MimeTextMatch.Capture Propiedad


Obtiene o establece un valor que indica el índice de base cero de un MimeTextMatch incluido en un grupo.

 property int Capture { int get(); void set(int value); };
public int Capture { get; set; }
member this.Capture : int with get, set
Public Property Capture As Integer

Valor de propiedad


Entero de 32 bits con signo. El valor predeterminado es 0, que indica que MimeTextMatch es la primera instancia incluida en un grupo.


El valor de propiedad es negativo.


// Create an InputBinding.
InputBinding^ myInputBinding = gcnew InputBinding;
MimeTextBinding^ myMimeTextBinding = gcnew MimeTextBinding;
MimeTextMatchCollection^ myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = gcnew MimeTextMatchCollection;
array<MimeTextMatch^>^myMimeTextMatch = gcnew array<MimeTextMatch^>(3);
myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = myMimeTextBinding->Matches;

// Intialize the MimeTextMatch.
for ( myInt = 0; myInt < 3; myInt++ )
   // Get a new MimeTextMatch.
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] = gcnew MimeTextMatch;

   // Assign values to properties of the MimeTextMatch.
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Name = String::Format( "Title{0}", Convert::ToString( myInt ) );
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Type = "*/*";
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Pattern = "TITLE>(.*?)<";
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->IgnoreCase = true;
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Capture = 2;
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Group = 2;
   if ( myInt != 0 )
      // Assign the Repeats property if the index is not 0.
      myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->Repeats = 2;
      // Assign the RepeatsString property if the index is 0.
      myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ]->RepeatsString = "4";
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1->Add( myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] );

// Create an InputBinding.
InputBinding myInputBinding = new InputBinding();
MimeTextBinding myMimeTextBinding = new MimeTextBinding();
MimeTextMatchCollection myMimeTextMatchCollection1 =
   new MimeTextMatchCollection();
MimeTextMatch[] myMimeTextMatch = new MimeTextMatch[3];
myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = myMimeTextBinding.Matches;

// Intialize the MimeTextMatch.
for( myInt = 0 ; myInt < 3 ; myInt++ )
   // Get a new MimeTextMatch.
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] = new MimeTextMatch();

   // Assign values to properties of the MimeTextMatch.
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Name = "Title" + Convert.ToString( myInt );
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Type = "*/*";
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Pattern = "TITLE>(.*?)<";
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].IgnoreCase = true;
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Capture = 2;
   myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Group = 2;
   if( myInt != 0 )
      // Assign the Repeats property if the index is not 0.
      myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].Repeats = 2;
      // Assign the RepeatsString property if the index is 0.
      myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ].RepeatsString = "4";
   // Add the MimeTextMatch to the collection.
   myMimeTextMatchCollection1.Add( myMimeTextMatch[ myInt ] );
' Create an InputBinding.
Dim myInputBinding As New InputBinding()
Dim myMimeTextBinding As New MimeTextBinding()
Dim myMimeTextMatchCollection1 As New MimeTextMatchCollection()
Dim myMimeTextMatch(2) As MimeTextMatch
myMimeTextMatchCollection1 = myMimeTextBinding.Matches

' Intialize the MimeTextMatch. 
For myInt = 0 To 2

   ' Get a new MimeTextMatch.
   myMimeTextMatch(myInt) = New MimeTextMatch()

   ' Assign values to properties of the MimeTextMatch.
   myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Name = "Title" + Convert.ToString(myInt)
   myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Type = "*/*"
   myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Pattern = "TITLE>(.*?)<"
   myMimeTextMatch(myInt).IgnoreCase = True
   myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Capture = 2
   myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Group = 2
   If myInt <> 0 Then

      ' Assign the Repeats property if the index is not 0.
      myMimeTextMatch(myInt).Repeats = 2

      ' Assign the RepeatsString property if the index is 0.
      myMimeTextMatch(myInt).RepeatsString = "4"
   End If

   ' Add 'MimeTextMatch' instance to collection.
Next myInt


Para más información, vea las propiedades Group y Matches.

Se aplica a