IDictionary Interface


Représente une collection non générique de paires clé/valeur.

public interface class IDictionary : System::Collections::ICollection
public interface IDictionary : System.Collections.ICollection
public interface IDictionary : System.Collections.ICollection
type IDictionary = interface
    interface ICollection
    interface IEnumerable
type IDictionary = interface
    interface ICollection
    interface IEnumerable
Public Interface IDictionary
Implements ICollection


L’exemple de code suivant montre comment définir une classe de dictionnaire simple qui implémente l’interface IDictionary.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;

// This class implements a simple dictionary using an array of
// DictionaryEntry objects (key/value pairs).
public ref class SimpleDictionary : public IDictionary
    // The array of items
    array<DictionaryEntry^>^ items;
    int itemsInUse;

    // Construct the SimpleDictionary with the desired number of
    // items. The number of items cannot change for the life time of
    // this SimpleDictionary.
    SimpleDictionary(int size)
        items = gcnew array<DictionaryEntry^>(size);

    #pragma region IDictionary Members
    property virtual bool IsReadOnly
        bool get()
            return false;
    virtual bool Contains(Object^ key)
        int index;
        return TryGetIndexOfKey(key, &index);
    virtual property bool IsFixedSize
        bool get()
            return false;
    virtual void Remove(Object^ key)
        if (key == nullptr)
            throw gcnew ArgumentNullException("key");
        // Try to find the key in the DictionaryEntry array
        int index;
        if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, &index))
            // If the key is found, slide all the items down.
            Array::Copy(items, index + 1, items, index, itemsInUse -
                index - 1);
            // If the key is not in the dictionary, just return.
    virtual void Clear()
        itemsInUse = 0;
    virtual void Add(Object^ key, Object^ value)
        // Add the new key/value pair even if this key already exists
        // in the dictionary.
        if (itemsInUse == items->Length)
            throw gcnew InvalidOperationException
                ("The dictionary cannot hold any more items.");
        items[itemsInUse++] = gcnew DictionaryEntry(key, value);
    virtual property ICollection^ Keys
        ICollection^ get()
            // Return an array where each item is a key.
            array<Object^>^ keys = gcnew array<Object^>(itemsInUse);
            for (int i = 0; i < itemsInUse; i++)
                keys[i] = items[i]->Key;
            return keys;
    virtual property ICollection^ Values
        ICollection^ get()
            // Return an array where each item is a value.
            array<Object^>^ values = gcnew array<Object^>(itemsInUse);
            for (int i = 0; i < itemsInUse; i++)
                values[i] = items[i]->Value;
            return values;
    virtual property Object^ default[Object^]
        Object^ get(Object^ key)
            // If this key is in the dictionary, return its value.
            int index;
            if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, &index))
                // The key was found; return its value.
                return items[index]->Value;
                // The key was not found; return null.
                return nullptr;

        void set(Object^ key, Object^ value)
            // If this key is in the dictionary, change its value.
            int index;
            if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, &index))
                // The key was found; change its value.
                items[index]->Value = value;
                // This key is not in the dictionary; add this
                // key/value pair.
                Add(key, value);
    bool TryGetIndexOfKey(Object^ key, int* index)
        for (*index = 0; *index < itemsInUse; *index++)
            // If the key is found, return true (the index is also
            // returned).
            if (items[*index]->Key->Equals(key))
                return true;

        // Key not found, return false (index should be ignored by
        // the caller).
        return false;
    ref class SimpleDictionaryEnumerator : public IDictionaryEnumerator
        // A copy of the SimpleDictionary object's key/value pairs.
        array<DictionaryEntry^>^ items;
        int index;

        SimpleDictionaryEnumerator(SimpleDictionary^ sd)
            // Make a copy of the dictionary entries currently in the
            // SimpleDictionary object.
            items = gcnew array<DictionaryEntry^>(sd->Count);
            Array::Copy(sd->items, 0, items, 0, sd->Count);
            index = -1;

        // Return the current item.
        virtual property Object^ Current
            Object^ get()
                return items[index];

        // Return the current dictionary entry.
        virtual property DictionaryEntry Entry
            DictionaryEntry get()
                return (DictionaryEntry) Current;

        // Return the key of the current item.
        virtual property Object^ Key
            Object^ get()
                return items[index]->Key;

        // Return the value of the current item.
        virtual property Object^ Value
            Object^ get()
                return items[index]->Value;

        // Advance to the next item.
        virtual bool MoveNext()
            if (index < items->Length - 1)
                return true;
            return false;

        // Validate the enumeration index and throw an exception if
        // the index is out of range.
        void ValidateIndex()
            if (index < 0 || index >= items->Length)
                throw gcnew InvalidOperationException
                    ("Enumerator is before or after the collection.");

