AsymmetricAlgorithm Classe


Représente la classe de base abstraite dont toutes les implémentations des algorithmes asymétriques doivent hériter.

public ref class AsymmetricAlgorithm abstract : IDisposable
public abstract class AsymmetricAlgorithm : IDisposable
public abstract class AsymmetricAlgorithm : IDisposable
type AsymmetricAlgorithm = class
    interface IDisposable
type AsymmetricAlgorithm = class
    interface IDisposable
Public MustInherit Class AsymmetricAlgorithm
Implements IDisposable


L’exemple de code suivant montre comment implémenter un algorithme asymétrique personnalisé hérité de la AsymmetricAlgorithm classe . Une classe supplémentaire est fournie pour montrer comment utiliser la classe personnalisée.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Security.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
using namespace System::Reflection;

[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("CustomCrypto.snk")];
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")];
[assembly: CLSCompliant(true)];
namespace Contoso
    // Define a CustomCrypto class that inherits from the AsymmetricAlgorithm
    // class.
    public ref class CustomCrypto :
        public System::Security::Cryptography::AsymmetricAlgorithm
            // Declare local member variables.
            CspParameters^ cryptoServiceParameters;
            array<KeySizes^>^ customValidKeySizes;

            // Initialize a CustomCrypto with the default key size of 8.
                customValidKeySizes = 
                    gcnew array<KeySizes^>{gcnew KeySizes(8, 64, 8)};
                this->KeySize = 8;

            // Initialize a CustomCrypto with the specified key size.
            CustomCrypto(int keySize)
                customValidKeySizes = 
                    gcnew array<KeySizes^>{gcnew KeySizes(8, 64, 8)};
                this->KeySize = keySize;

            // Accessor function for keySizes member variable.
            property array<KeySizes^>^ LegalKeySizes
                virtual array<KeySizes^>^ get() override
                    return (array<KeySizes^>^)customValidKeySizes->Clone();

            // Modify the KeySizeValue property inherited from the Asymmetric
            // class. Prior to setting the value, ensure it falls within the
            // range identified in the local keySizes member variable.
            property int KeySize
                virtual int get() override
                    return KeySizeValue;

                virtual void set(int value) override
                    for (int i = 0; i < customValidKeySizes->Length; i++)
                        if (customValidKeySizes[i]->SkipSize == 0)
                            if (customValidKeySizes[i]->MinSize == value)
                                KeySizeValue = value;
                            for (int j = customValidKeySizes[i]->MinSize;
                                j <= customValidKeySizes[i]->MaxSize;
                                j += customValidKeySizes[i]->SkipSize)
                                if (j == value)
                                    KeySizeValue = value;

                    // If the key does not fall within the range identified
                    // in the keySizes member variable, throw an exception.
                    throw gcnew CryptographicException("Invalid key size.");

            // Initialize the parameters with default values.
            void InitializeParameters()
                cryptoServiceParameters = gcnew CspParameters();
                cryptoServiceParameters->ProviderName = "Contoso";
                cryptoServiceParameters->KeyContainerName = "SecurityBin1";
                cryptoServiceParameters->KeyNumber = 1;
                cryptoServiceParameters->ProviderType = 2;

            // Parse specified xmlString for values to populate the CspParams
            // Expected XML schema:
            //      <ProviderName></ProviderName>
            //      <KeyContainerName></KeyContainerName>
            //      <KeyNumber></KeyNumber>
            //      <ProviderType></ProviderType>
            virtual void FromXmlString(String^ xmlString) override 
                if (xmlString != nullptr)
                    XmlDocument^ document = gcnew XmlDocument();
                    XmlNode^ firstNode = document->FirstChild;
                    XmlNodeList^ nodeList;

                    // Assemble parameters from values in each XML element.
                    cryptoServiceParameters = gcnew CspParameters();

                    // KeyContainerName is optional.
                    nodeList = 
                    if (nodeList->Count > 0)
                        cryptoServiceParameters->KeyContainerName =

                    // KeyNumber is optional.
                    nodeList = document->GetElementsByTagName("KeyNumber");
                    if (nodeList->Count > 0)
                        cryptoServiceParameters->KeyNumber =

