MimeTextMatch Clase


Representa un modelo de texto para el que se busca la transmisión HTTP. Esta clase no puede heredarse.

public ref class MimeTextMatch sealed
public sealed class MimeTextMatch
type MimeTextMatch = class
Public NotInheritable Class MimeTextMatch


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra el uso de las propiedades y métodos expuestos por la MimeTextMatch clase .

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Web.Services.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Web::Services::Description;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Xml;

int main()
      ServiceDescription^ myServiceDescription = ServiceDescription::Read( "MimeText_Binding_Match_8_Input_CPP.wsdl" );

      // Create a Binding.
      Binding^ myBinding = gcnew Binding;

      // Initialize the Name property of the Binding.
      myBinding->Name = "MimeText_Binding_MatchServiceHttpPost";
      XmlQualifiedName^ myXmlQualifiedName = gcnew XmlQualifiedName( "s0:MimeText_Binding_MatchServiceHttpPost" );
      myBinding->Type = myXmlQualifiedName;

      // Create an HttpBinding.
      HttpBinding^ myHttpBinding = gcnew HttpBinding;
      myHttpBinding->Verb = "POST";

      // Add the HttpBinding to the Binding.
      myBinding->Extensions->Add( myHttpBinding );

      // Create an OperationBinding.
      OperationBinding^ myOperationBinding = gcnew OperationBinding;
      myOperationBinding->Name = "AddNumbers";
      HttpOperationBinding^ myHttpOperationBinding = gcnew HttpOperationBinding;
      myHttpOperationBinding->Location = "/AddNumbers";

      // Add the HttpOperationBinding to the OperationBinding.
      myOperationBinding->Extensions->Add( myHttpOperationBinding );

      // Create an InputBinding.
      InputBinding^ myInputBinding = gcnew InputBinding;
      MimeContentBinding^ postMimeContentbinding = gcnew MimeContentBinding;
      postMimeContentbinding->Type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
      myInputBinding->Extensions->Add( postMimeContentbinding );

      // Add the InputBinding to the OperationBinding.
      myOperationBinding->Input = myInputBinding;

      // Create an OutputBinding.
      OutputBinding^ myOutputBinding = gcnew OutputBinding;

      // Create a MimeTextBinding.
      MimeTextBinding^ myMimeTextBinding = gcnew MimeTextBinding;

      // Create a MimeTextMatch.
      MimeTextMatch^ myMimeTextMatch = gcnew MimeTextMatch;
      MimeTextMatchCollection^ myMimeTextMatchCollection;

      // Initialize properties of the MimeTextMatch.
      myMimeTextMatch->Name = "Title";
      myMimeTextMatch->Type = "*/*";
      myMimeTextMatch->Pattern = "'TITLE>(.*?)<";
      myMimeTextMatch->IgnoreCase = true;

      // Initialize a MimeTextMatchCollection.
      myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding->Matches;

      // Add the MimeTextMatch to the MimeTextMatchCollection.
      myMimeTextMatchCollection->Add( myMimeTextMatch );
      myOutputBinding->Extensions->Add( myMimeTextBinding );

      // Add the OutputBinding to the OperationBinding.
      myOperationBinding->Output = myOutputBinding;

      // Add the OutputBinding to the OperationBinding.
      myOperationBinding->Output = myOutputBinding;

      // Add the OperationBinding to the Binding.
      myBinding->Operations->Add( myOperationBinding );

      // Add the Binding to the BindingCollection of the ServiceDescription.
      myServiceDescription->Bindings->Add( myBinding );

      // Write the ServiceDescription as a WSDL file.
      myServiceDescription->Write( "MimeText_Binding_Match_8_Output_CPP.wsdl" );
      Console::WriteLine( "WSDL file named 'MimeText_Binding_Match_8_Output_CPP.wsdl' was"
      " created successfully." );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Exception: {0}", e->Message );
using System;
using System.Web.Services.Description;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;

class MyTextBinding
   public static void Main()
         ServiceDescription myServiceDescription =

         // Create a Binding.
         Binding myBinding = new Binding();

         // Initialize the Name property of the Binding.
         myBinding.Name = "MimeText_Binding_MatchServiceHttpPost";
         XmlQualifiedName myXmlQualifiedName =
            new XmlQualifiedName("s0:MimeText_Binding_MatchServiceHttpPost");
         myBinding.Type = myXmlQualifiedName;

         // Create an HttpBinding.
         HttpBinding myHttpBinding = new HttpBinding();

         // Add the HttpBinding to the Binding.

         // Create an OperationBinding.
         OperationBinding myOperationBinding = new OperationBinding();
         myOperationBinding.Name = "AddNumbers";

         HttpOperationBinding myHttpOperationBinding =
            new HttpOperationBinding();

         // Add the HttpOperationBinding to the OperationBinding.