        // Reset the index to restart the enumeration.
        virtual void Reset()
            index = -1;
    virtual IDictionaryEnumerator^ GetEnumerator()
        // Construct and return an enumerator.
        return gcnew SimpleDictionaryEnumerator(this);
    #pragma endregion

    #pragma region ICollection Members
    virtual property bool IsSynchronized
        bool get()
            return false;

    virtual property Object^ SyncRoot
        Object^ get()
            throw gcnew NotImplementedException();

    virtual property int Count
        int get()
            return itemsInUse;

    virtual void CopyTo(Array^ array, int index)
        throw gcnew NotImplementedException();
    #pragma endregion

    #pragma region IEnumerable Members

    virtual IEnumerator^ IEnumerable_GetEnumerator() 
        = IEnumerable::GetEnumerator
        // Construct and return an enumerator.
        return ((IDictionary^)this)->GetEnumerator();
    #pragma endregion

int main()
    // Create a dictionary that contains no more than three
    // entries.
    IDictionary^ d = gcnew SimpleDictionary(3);

    // Add three people and their ages to the dictionary.
    d->Add("Jeff", 40);
    d->Add("Kristin", 34);
    d->Add("Aidan", 1);

    Console::WriteLine("Number of elements in dictionary = {0}",

    Console::WriteLine("Does dictionary contain 'Jeff'? {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("Jeff's age is {0}", d["Jeff"]);

    // Display every entry's key and value.
    for each (DictionaryEntry^ de in d)
        Console::WriteLine("{0} is {1} years old.", de->Key,

    // Remove an entry that exists.

    // Remove an entry that does not exist, but do not throw an
    // exception.

    // Show the names (keys) of the people in the dictionary.
    for each (String^ s in d->Keys)

    // Show the ages (values) of the people in the dictionary.
    for each (int age in d->Values)

// This code produces the following output.
// Number of elements in dictionary = 3
// Does dictionary contain 'Jeff'? True
// Jeff's age is 40
// Jeff is 40 years old.
// Kristin is 34 years old.
// Aidan is 1 years old.
// Kristin
// Aidan
// 34
// 1
using System;
using System.Collections;

// This class implements a simple dictionary using an array of DictionaryEntry objects (key/value pairs).
public class SimpleDictionary : IDictionary
    // The array of items
    private DictionaryEntry[] items;
    private Int32 ItemsInUse = 0;

    // Construct the SimpleDictionary with the desired number of items.
    // The number of items cannot change for the life time of this SimpleDictionary.
    public SimpleDictionary(Int32 numItems)
        items = new DictionaryEntry[numItems];

    #region IDictionary Members
    public bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } }
    public bool Contains(object key)
       Int32 index;
       return TryGetIndexOfKey(key, out index);
    public bool IsFixedSize { get { return false; } }
    public void Remove(object key)
        if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
        // Try to find the key in the DictionaryEntry array
        Int32 index;
        if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, out index))
            // If the key is found, slide all the items up.
            Array.Copy(items, index + 1, items, index, ItemsInUse - index - 1);
            // If the key is not in the dictionary, just return.
    public void Clear() { ItemsInUse = 0; }
    public void Add(object key, object value)
        // Add the new key/value pair even if this key already exists in the dictionary.
        if (ItemsInUse == items.Length)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("The dictionary cannot hold any more items.");
        items[ItemsInUse++] = new DictionaryEntry(key, value);
    public ICollection Keys
            // Return an array where each item is a key.
            Object[] keys = new Object[ItemsInUse];
            for (Int32 n = 0; n < ItemsInUse; n++)
                keys[n] = items[n].Key;
            return keys;
    public ICollection Values
            // Return an array where each item is a value.
            Object[] values = new Object[ItemsInUse];
            for (Int32 n = 0; n < ItemsInUse; n++)
                values[n] = items[n].Value;
            return values;
    public object this[object key]
            // If this key is in the dictionary, return its value.
            Int32 index;
            if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, out index))
                // The key was found; return its value.
                return items[index].Value;
                // The key was not found; return null.
                return null;

            // If this key is in the dictionary, change its value.
            Int32 index;
            if (TryGetIndexOfKey(key, out index))
                // The key was found; change its value.
                items[index].Value = value;
                // This key is not in the dictionary; add this key/value pair.
                Add(key, value);
    private Boolean TryGetIndexOfKey(Object key, out Int32 index)
        for (index = 0; index < ItemsInUse; index++)
            // If the key is found, return true (the index is also returned).
            if (items[index].Key.Equals(key)) return true;