                    // ProviderName is optional.
                    nodeList = document->GetElementsByTagName("ProviderName");
                    if (nodeList->Count > 0)
                        cryptoServiceParameters->ProviderName =

                    // ProviderType is optional.
                    nodeList = document->GetElementsByTagName("ProviderType");
                    if (nodeList->Count > 0)
                        cryptoServiceParameters->ProviderType =
                    throw gcnew ArgumentNullException("xmlString");

            // Create an XML string representation of the parameters in the
            // current customCrypto object.
            virtual String^ ToXmlString(bool includePrivateParameters) override
                String^ keyContainerName = "";
                String^ keyNumber = "";
                String^ providerName = "";
                String^ providerType = "";

                if (cryptoServiceParameters != nullptr)
                    keyContainerName = 
                    keyNumber = cryptoServiceParameters->KeyNumber.ToString();
                    providerName = cryptoServiceParameters->ProviderName;
                    providerType = 

                StringBuilder^ sb = gcnew StringBuilder();






            // Return the name for the key exchange algorithm.
            property String^ KeyExchangeAlgorithm 
                virtual String^ get() override
                    return "RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx";

            // Retrieves the name of the signature alogrithm.
            // This example uses the SHA1 algorithm.
            // Due to collision problems with SHA1, Microsoft recommends SHA256 or better.

            property String^ SignatureAlgorithm
                virtual String^ get() override
                    return "";

            // Required member for implementing the AsymmetricAlgorithm class.
            virtual ~CustomCrypto()

            // Call the Create method using the CustomCrypto assembly name.
            // The create function attempts to create a CustomCrypto 
            // object using the assembly name. This functionality requires 
            // modification of the machine.config file. Add the following 
            // section to the configuration element and modify the values 
            // of the cryptoClass to reflect what isinstalled 
            // in your machines GAC.
            //        <cryptoClass CustomCrypto="Contoso.CustomCrypto,
            //          CustomCrypto,
            //          Culture=neutral,
            //          PublicKeyToken=fdb9f9c4851028bf,
            //          Version=1.0.1448.27640" />
            //      <nameEntry name="Contoso.CustomCrypto" 
            //         class="CustomCrypto" />
            //      <nameEntry name="CustomCrypto" class="CustomCrypto" />

            static CustomCrypto^ Create() 
                return Create("CustomCrypto");

            // Create a CustomCrypto object by calling CrytoConfig's
            // CreateFromName method and casting the type to CustomCrypto.
            // The create function attempts to create a CustomCrypto object 
            // using the assembly name. This functionality requires 
            // modification of the machine.config file. Add the following 
            // section to the configuration element and modify the values 
            // of the cryptoClass to reflect what is installed 
            // in your machines GAC.
            //       <cryptoClass CustomCrypto="Contoso.CustomCrypto,
            //         CustomCrypto,
            //         Culture=neutral,
            //         PublicKeyToken=fdb9f9c4851028bf,
            //         Version=1.0.1448.27640" />
            //     <nameEntry name="Contoso.CustomCrypto" 
            //        class="CustomCrypto" />
            //     <nameEntry name="CustomCrypto" class="CustomCrypto" />

            static CustomCrypto^ Create(String^ algorithmName) 
                return (CustomCrypto^) 
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Reflection;

[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("CustomCrypto.snk")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: CLSCompliant(true)]
namespace Contoso
    // Define a CustomCrypto class that inherits from the AsymmetricAlgorithm
    // class.
    public class CustomCrypto : 
        // Declare local member variables.
        private CspParameters cspParameters;
        private readonly KeySizes[] keySizes = {new KeySizes(8, 64, 8)};

        // Initialize a CustomCrypto with the default key size of 8.
        public CustomCrypto()
            this.KeySize = 8;

        // Initialize a CustomCrypto with the specified key size.
        public CustomCrypto(int keySize)
            this.KeySize = keySize;

        // Accessor function for keySizes member variable.
        public override KeySizes[] LegalKeySizes 
            get { return (KeySizes[])keySizes.Clone(); }