         // Create an InputBinding.
         InputBinding myInputBinding = new InputBinding();
         MimeContentBinding postMimeContentbinding = new MimeContentBinding();
         postMimeContentbinding.Type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

         // Add the InputBinding to the OperationBinding.
         myOperationBinding.Input = myInputBinding;
               // Create an OutputBinding.
               OutputBinding myOutputBinding = new OutputBinding();

               // Create a MimeTextBinding.
               MimeTextBinding myMimeTextBinding = new MimeTextBinding();

               // Create a MimeTextMatch.
               MimeTextMatch myMimeTextMatch = new MimeTextMatch();
               MimeTextMatchCollection myMimeTextMatchCollection ;

               // Initialize properties of the MimeTextMatch.
               myMimeTextMatch.Name = "Title";
               myMimeTextMatch.Type = "*/*";
               myMimeTextMatch.Pattern = "'TITLE>(.*?)<";
               myMimeTextMatch.IgnoreCase = true;

               // Initialize a MimeTextMatchCollection.
               myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding.Matches;

               // Add the MimeTextMatch to the MimeTextMatchCollection.
               myMimeTextMatchCollection.Add( myMimeTextMatch );
               myOutputBinding.Extensions.Add( myMimeTextBinding );

               // Add the OutputBinding to the OperationBinding.
               myOperationBinding.Output = myOutputBinding;
         // Add the OutputBinding to the OperationBinding.
         myOperationBinding.Output = myOutputBinding;

         // Add the OperationBinding to the Binding.

         // Add the Binding to the BindingCollection of the ServiceDescription.

         // Write the ServiceDescription as a WSDL file.
            "WSDL file named 'MimeText_Binding_Match_8_Output_CS.wsdl' was"
            + " created successfully.");
      catch(Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine( "Exception: {0}", e.Message );
Imports System.Web.Services.Description
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Xml

Class MyTextBinding
   Public Shared Sub Main()
         Dim myServiceDescription As ServiceDescription = _

         ' Create a Binding.
         Dim myBinding As New Binding()

         ' Initialize the Name property of the Binding.
         myBinding.Name = "MimeText_Binding_MatchServiceHttpPost"
         Dim myXmlQualifiedName As _
               New XmlQualifiedName("s0:MimeText_Binding_MatchServiceHttpPost")
         myBinding.Type = myXmlQualifiedName

         ' Create an HttpBinding.
         Dim myHttpBinding As New HttpBinding()
         myHttpBinding.Verb = "POST"

         ' Add the HttpBinding to the Binding.

         ' Create an OperationBinding.
         Dim myOperationBinding As New OperationBinding()
         myOperationBinding.Name = "AddNumbers"

         Dim myHttpOperationBinding As New HttpOperationBinding()
         myHttpOperationBinding.Location = "/AddNumbers"

         ' Add the HttpOperationBinding to the OperationBinding.

         ' Create an InputBinding.
         Dim myInputBinding As New InputBinding()
         Dim postMimeContentbinding As New MimeContentBinding()
         postMimeContentbinding.Type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

         ' Add the InputBinding to the OperationBinding.
         myOperationBinding.Input = myInputBinding
         ' Create an OutputBinding.
         Dim myOutputBinding As New OutputBinding()

         ' Create a MimeTextBinding.
         Dim myMimeTextBinding As New MimeTextBinding()

         ' Create a MimeTextMatch.
         Dim myMimeTextMatch As New MimeTextMatch()
         Dim myMimeTextMatchCollection As MimeTextMatchCollection

         ' Initialize properties of the MimeTextMatch.
         myMimeTextMatch.Name = "Title"
         myMimeTextMatch.Type = "*/*"
         myMimeTextMatch.Pattern = "'TITLE>(.*?)<"
         myMimeTextMatch.IgnoreCase = True

         ' Initialize a MimeTextMatchCollection.
         myMimeTextMatchCollection = myMimeTextBinding.Matches

         ' Add the MimeTextMatch to the MimeTextMatchCollection.

         ' Add the OutputBinding to the OperationBinding.
         myOperationBinding.Output = myOutputBinding
         ' Add the OutputBinding to the OperationBinding.
         myOperationBinding.Output = myOutputBinding

         ' Add the OperationBinding to the Binding.

         ' Add the Binding to the BindingCollection of the ServiceDescription.

         ' Write the ServiceDescription as a WSDL file.
         Console.WriteLine("WSDL file named " & _
            "'MimeText_Binding_Match_8_Output_vb.wsdl' was" & _
            " created successfully.")
      Catch e As Exception
         Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message)
      End Try
   End Sub
End Class


Para obtener más información sobre cómo especificar protocolos para servicios web XML, vea Servicios web XML mediante ASP.NET. Para obtener más información sobre el lenguaje de descripción de servicios web (WSDL), consulte la especificación WSDL .



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase MimeTextMatch.



Obtiene o establece un valor que indica el índice de base cero de un MimeTextMatch incluido en un grupo.


Obtiene o establece un valor que indica el número de grupos en los que se incluyen los resultados de la búsqueda de texto.


Obtiene o establece un valor que indica si la búsqueda debe realizarse sin atender a las mayúsculas o minúsculas del texto que se va a buscar.


Obtiene la colección de coincidencias del modelo de texto que se han encontrado en la búsqueda.


Obtiene o establece el nombre de MimeTextMatch.


Obtiene o establece el modelo de texto de la búsqueda.


Obtiene o establece un valor que indica el número de veces que se realiza la búsqueda.


Obtiene o establece un valor que indica el número de veces que se realiza la búsqueda.


Obtiene o establece un valor que indica el formato MIME del texto que se va a buscar.



Determina si el objeto especificado es igual que el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Sirve como la función hash predeterminada.

(Heredado de Object)

Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Devuelve una cadena que representa el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Se aplica a