        // Key not found, return false (index should be ignored by the caller).
        return false;
    private class SimpleDictionaryEnumerator : IDictionaryEnumerator
        // A copy of the SimpleDictionary object's key/value pairs.
        DictionaryEntry[] items;
        Int32 index = -1;

        public SimpleDictionaryEnumerator(SimpleDictionary sd)
            // Make a copy of the dictionary entries currently in the SimpleDictionary object.
            items = new DictionaryEntry[sd.Count];
            Array.Copy(sd.items, 0, items, 0, sd.Count);

        // Return the current item.
        public Object Current { get { ValidateIndex(); return items[index]; } }

        // Return the current dictionary entry.
        public DictionaryEntry Entry
            get { return (DictionaryEntry) Current; }

        // Return the key of the current item.
        public Object Key { get { ValidateIndex();  return items[index].Key; } }

        // Return the value of the current item.
        public Object Value { get { ValidateIndex();  return items[index].Value; } }

        // Advance to the next item.
        public Boolean MoveNext()
            if (index < items.Length - 1) { index++; return true; }
            return false;

        // Validate the enumeration index and throw an exception if the index is out of range.
        private void ValidateIndex()
            if (index < 0 || index >= items.Length)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Enumerator is before or after the collection.");

        // Reset the index to restart the enumeration.
        public void Reset()
            index = -1;
    public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator()
        // Construct and return an enumerator.
        return new SimpleDictionaryEnumerator(this);

    #region ICollection Members
    public bool IsSynchronized { get { return false; } }
    public object SyncRoot { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
    public int Count { get { return ItemsInUse; } }
    public void CopyTo(Array array, int index) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

    #region IEnumerable Members
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        // Construct and return an enumerator.
        return ((IDictionary)this).GetEnumerator();

public sealed class App
    static void Main()
        // Create a dictionary that contains no more than three entries.
        IDictionary d = new SimpleDictionary(3);

        // Add three people and their ages to the dictionary.
        d.Add("Jeff", 40);
        d.Add("Kristin", 34);
        d.Add("Aidan", 1);

        Console.WriteLine("Number of elements in dictionary = {0}", d.Count);

        Console.WriteLine("Does dictionary contain 'Jeff'? {0}", d.Contains("Jeff"));
        Console.WriteLine("Jeff's age is {0}", d["Jeff"]);

        // Display every entry's key and value.
        foreach (DictionaryEntry de in d)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} years old.", de.Key, de.Value);

        // Remove an entry that exists.

        // Remove an entry that does not exist, but do not throw an exception.

        // Show the names (keys) of the people in the dictionary.
        foreach (String s in d.Keys)

        // Show the ages (values) of the people in the dictionary.
        foreach (Int32 age in d.Values)

// This code produces the following output.
// Number of elements in dictionary = 3
// Does dictionary contain 'Jeff'? True
// Jeff's age is 40
// Jeff is 40 years old.
// Kristin is 34 years old.
// Aidan is 1 years old.
// Kristin
// Aidan
// 34
// 1
Imports System.Collections

' This class implements a simple dictionary using an array of DictionaryEntry objects (key/value pairs).
Public Class SimpleDictionary
    Implements IDictionary

    ' The array of items
    Dim items() As DictionaryEntry
    Dim ItemsInUse As Integer = 0

    ' Construct the SimpleDictionary with the desired number of items.
    ' The number of items cannot change for the life time of this SimpleDictionary.
    Public Sub New(ByVal numItems As Integer)
        items = New DictionaryEntry(numItems - 1) {}
    End Sub

    ' IDictionary Members
    Public ReadOnly Property IsReadOnly() As Boolean Implements IDictionary.IsReadOnly
            Return False
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Function Contains(ByVal key As Object) As Boolean Implements IDictionary.Contains
        Dim index As Integer
        Return TryGetIndexOfKey(key, index)
    End Function

    Public ReadOnly Property IsFixedSize() As Boolean Implements IDictionary.IsFixedSize
            Return False
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub Remove(ByVal key As Object) Implements IDictionary.Remove
        If key = Nothing Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("key")
        End If
        ' Try to find the key in the DictionaryEntry array
        Dim index As Integer
        If TryGetIndexOfKey(key, index) Then

            ' If the key is found, slide all the items up.
            Array.Copy(items, index + 1, items, index, (ItemsInUse - index) - 1)
            ItemsInUse = ItemsInUse - 1

            ' If the key is not in the dictionary, just return. 
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub Clear() Implements IDictionary.Clear
        ItemsInUse = 0
    End Sub

    Public Sub Add(ByVal key As Object, ByVal value As Object) Implements IDictionary.Add