        // Modify the KeySizeValue property inherited from the Asymmetric
        // class. Prior to setting the value, ensure it falls within the
        // range identified in the local keySizes member variable.
        public override int KeySize 
            get { return KeySizeValue; }
                for (int i=0; i < keySizes.Length; i++)
                    if (keySizes[i].SkipSize == 0) 
                        if (keySizes[i].MinSize == value)
                            KeySizeValue = value;
                        for (int j = keySizes[i].MinSize;
                            j <= keySizes[i].MaxSize;
                            j += keySizes[i].SkipSize)
                            if (j == value)
                                KeySizeValue = value;

                // If the key does not fall within the range identified 
                // in the keySizes member variable, throw an exception.
                throw new CryptographicException("Invalid key size.");

        // Initialize the parameters with default values.
        public void InitializeParameters()
            cspParameters = new CspParameters();
            cspParameters.ProviderName = "Contoso";
            cspParameters.KeyContainerName = "SecurityBin1";
            cspParameters.KeyNumber = 1;
            cspParameters.ProviderType = 2;

        // Parse specified xmlString for values to populate the CspParams
        // Expected XML schema:
        //      <ProviderName></ProviderName>
        //      <KeyContainerName></KeyContainerName>
        //      <KeyNumber></KeyNumber>
        //      <ProviderType></ProviderType>
        public override void FromXmlString(string xmlString)
            if (xmlString != null)
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNode firstNode = doc.FirstChild;
                XmlNodeList nodeList;

                // Assemble parameters from values in each XML element.
                cspParameters = new CspParameters();

                // KeyContainerName is optional.
                nodeList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("KeyContainerName");
                string keyName = nodeList.Item(0).InnerText;
                if (keyName != null) 
                    cspParameters.KeyContainerName = keyName;

                // KeyNumber is optional.
                nodeList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("KeyNumber");
                string keyNumber = nodeList.Item(0).InnerText;
                if (keyNumber != null) 
                    cspParameters.KeyNumber = Int32.Parse(keyNumber);

                // ProviderName is optional.
                nodeList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ProviderName");
                string providerName = nodeList.Item(0).InnerText;
                if (providerName != null) 
                    cspParameters.ProviderName = providerName;

                // ProviderType is optional.
                nodeList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ProviderType");
                string providerType = nodeList.Item(0).InnerText;
                if (providerType != null) 
                    cspParameters.ProviderType = Int32.Parse(providerType);
                throw new ArgumentNullException("xmlString");

        // Create an XML string representation of the parameters in the
        // current customCrypto object.
        public override string ToXmlString(bool includePrivateParameters)
            string keyContainerName = "";
            string keyNumber = "";
            string providerName = "";
            string providerType = "";

            if (cspParameters != null)
                keyContainerName = cspParameters.KeyContainerName;
                keyNumber = cspParameters.KeyNumber.ToString();
                providerName = cspParameters.ProviderName;
                providerType = cspParameters.ProviderType.ToString();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();






        // Return the name for the key exchange algorithm.
        public override string KeyExchangeAlgorithm
            get {return "RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx";}

        // Retrieves the name of the signature alogrithm.
        // This example uses the SHA1 algorithm.
        // Due to collision problems with SHA1, Microsoft recommends SHA256 or better.
        public override string SignatureAlgorithm 
            get {return "";}

        // Required member for implementing the AsymmetricAlgorithm class.
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {}

        // Call the Create method using the CustomCrypto assembly name.
        // The create function attempts to create a CustomCrypto object using
        // the assembly name. This functionality requires modification of the
        // machine.config file. Add the following section to the configuration
        // element and modify the values of the cryptoClass to reflect what is
        // installed in your machines GAC.
        //        <cryptoClass CustomCrypto="Contoso.CustomCrypto, 
        //          CustomCrypto, 
        //          Culture=neutral, 
        //          PublicKeyToken=fdb9f9c4851028bf, 
        //          Version=1.0.1448.27640" />
        //      <nameEntry name="Contoso.CustomCrypto" class="CustomCrypto" />
        //      <nameEntry name="CustomCrypto" class="CustomCrypto" />
        new static public CustomCrypto Create() 
            return Create("CustomCrypto");

