Authorization.Complete Propiedad


Obtiene el estado de finalización de la autorización.

 property bool Complete { bool get(); };
public bool Complete { get; }
member this.Complete : bool
Public ReadOnly Property Complete As Boolean

Valor de propiedad

true si el proceso de autenticación ha finalizado; en caso contrario, false.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se usa la Complete propiedad para obtener el estado de finalización de la autorización. Para obtener un ejemplo completo, consulte la AuthenticationManager clase .

// Create the encrypted string according to the Basic authentication format as
// follows:
// a)Concatenate username and password separated by colon;
// b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes;
// c)Apply Base64 Encoding to this array of bytes to obtain the encoded
// authorization.
String^ BasicEncrypt = String::Concat( MyCreds->UserName, ":", MyCreds->Password );
String^ BasicToken = String::Concat( "Basic ", Convert::ToBase64String( ASCII->GetBytes( BasicEncrypt ) ) );

// Create an Authorization object using the above encoded authorization.
Authorization^ resourceAuthorization = gcnew Authorization( BasicToken );

// Get the Message property which contains the authorization string that the
// client returns to the server when accessing protected resources
Console::WriteLine( "\n Authorization Message: {0}", resourceAuthorization->Message );

// Get the Complete property which is set to true when the authentication process
// between the client and the server is finished.
Console::WriteLine( "\n Authorization Complete: {0}", resourceAuthorization->Complete );
// Create the encrypted string according to the Basic authentication format as
// follows:
// a)Concatenate the username and password separated by colon;
// b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes;
// c)Apply Base64 encoding to this array of bytes to obtain the encoded
// authorization.
string basicEncrypt = myCreds.UserName + ":" + myCreds.Password;

string basicToken = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCII.GetBytes(basicEncrypt));

// Create an Authorization object using the encoded authorization above.
Authorization resourceAuthorization = new Authorization(basicToken);

// Get the Message property, which contains the authorization string that the
// client returns to the server when accessing protected resources.
Console.WriteLine("\n Authorization Message:{0}",resourceAuthorization.Message);

// Get the Complete property, which is set to true when the authentication process
// between the client and the server is finished.
Console.WriteLine("\n Authorization Complete:{0}",resourceAuthorization.Complete);

' Create the encrypted string according to the Basic authentication format as
' follows:
' a)Concatenate the username and password separated by colon;
' b)Apply ASCII encoding to obtain a stream of bytes;
' c)Apply Base64 encoding to this array of bytes to obtain the encoded 
' authorization.
Dim BasicEncrypt As String = MyCreds.UserName + ":" + MyCreds.Password

Dim BasicToken As String = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(ASCII.GetBytes(BasicEncrypt))

' Create an Authorization object using the encoded authorization above.
Dim resourceAuthorization As New Authorization(BasicToken)

' Get the Message property, which contains the authorization string that the 
' client returns to the server when accessing protected resources.
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + " Authorization Message:{0}", resourceAuthorization.Message)

' Get the Complete property, which is set to true when the authentication process 
' between the client and the server is finished.
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + " Authorization Complete:{0}", resourceAuthorization.Complete)

Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + " Authorization ConnectionGroupId:{0}", resourceAuthorization.ConnectionGroupId)


La Complete propiedad se establece true en cuando finaliza el proceso de autenticación entre el cliente y el servidor. Algunos módulos de autenticación, como el módulo Kerberos, usan varios recorridos de ida y vuelta entre el cliente y el servidor para completar el proceso de autenticación. Para evitar que el WebRequest elemento o descendiente que inició el proceso de autenticación interrumpa mientras se realiza la autorización, el módulo de autenticación establece la Complete propiedad falseen .

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