        ' Add the new key/value pair even if this key already exists in the dictionary.
        If ItemsInUse = items.Length Then
            Throw New InvalidOperationException("The dictionary cannot hold any more items.")
        End If
        items(ItemsInUse) = New DictionaryEntry(key, value)
        ItemsInUse = ItemsInUse + 1
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property Keys() As ICollection Implements IDictionary.Keys

            ' Return an array where each item is a key.
            ' Note: Declaring keyArray() to have a size of ItemsInUse - 1
            '       ensures that the array is properly sized, in VB.NET
            '       declaring an array of size N creates an array with
            '       0 through N elements, including N, as opposed to N - 1
            '       which is the default behavior in C# and C++.
            Dim keyArray() As Object = New Object(ItemsInUse - 1) {}
            Dim n As Integer
            For n = 0 To ItemsInUse - 1
                keyArray(n) = items(n).Key
            Next n

            Return keyArray
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Values() As ICollection Implements IDictionary.Values
            ' Return an array where each item is a value.
            Dim valueArray() As Object = New Object(ItemsInUse - 1) {}
            Dim n As Integer
            For n = 0 To ItemsInUse - 1
                valueArray(n) = items(n).Value
            Next n

            Return valueArray
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Property Item(ByVal key As Object) As Object Implements IDictionary.Item

            ' If this key is in the dictionary, return its value.
            Dim index As Integer
            If TryGetIndexOfKey(key, index) Then

                ' The key was found return its value.
                Return items(index).Value

                ' The key was not found return null.
                Return Nothing
            End If
        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Object)
            ' If this key is in the dictionary, change its value. 
            Dim index As Integer
            If TryGetIndexOfKey(key, index) Then

                ' The key was found change its value.
                items(index).Value = value

                ' This key is not in the dictionary add this key/value pair.
                Add(key, value)
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    Private Function TryGetIndexOfKey(ByVal key As Object, ByRef index As Integer) As Boolean
        For index = 0 To ItemsInUse - 1
            ' If the key is found, return true (the index is also returned).
            If items(index).Key.Equals(key) Then
                Return True
            End If
        Next index

        ' Key not found, return false (index should be ignored by the caller).
        Return False
    End Function

    Private Class SimpleDictionaryEnumerator
        Implements IDictionaryEnumerator

        ' A copy of the SimpleDictionary object's key/value pairs.
        Dim items() As DictionaryEntry
        Dim index As Integer = -1

        Public Sub New(ByVal sd As SimpleDictionary)
            ' Make a copy of the dictionary entries currently in the SimpleDictionary object.
            items = New DictionaryEntry(sd.Count - 1) {}
            Array.Copy(sd.items, 0, items, 0, sd.Count)
        End Sub

        ' Return the current item.
        Public ReadOnly Property Current() As Object Implements IDictionaryEnumerator.Current
                Return items(index)
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Return the current dictionary entry.
        Public ReadOnly Property Entry() As DictionaryEntry Implements IDictionaryEnumerator.Entry
                Return Current
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Return the key of the current item.
        Public ReadOnly Property Key() As Object Implements IDictionaryEnumerator.Key
                Return items(index).Key
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Return the value of the current item.
        Public ReadOnly Property Value() As Object Implements IDictionaryEnumerator.Value
                Return items(index).Value
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Advance to the next item.
        Public Function MoveNext() As Boolean Implements IDictionaryEnumerator.MoveNext
            If index < items.Length - 1 Then
                index = index + 1
                Return True
            End If

            Return False
        End Function

        ' Validate the enumeration index and throw an exception if the index is out of range.
        Private Sub ValidateIndex()
            If index < 0 Or index >= items.Length Then
                Throw New InvalidOperationException("Enumerator is before or after the collection.")
            End If
        End Sub

        ' Reset the index to restart the enumeration.
        Public Sub Reset() Implements IDictionaryEnumerator.Reset
            index = -1
        End Sub

    End Class

    Public Function GetEnumerator() As IDictionaryEnumerator Implements IDictionary.GetEnumerator

        'Construct and return an enumerator.
        Return New SimpleDictionaryEnumerator(Me)
    End Function

    ' ICollection Members
    Public ReadOnly Property IsSynchronized() As Boolean Implements IDictionary.IsSynchronized
            Return False
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property SyncRoot() As Object Implements IDictionary.SyncRoot
            Throw New NotImplementedException()
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Count() As Integer Implements IDictionary.Count
            Return ItemsInUse
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal array As Array, ByVal index As Integer) Implements IDictionary.CopyTo
        Throw New NotImplementedException()
    End Sub