        // Create a CustomCrypto object by calling CrytoConfig's
        // CreateFromName method and casting the type to CustomCrypto.
        // The create function attempts to create a CustomCrypto object using
        // the assembly name. This functionality requires modification of the
        // machine.config file. Add the following section to the configuration
        // element and modify the values of the cryptoClass to reflect what is
        // installed in your machines GAC.
        //       <cryptoClass CustomCrypto="Contoso.CustomCrypto, 
        //         CustomCrypto, 
        //         Culture=neutral, 
        //         PublicKeyToken=fdb9f9c4851028bf, 
        //         Version=1.0.1448.27640" />
        //     <nameEntry name="Contoso.CustomCrypto" class="CustomCrypto" />
        //     <nameEntry name="CustomCrypto" class="CustomCrypto" />
        new static public CustomCrypto Create(String algorithmName) 
            return (CustomCrypto) CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(algorithmName);
    class CustomCryptoImpl
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Construct a CustomCrypto object and initialize its
            // CspParameters.
            CustomCrypto customCrypto = new CustomCrypto();

            // Display properties of the current customCrypto object.
            Console.WriteLine("*** CustomCrypto created with default " + 

            // Release all the resources used by this instance of 
            // CustomCrytpo.

            customCrypto = new CustomCrypto(64);
            // Create new parameters and set them by using the FromXmlString
            // method.
            string parameterXml = "<CustomCryptoKeyValue>";
            parameterXml += "<ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>";
            parameterXml += "<KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2";
            parameterXml += "</KeyContainerName>";
            parameterXml += "<KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber>";
            parameterXml += "<ProviderType>2</ProviderType>";
            parameterXml += "</CustomCryptoKeyValue>";

            // Display the properties of a customCrypto object created with
            // custom parameters.
            Console.WriteLine("\n*** " + 
                "CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:");

            // Create an object by using the assembly name.
                CustomCrypto myCryptoA = CustomCrypto.Create("CustomCrypto");
                if (myCryptoA != null)
                    Console.Write("\n*** " + 
                        "Successfully created CustomCrytpo from");
                    Console.WriteLine(" the Create method.");

                    Console.Write("Unable to create CustomCrytpo from ");
                    Console.WriteLine(" the Create method.");
            catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("This sample completed successfully; " +
                "press Enter to exit.");
        // Display the properties of the specified CustomCrypto object to the
        // console.
        public static void DisplayProperties(CustomCrypto customCrypto)
                // Retrieve the class description for the customCrypto object.
                string classDescription = customCrypto.ToString();

                Console.Write("KeyExchangeAlgorithm: ");
                Console.Write("SignatureAlgorithm: ");
                Console.WriteLine("KeySize: " + customCrypto.KeySize);
                Console.WriteLine("Parameters described in Xml format:");

                // Display the MinSize, MaxSize, and SkipSize properties of 
                // each KeySize item in the local keySizes member variable.
                KeySizes[] legalKeySizes = customCrypto.LegalKeySizes;
                if (legalKeySizes.Length > 0)
                    for (int i=0; i < legalKeySizes.Length; i++)
                        Console.Write("Keysize" + i + " min, max, step: ");
                        Console.Write(legalKeySizes[i].MinSize + ", ");
                        Console.Write(legalKeySizes[i].MaxSize + ", ");
                        Console.WriteLine(legalKeySizes[i].SkipSize + ", ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Caught unexpected exception: " + 
// This sample produces the following output:
// *** CustomCrypto created with default parameters:
// Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
// KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
// SignatureAlgorithm:
// KeySize: 8
// Parameters described in Xml format:
// <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin1</KeyContainerName>
// <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
// <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
// Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8, 
// *** CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:
// Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
// KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
// SignatureAlgorithm:
// KeySize: 64
// Parameters described in Xml format:
// <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2</KeyContainerName>
// <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
// <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
// Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8, 
// Unable to create CustomCrytpo from  the Create method
// This sample completed successfully; press Exit to continue.
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Reflection

<Assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("CustomCrypto.snk")> 
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")> 
<Assembly: CLSCompliant(True)> 
Namespace Contoso
    ' Define a vbCustomCrypto class that inherits from the AsymmetricAlgorithm
    ' class.
    Class vbCustomCrypto
        Inherits System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm

        ' Declare local member variables.
        Private cspParameters As CspParameters
        Private ReadOnly keySizes() As keySizes = {New keySizes(8, 64, 8)}

        ' Initialize a vbCustomCrypto with the default key size of 8.
        Public Sub New()
            Me.KeySize = 8
        End Sub

