Connections.Contains(Object) Méthode


Indique si les éléments ConnectionManager dans une collection sont accessibles en utilisant l'indexation sans lever d'exception.

 bool Contains(System::Object ^ index);
public bool Contains (object index);
member this.Contains : obj -> bool
Public Function Contains (index As Object) As Boolean



Nom, description, ID ou index à trouver dans la collection.


true si la collection est accessible à l’aide de la syntaxe Connections[index]. Si la valeur est true, la collection est accessible par nom, description ou index. false si l’indexation ne peut pas être utilisée pour récupérer des éléments de la Connections collection.


L’exemple de code suivant supprime un gestionnaire de connexions ADO.NET nouvellement ajouté de la collection. Il utilise ensuite la Contains méthode pour vous assurer que le gestionnaire de connexions est supprimé.

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Text;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;  

namespace Connections_Collection  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
           // The package is one of the SSIS Samples.  
            string mySample = @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Samples\Integration Services\Package Samples\ExecuteProcess Sample\ExecuteProcess\UsingExecuteProcess.dtsx";  

            // Create an application and load the sample.  
            Application app = new Application();  
            Package pkg = app.LoadPackage(mySample, null);  
            Connections myConns = pkg.Connections;  

            // Show how many connections are in the package.  
            int myConnsCount = myConns.Count;  
            Console.WriteLine("The number of connections is: {0}", myConnsCount);  

            // Add an OLEDB connection manager.  
            ConnectionManager myConn = pkg.Connections.Add("OLEDB");  
            myConn.Name = "My OLEDB ConnectionManager";  
            myConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Auto Translate=False;";  

            // Verify the addition of one connection manager.  
            myConnsCount = myConns.Count;  
            Console.WriteLine("The number of connections now is: {0}", myConnsCount);  

            // Write out the names of the connection managers.  
            foreach (ConnectionManager myCMgrs in myConns)  
                Console.WriteLine("Name:        {0}", myCMgrs.Name);  
                Console.WriteLine("ID:          {0}", myCMgrs.ID);  

            // Remove the connection manager by name.  
            pkg.Connections.Remove("My OLEDB ConnectionManager");  

            // Verify the removal of the connection manager.  
            myConnsCount = myConns.Count;  
            Console.WriteLine("The number of connections is finally: {0}", myConnsCount);  

            // Using the Contains method, verify if the connection is in the collection.  
            Boolean connRemoved = myConns.Contains("My OLEDB ConnectionManager");  
            Console.WriteLine("The connection is still in the collection? {0}", connRemoved);  
Imports System  
Imports System.Collections.Generic  
Imports System.Text  
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime  

Namespace Connections_Collection  
    Class Program  
        Shared  Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)  
           ' The package is one of the SSIS Samples.  
            Dim mySample As String =  "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Samples\Integration Services\Package Samples\ExecuteProcess Sample\ExecuteProcess\UsingExecuteProcess.dtsx"   

            ' Create an application and load the sample.  
            Dim app As Application =  New Application()   
            Dim pkg As Package =  app.LoadPackage(mySample,Nothing)   
            Dim myConns As Connections =  pkg.Connections   

            ' Show how many connections are in the package.  
            Dim myConnsCount As Integer =  myConns.Count   
            Console.WriteLine("The number of connections is: {0}", myConnsCount)  

            ' Add an OLEDB connection manager.  
            Dim myConn As ConnectionManager =  pkg.Connections.Add("OLEDB")   
            myConn.Name = "My OLEDB ConnectionManager"  
            myConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Auto Translate=False;"  

            ' Verify the addition of one connection manager.  
            myConnsCount = myConns.Count  
            Console.WriteLine("The number of connections now is: {0}", myConnsCount)  

            ' Write out the names of the connection managers.  
            Dim myCMgrs As ConnectionManager  
            For Each myCMgrs In myConns  
                Console.WriteLine("Name:        {0}", myCMgrs.Name)  
                Console.WriteLine("ID:          {0}", myCMgrs.ID)  

            ' Remove the connection manager by name.  
            pkg.Connections.Remove("My OLEDB ConnectionManager")  

            ' Verify the removal of the connection manager.  
            myConnsCount = myConns.Count  
            Console.WriteLine("The number of connections is finally: {0}", myConnsCount)  

            ' Using the Contains method, verify if the connection is in the collection.  
            Dim connRemoved As Boolean =  myConns.Contains("My OLEDB ConnectionManager")   
            Console.WriteLine("The connection is still in the collection? {0}", connRemoved)  
        End Sub  
    End Class  
End Namespace  

Exemple de sortie :

The number of connections is: 3

The number of connections now is: 4

Name: Create_Execute_Process_Dest.sql

ID: {B52C0D78-5402-4544-BFEC-2BE203900C91}


Name: customers

ID: {4F945623-B43F-470F-9D1E-D2A0B09177AE}


Name: localhost.AdventureWorks

ID: {47179DDF-BD08-4E29-87C4-3A3D77105C2B}


Name: My OLEDB ConnectionManager

ID: {90DF568E-ECB1-46D2-8DCB-3E2C67391E64}


The number of connections is finally: 3

The connection is still in the collection? False

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