IPAddress.None Campo


Proporciona una dirección IP que indica que no debe utilizarse ninguna interfaz de red. Este campo es de solo lectura.

public: static initonly System::Net::IPAddress ^ None;
public static readonly System.Net.IPAddress None;
 staticval mutable None : System.Net.IPAddress
Public Shared ReadOnly None As IPAddress 

Valor de campo


En el ejemplo siguiente se usa la None propiedad para indicar que no se debe usar ninguna interfaz de red.

int main()
   // Gets the IP address indicating that no network interface should be used
   // and converts it to a String*.
   String^ address = IPAddress::None->ToString();
   Console::WriteLine( "IP address : {0}", address );
public static void Main()
   // Gets the IP address indicating that no network interface should be used
   // and converts it to a string.
   string address = IPAddress.None.ToString();
   Console.WriteLine("IP address : " + address);
Public Shared Sub Main()

    ' Gets the IP address indicating that no network interface should be used
    ' and converts it to a string. 
    Dim address As String = IPAddress.None.ToString()
    Console.WriteLine(("IP address : " + address))
End Sub


El Socket.Bind método usa el None campo para indicar que no Socket debe escuchar la actividad del cliente. El None campo es equivalente a en notación punto-cuádruple.

Se aplica a