        ' Initialize a vbCustomCrypto with the specified key size.
        Public Sub New(ByVal keySize As Integer)
            Me.KeySize = keySize
        End Sub

        ' Modify the KeySizeValue property inherited from the Asymmetric
        ' class. Prior to setting the value, ensure it falls within the
        ' range identified in the local keySizes member variable.
        Public Overrides Property KeySize() As Integer
                Return KeySizeValue
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                For i As Int16 = 0 To keySizes.Length - 1 Step i
                    If (keySizes(i).SkipSize.Equals(0)) Then
                        If (keySizes(i).MinSize.Equals(Value)) Then
                            KeySizeValue = Value
                        End If
                        For j As Integer = keySizes(i).MinSize _
                            To keySizes(i).MaxSize _
                            Step keySizes(i).SkipSize
                            If (j.Equals(Value)) Then
                                KeySizeValue = Value
                            End If
                    End If
                ' If the key does not fall within the range identified 
                ' in the keySizes member variable, throw an exception.
                Throw New CryptographicException("Invalid key size.")
            End Set
        End Property
        ' Accessor function for keySizes member variable.
        public Overrides Readonly Property LegalKeySizes as KeySizes()
                Return keySizes
            End Get
        End Property
        ' Initialize the parameters with default values.
        Public Sub InitializeParameters()
            cspParameters = New CspParameters
            cspParameters.ProviderName = "Contoso"
            cspParameters.KeyContainerName = "SecurityBin1"
            cspParameters.KeyNumber = 1
            cspParameters.ProviderType = 2
        End Sub

        ' Parse specified xmlString for values to populate the CspParams
        ' Expected XML schema:
        '      <ProviderName></ProviderName>
        '      <KeyContainerName></KeyContainerName>
        '      <KeyNumber></KeyNumber>
        '      <ProviderType></ProviderType>
        Public Overrides Sub FromXmlString(ByVal xmlString As String)
            If Not xmlString Is Nothing Then
                Dim doc As New XmlDocument
                Dim firstNode As XmlNode = doc.FirstChild
                Dim nodeList As XmlNodeList

                ' Assemble parameters from values in each XML element.
                cspParameters = New CspParameters

                ' KeyContainerName is optional.
                nodeList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("KeyContainerName")
                Dim keyName As String = nodeList.Item(0).InnerText
                If Not keyName Is Nothing Then
                    cspParameters.KeyContainerName = keyName
                End If

                ' KeyNumber is optional.
                nodeList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("KeyNumber")
                Dim keyNumber As String = nodeList.Item(0).InnerText
                If Not keyNumber Is Nothing Then
                    cspParameters.KeyNumber = Int32.Parse(keyNumber)
                End If

                ' ProviderName is optional.
                nodeList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ProviderName")
                Dim providerName As String = nodeList.Item(0).InnerText
                If Not providerName Is Nothing Then
                    cspParameters.ProviderName = providerName
                End If

                ' ProviderType is optional.
                nodeList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ProviderType")
                Dim providerType As String = nodeList.Item(0).InnerText
                If Not providerType Is Nothing Then
                    cspParameters.ProviderType = Int32.Parse(providerType)
                End If
                Throw New ArgumentNullException("xmlString")
            End If
        End Sub

        ' Create an XML string representation of the parameters in the current
        ' vbCustomCrypto object.
        Public Overrides Function ToXmlString( _
            ByVal includePrivateParameters As Boolean) As String

            Dim keyContainerName As String = ""
            Dim keyNumber As String = ""
            Dim providerName As String = ""
            Dim providerType As String = ""

            If Not cspParameters Is Nothing Then
                keyContainerName = cspParameters.KeyContainerName
                keyNumber = cspParameters.KeyNumber.ToString()
                providerName = cspParameters.ProviderName
                providerType = cspParameters.ProviderType.ToString()
            End If

            Dim xmlBuilder As New StringBuilder





            Return (xmlBuilder.ToString())
        End Function

        ' Return the name for the key exchange algorithm.
        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property KeyExchangeAlgorithm() As String
                Return "RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx"
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Retrieves the name of the signature alogrithm.
        ' This example uses the SHA1 algorithm.
        ' Due to collision problems with SHA1, Microsoft recommends SHA256 or better.
        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property SignatureAlgorithm() As String
                Return ""
            End Get
        End Property

