file information from the font file reference key. |
IDWriteLocalizedStrings Represents a collection of strings indexed by locale name. |
IDWriteNumberSubstitution Holds the appropriate digits and numeric punctuation for a specified locale. |
IDWritePixelSnapping Defines the pixel snapping properties such as pixels per DIP(device-independent pixel) and the current transform matrix of a text renderer. |
IDWriteRenderingParams Represents text rendering settings such as ClearType level, enhanced contrast, and gamma correction for glyph rasterization and filtering. |
IDWriteTextAnalysisSink This interface is implemented by the text analyzer's client to receive the output of a given text analysis. |
IDWriteTextAnalysisSource Implemented by the text analyzer's client to provide text to the analyzer. |
IDWriteTextAnalyzer Analyzes various text properties for complex script processing such as bidirectional (bidi) support for languages like Arabic, determination of line break opportunities, glyph placement, and number substitution. |
IDWriteTextFormat The IDWriteTextFormat interface describes the font and paragraph properties used to format text, and it describes locale information. |
IDWriteTextLayout The IDWriteTextLayout interface represents a block of text after it has been fully analyzed and formatted. |
IDWriteTextRenderer Represents a set of application-defined callbacks that perform rendering of text, inline objects, and decorations such as underlines. (IDWriteTextRenderer) |
IDWriteTypography Represents a font typography setting. |
DWRITE_MAKE_OPENTYPE_TAG Creates an OpenType tag as a 32-bit integer, such that the first character in the tag is the lowest byte (least significant on little endian architectures), which can be used to compare with tags in the font file. |
DWriteCreateFactory Creates a DirectWrite factory object that is used for subsequent creation of individual DirectWrite objects. |
DWRITE_CLUSTER_METRICS Contains information about a glyph cluster. |
DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE Specifies properties used to identify and execute typographic features in the current font face. |
DWRITE_FONT_METRICS The DWRITE_FONT_METRICS structure specifies the metrics that are applicable to all glyphs within the font face. |
DWRITE_GLYPH_METRICS Specifies the metrics of an individual glyph. |
DWRITE_GLYPH_OFFSET The optional adjustment to a glyph's position. |
DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN Contains the information needed by renderers to draw glyph runs. |
DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION Contains additional properties related to those in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN. |
DWRITE_HIT_TEST_METRICS Describes the region obtained by a hit test. |
DWRITE_INLINE_OBJECT_METRICS Contains properties describing the geometric measurement of an application-defined inline object. |
DWRITE_LINE_BREAKPOINT Line breakpoint characteristics of a character. |
DWRITE_LINE_METRICS Contains information about a formatted line of text. (DWRITE_LINE_METRICS) |
DWRITE_MATRIX The DWRITE_MATRIX structure specifies the graphics transform to be applied to rendered glyphs. |
DWRITE_OVERHANG_METRICS Indicates how much any visible DIPs (device independent pixels) overshoot each side of the layout or inline objects. |
DWRITE_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS Stores the association of text and its writing system script, as well as some display attributes. |
DWRITE_SHAPING_GLYPH_PROPERTIES Contains shaping output properties for an output glyph. |
DWRITE_SHAPING_TEXT_PROPERTIES Shaping output properties for an output glyph. |
DWRITE_STRIKETHROUGH Contains information regarding the size and placement of strikethroughs. |
DWRITE_TEXT_METRICS Contains the metrics associated with text after layout. (DWRITE_TEXT_METRICS) |
DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE Specifies a range of text positions where format is applied in the text represented by an IDWriteTextLayout object. |
DWRITE_TRIMMING Specifies the trimming option for text overflowing the layout box. |
DWRITE_TYPOGRAPHIC_FEATURES Contains a set of typographic features to be applied during text shaping. |
DWRITE_UNDERLINE Contains information about the width, thickness, offset, run height, reading direction, and flow direction of an underline. |
DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION Indicates the condition at the edges of inline object or text used to determine line-breaking behavior. |
DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE Specifies the type of DirectWrite factory object. |
DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION Indicates the direction of how lines of text are placed relative to one another. |
DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE Indicates the file format of a complete font face. |
DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG A value that indicates the typographic feature of text supplied by the font. |
DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE The type of a font represented by a single font file. Font formats that consist of multiple files, for example Type 1 .PFM and .PFB, have separate enum values for each of the file types. |
DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS Specifies algorithmic style simulations to be applied to the font face. Bold and oblique simulations can be combined via bitwise OR operation. |
DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH Represents the degree to which a font has been stretched compared to a font's normal aspect ratio. |
DWRITE_FONT_STYLE Represents the style of a font face as normal, italic, or oblique. |
DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT Represents the density of a typeface, in terms of the lightness or heaviness of the strokes. |
DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_ID The informational string enumeration which identifies a string embedded in a font file. |
DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD The method used for line spacing in a text layout. |
DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD Specifies how to apply number substitution on digits and related punctuation. |
DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT Specifies the alignment of paragraph text along the flow direction axis, relative to the top and bottom of the flow's layout box. |
DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY Represents the internal structure of a device pixel (that is, the physical arrangement of red, green, and blue color components) that is assumed for purposes of rendering text. |
DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION Specifies the direction in which reading progresses. |
DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE Represents a method of rendering glyphs. |
DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES Indicates additional shaping requirements for text. |
DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT Specifies the alignment of paragraph text along the reading direction axis, relative to the leading and trailing edge of the layout box. |
DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE Identifies a type of alpha texture. |
DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY Specifies the text granularity used to trim text overflowing the layout box. |
DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING Specifies the word wrapping to be used in a particular multiline paragraph. |