    ' IEnumerable Members
    Public Function GetEnumerator1() As IEnumerator Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator

        ' Construct and return an enumerator.
        Return Me.GetEnumerator()
    End Function
End Class

Public NotInheritable Class App
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Create a dictionary that contains no more than three entries.
        Dim d As IDictionary = New SimpleDictionary(3)

        ' Add three people and their ages to the dictionary.
        d.Add("Jeff", 40)
        d.Add("Kristin", 34)
        d.Add("Aidan", 1)

        Console.WriteLine("Number of elements in dictionary = {0}", d.Count)

        Console.WriteLine("Does dictionary contain 'Jeff'? {0}", d.Contains("Jeff"))
        Console.WriteLine("Jeff's age is {0}", d("Jeff"))

        ' Display every entry's key and value.
        Dim de As DictionaryEntry
        For Each de In d
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} years old.", de.Key, de.Value)

        ' Remove an entry that exists.

        ' Remove an entry that does not exist, but do not throw an exception.

        ' Show the names (keys) of the people in the dictionary.
        Dim s As String

        For Each s In d.Keys

        ' Show the ages (values) of the people in the dictionary.
        Dim age As Integer
        For Each age In d.Values

    End Sub
End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' Number of elements in dictionary = 3
' Does dictionary contain 'Jeff'? True
' Jeff's age is 40
' Jeff is 40 years old.
' Kristin is 34 years old.
' Aidan is 1 years old.
' Kristin
' Aidan
' 34
' 1


L’interface IDictionary est l’interface de base pour les collections non génériques de paires clé/valeur. Pour obtenir la version générique de cette interface, consultez System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.

Chaque élément est une paire clé/valeur stockée dans un objet DictionaryEntry.

Chaque paire doit avoir une clé unique. Les implémentations peuvent varier selon qu’elles permettent à la clé d’être null. La valeur peut être null et n’a pas besoin d’être unique. L’interface IDictionary permet d’énumérer les clés et valeurs contenues, mais elle n’implique aucun ordre de tri particulier.

IDictionary implémentations se répartissent en trois catégories : en lecture seule, taille fixe, taille variable. Impossible de modifier un objet IDictionary en lecture seule. Un objet de taille fixe IDictionary n’autorise pas l’ajout ou la suppression d’éléments, mais autorise la modification des éléments existants. Un objet de taille variable IDictionary permet l’ajout, la suppression et la modification d’éléments.

L’instruction foreach du langage C# (For Each en Visual Basic) retourne un objet du type des éléments de la collection. Étant donné que chaque élément de l’objet IDictionary est une paire clé/valeur, le type d’élément n’est pas le type de la clé ou le type de la valeur. Au lieu de cela, le type d’élément est DictionaryEntry. Par exemple:

for each (DictionaryEntry de in myDictionary)
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in myDictionary)
For Each de As DictionaryEntry In myDictionary
Next de

L’instruction foreach est un wrapper autour de l’énumérateur, qui autorise uniquement la lecture à partir de la collection, mais pas l’écriture dans la collection.

Notes pour les responsables de l’implémentation

La classe d’implémentation doit avoir un moyen de comparer les clés.



Obtient le nombre d’éléments contenus dans la ICollection.

(Hérité de ICollection)

Obtient une valeur indiquant si l’objet IDictionary a une taille fixe.


Obtient une valeur indiquant si l’objet IDictionary est en lecture seule.


Obtient une valeur indiquant si l’accès au ICollection est synchronisé (thread safe).

(Hérité de ICollection)

Obtient ou définit l’élément avec la clé spécifiée.


Obtient un objet ICollection contenant les clés de l’objet IDictionary.


Obtient un objet qui peut être utilisé pour synchroniser l’accès au ICollection.

(Hérité de ICollection)

Obtient un objet ICollection contenant les valeurs de l’objet IDictionary.


Add(Object, Object)

Ajoute un élément avec la clé et la valeur fournies à l’objet IDictionary.


Supprime tous les éléments de l’objet IDictionary.


Détermine si l’objet IDictionary contient un élément avec la clé spécifiée.

CopyTo(Array, Int32)

Copie les éléments du ICollection dans un Array, en commençant à un index Array particulier.

(Hérité de ICollection)

Retourne un objet IDictionaryEnumerator pour l’objet IDictionary.


Supprime l’élément avec la clé spécifiée de l’objet IDictionary.

Méthodes d’extension


Convertit les éléments d’un IEnumerable en type spécifié.


Filtre les éléments d’une IEnumerable en fonction d’un type spécifié.


Active la parallélisation d’une requête.


Convertit un IEnumerable en IQueryable.

S’applique à

Voir aussi