        ' Required member for implementing the AsymmetricAlgorithm class.
        Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

        End Sub

        ' The create function attempts to create a vbCustomCrypto object using
        ' the assembly name. This functionality requires modification of the
        ' machine.config file. Add the following section to the configuration
        ' element and modify the values of the cryptoClass to reflect what is
        ' installed in your machines GAC.
        '          <cryptoClass vbCustomCrypto="Contoso.vbCustomCrypto, 
        '            vbCustomCrypto, 
        '            Culture=neutral, 
        '            PublicKeyToken=fdb9f9c4851028bf, 
        '            Version=1.0.1448.27640" />
        '        <nameEntry name="Contoso.vbCustomCrypto" 
        '                   class="vbCustomCrypto" />
        '        <nameEntry name="vbCustomCrypto" class="vbCustomCrypto" />
        Public Shadows Function Create() As vbCustomCrypto
            Return Create("vbCustomCrypto")
        End Function

        ' Create a CustomCrypto object by calling CrytoConfig's
        ' CreateFromName method and casting the type to CustomCrypto.
        ' The create function attempts to create a vbCustomCrypto object using
        ' the assembly name. This functionality requires modification of the
        ' machine.config file. Add the following section to the configuration
        ' element and modify the values of the cryptoClass to reflect what is
        ' installed in your machines GAC.
        '          <cryptoClass vbCustomCrypto="Contoso.vbCustomCrypto, 
        '            vbCustomCrypto, 
        '            Culture=neutral, 
        '            PublicKeyToken=fdb9f9c4851028bf, 
        '            Version=1.0.1448.27640" />
        '        <nameEntry name="Contoso.vbCustomCrypto" 
        '                   class="vbCustomCrypto" />
        '        <nameEntry name="vbCustomCrypto" class="vbCustomCrypto" />
        Public Shadows Function Create( _
            ByVal algorithmName As String) As vbCustomCrypto

            Return CType( _
                CryptoConfig.CreateFromName(algorithmName), _

        End Function
    End Class
    Class Form1
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

        ' Event handler for Run button.
        Private Sub Button1_Click( _
            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

            tbxOutput.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
            tbxOutput.Text = ""

            ' Construct a CustomCrypto object and initialize its
            ' CspParameters.
            Dim customCrypto As New Contoso.vbCustomCrypto

            ' Display properties of the current vbCustomCrypto object.
            WriteLine("*** CustomCrypto created with default parameters:")

            ' Release all the resources used by this instance of CustomCrytpo.

            customCrypto = New Contoso.vbCustomCrypto(64)
            ' Create new parameters and set them by using the
            ' FromXmlString method.
            Dim parameterXml As String = "<CustomCryptoKeyValue>"
            parameterXml += "<ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>"
            parameterXml += "<KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2"
            parameterXml += "</KeyContainerName>"
            parameterXml += "<KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber>"
            parameterXml += "<ProviderType>2</ProviderType>"
            parameterXml += "</CustomCryptoKeyValue>"

            ' Display the properties of a customCrypto object created with
            ' custom parameters.
            WriteLine(vbCrLf + "*** " + _
                "CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:")

            ' Create an object by using the assembly name.
                Dim createdCrypto As Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
                createdCrypto = customCrypto.Create("vbCustomCrypto")

                If (Not createdCrypto Is Nothing) Then
                    Write(vbCrLf + "*** Successfully created vbCustomCrytpo ")
                    WriteLine("from the Create method.")

                    Write("Unable to create CustomCrytpo from ")
                    WriteLine(" the Create method.")
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try

            ' Align interface and conclude application.
            WriteLine("This sample completed successfully;" + _
                " press Exit to continue.")

