NetworkStream.Socket Propiedad


Obtiene la Socket subyacente.

 property System::Net::Sockets::Socket ^ Socket { System::Net::Sockets::Socket ^ get(); };
 property System::Net::Sockets::Socket ^ Socket { System::Net::Sockets::Socket ^ get(); };
public System.Net.Sockets.Socket Socket { get; }
protected System.Net.Sockets.Socket Socket { get; }
member this.Socket : System.Net.Sockets.Socket
Public ReadOnly Property Socket As Socket
Protected ReadOnly Property Socket As Socket

Valor de propiedad

Socket que representa la conexión de red subyacente.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se recupera el subyacente Socket para comprobar una conexión activa.

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Net;
using namespace System::Net::Sockets;

ref class MyNetworkStream_Sub_Class: public NetworkStream
   MyNetworkStream_Sub_Class( System::Net::Sockets::Socket^ socket, bool ownsSocket )
      : NetworkStream( socket, ownsSocket )

   property bool IsConnected 
      // You can use the Socket method to examine the underlying Socket.
      bool get()
         return this->Socket->Connected;

   property bool CanCommunicate 
      bool get()
         if ( !this->Readable | !this->Writeable )
            return false;
            return true;
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;

public class MyNetworkStream_Sub_Class : NetworkStream

    public MyNetworkStream_Sub_Class(Socket socket, bool ownsSocket) :
        base(socket, ownsSocket)
    // You can use the Socket method to examine the underlying Socket.
    public bool IsConnected
            return this.Socket.Connected;

    public bool CanCommunicate
            if (!this.Readable | !this.Writeable)
                return false;
                return true;
Public Class MyNetworkStream_Sub_Class
   Inherits NetworkStream
   Public Sub New(socket As Socket, ownsSocket As Boolean)
      MyBase.New(socket, ownsSocket)
   End Sub
   ' Suppose you wanted a property for determining if Socket is connected. You can use
   ' the protected method 'Socket' to return underlying Socket.
   Public ReadOnly Property IsConnected() As Boolean
         Return Me.Socket.Connected
      End Get
   End Property
   ' You could also use public NetworkStream methods 'CanRead' and 'CanWrite'.
   Public ReadOnly Property CanCommunicate() As Boolean
         If Not Me.Readable Or Not Me.Writeable  Then
            Return False
            Return True
         End If
      End Get
   End Property
   Public Shared Sub DoSomethingSignificant()
   End Sub
    ' Do something significant in here


Las clases derivadas de NetworkStream pueden usar esta propiedad para obtener el subyacente Socket. Use el subyacente Socket devuelto desde la Socket propiedad si necesita acceso más allá de lo que NetworkStream proporciona.


Esta propiedad solo es accesible a través de esta clase o una clase derivada.

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