            ' Reset the cursor.
            tbxOutput.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        End Sub
        ' Display the properties of the specified CustomCrypto object to
        ' the output texbox.
        Public Sub DisplayProperties( _
            ByVal customCrypto As Contoso.vbCustomCrypto)

                ' Retrieve the class description for the customCrypto object.
                Dim classDescription As String = customCrypto.ToString()

                WriteLine("KeyExchangeAlgorithm: " + _
                WriteLine("SignatureAlgorithm: " + _
                WriteLine("KeySize: " + customCrypto.KeySize.ToString())
                WriteLine("Parameters described in Xml format:")

                ' Display the MinSize, MaxSize, and SkipSize properties of 
                ' each KeySize item in the local keySizes member variable.
                Dim legalKeySizes() As KeySizes = customCrypto.LegalKeySizes
                If (legalKeySizes.Length > 0) Then
                    For i As Integer = 0 To legalKeySizes.Length - 1 Step 1
                        Write("Keysize" + i.ToString() + " min, max, step: ")
                        Write(legalKeySizes(i).MinSize.ToString() + ", ")
                        Write(legalKeySizes(i).MaxSize.ToString() + ", ")
                        Write(legalKeySizes(i).SkipSize.ToString() + ", ")
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                WriteLine("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex.ToString())
            End Try
        End Sub
        ' Write the specified message and carriage return to the output
        ' textbox.
        Private Sub WriteLine(ByVal message As String)
            tbxOutput.AppendText(message + vbCrLf)
        End Sub
        ' Write the specified message to the output textbox.
        Private Sub Write(ByVal message As String)
        End Sub
        ' Event handler for Exit button.
        Private Sub Button2_Click( _
            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

        End Sub

        Public Sub New()

            'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

            'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call

        End Sub

        'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
        Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
            If disposing Then
                If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
                End If
            End If
        End Sub

        'Required by the Windows Form Designer
        Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

        'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form 
        'Designer. It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 
        'Do not modify it using the code editor.
        Friend WithEvents Panel2 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
        Friend WithEvents Panel1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
        Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Friend WithEvents Button2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Friend WithEvents tbxOutput As System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
        <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _
        Private Sub InitializeComponent()
            Me.Panel2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
            Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
            Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
            Me.Panel1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
            Me.tbxOutput = New System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
            Me.Panel2.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom
            Me.Panel2.DockPadding.All = 20
            Me.Panel2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 320)
            Me.Panel2.Name = "Panel2"
            Me.Panel2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 64)
            Me.Panel2.TabIndex = 1
            Me.Button1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right
            Me.Button1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font( _
                "Microsoft Sans Serif", _
                9.0!, _
                System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, _
                System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, _
                CType(0, Byte))
            Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(446, 20)
            Me.Button1.Name = "Button1"
            Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 24)
            Me.Button1.TabIndex = 2
            Me.Button1.Text = "&Run"
            Me.Button2.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right
            Me.Button2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font( _
                "Microsoft Sans Serif", _
                9.0!, _
                System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, _
                System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, _
                CType(0, Byte))
            Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(521, 20)
            Me.Button2.Name = "Button2"
            Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 24)
            Me.Button2.TabIndex = 3
            Me.Button2.Text = "E&xit"
            Me.Panel1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
            Me.Panel1.DockPadding.All = 20
            Me.Panel1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
            Me.Panel1.Name = "Panel1"
            Me.Panel1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 320)
            Me.Panel1.TabIndex = 2
            Me.tbxOutput.AccessibleDescription = _
                "Displays output from application."
            Me.tbxOutput.AccessibleName = "Output textbox."
            Me.tbxOutput.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
            Me.tbxOutput.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(20, 20)
            Me.tbxOutput.Name = "tbxOutput"
            Me.tbxOutput.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(576, 280)
            Me.tbxOutput.TabIndex = 1
            Me.tbxOutput.Text = "Click the Run button to run the application."
            Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 15)
            Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 384)
            Me.Name = "Form1"
            Me.Text = "AsymmetricAlgorithm"

        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace
' This sample produces the following output:
' *** CustomCrypto created with default parameters:
' Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
' KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
' SignatureAlgorithm:
' KeySize: 8
' Parameters described in Xml format:
' <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin1</KeyContainerName>
' <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
' <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
' Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8, 
' *** CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:
' Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
' KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
' SignatureAlgorithm:
' KeySize: 64
' Parameters described in Xml format:
' <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2</KeyContainerName>
' <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
' <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
' Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8, 
' Unable to create CustomCrytpo from  the Create method
' This sample completed successfully; press Enter to exit.

Voici une classe supplémentaire qui montre comment utiliser la classe personnalisée.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Security.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;

// Display the properties of the specified CustomCrypto object to the
// console.
static void DisplayProperties(Contoso::CustomCrypto^ customCryptoAlgorithm)
    // Retrieve the class description for the customCrypto object.
    String^ classDescription = customCryptoAlgorithm->ToString();

    Console::WriteLine("KeyExchangeAlgorithm: {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("SignatureAlgorithm: {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("KeySize: {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("Parameters described in Xml format:");

    // Display the MinSize, MaxSize, and SkipSize properties of
    // each KeySize item in the local keySizes member variable.
    array<KeySizes^>^ legalKeySizes = customCryptoAlgorithm->LegalKeySizes;
    for (int i = 0; i < legalKeySizes->Length; i++)
            "Keysize{0} min, max, step: {1}, {2}, {3}, ", i,

int main()
    // Construct a CustomCrypto object and initialize its
    // CspParameters.
    Contoso::CustomCrypto^ customCryptoAlgorithm = gcnew Contoso::CustomCrypto();

    // Display properties of the current customCrypto object.
        "*** CustomCrypto created with default parameters:");

    // Release all the resources used by this instance of
    // CustomCrypto.

    customCryptoAlgorithm = gcnew Contoso::CustomCrypto(64);
    // Create new parameters and set them by using the FromXmlString
    // method.
    String^ parameterXml = "<CustomCryptoKeyValue>" +
        "<ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>" +
        "<KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2</KeyContainerName>" +
        "<KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber>" +
        "<ProviderType>2</ProviderType>" +

    // Display the properties of a customCrypto object created with
    // custom parameters.
        "{0}*** CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:", Environment::NewLine);

    // Create an object by using the assembly name.
    Contoso::CustomCrypto^ cryptoFromAssembly =
    if (cryptoFromAssembly != nullptr)
        Console::WriteLine("{0}*** Successfully created " +
            "CustomCrypto from the Create method.", Environment::NewLine);
        Console::WriteLine("Unable to create CustomCrypto from " +
            "the Create method.");

        "This sample completed successfully; press Enter to exit.");

// This sample produces the following output:
// *** CustomCrypto created with default parameters:
// Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
// KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
// SignatureAlgorithm:
// KeySize: 8
// Parameters described in Xml format:
// <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin1</KeyContainerName>
// <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
// <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
// Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8,
// *** CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:
// Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
// KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
// SignatureAlgorithm:
// KeySize: 64
// Parameters described in Xml format:
// <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2</KeyContainerName>
// <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
// <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
// Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8,
// Unable to create CustomCrypto from the Create method
// This sample completed successfully; press Enter to exit.
    class CustomCryptoImpl
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Construct a CustomCrypto object and initialize its
            // CspParameters.
            CustomCrypto customCrypto = new CustomCrypto();

            // Display properties of the current customCrypto object.
            Console.WriteLine("*** CustomCrypto created with default " + 

            // Release all the resources used by this instance of 
            // CustomCrytpo.

            customCrypto = new CustomCrypto(64);
            // Create new parameters and set them by using the FromXmlString
            // method.
            string parameterXml = "<CustomCryptoKeyValue>";
            parameterXml += "<ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>";
            parameterXml += "<KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2";
            parameterXml += "</KeyContainerName>";
            parameterXml += "<KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber>";
            parameterXml += "<ProviderType>2</ProviderType>";
            parameterXml += "</CustomCryptoKeyValue>";

            // Display the properties of a customCrypto object created with
            // custom parameters.
            Console.WriteLine("\n*** " + 
                "CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:");

            // Create an object by using the assembly name.
                CustomCrypto myCryptoA = CustomCrypto.Create("CustomCrypto");
                if (myCryptoA != null)
                    Console.Write("\n*** " + 
                        "Successfully created CustomCrytpo from");
                    Console.WriteLine(" the Create method.");

                    Console.Write("Unable to create CustomCrytpo from ");
                    Console.WriteLine(" the Create method.");
            catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("This sample completed successfully; " +
                "press Enter to exit.");
        // Display the properties of the specified CustomCrypto object to the
        // console.
        public static void DisplayProperties(CustomCrypto customCrypto)
                // Retrieve the class description for the customCrypto object.
                string classDescription = customCrypto.ToString();

                Console.Write("KeyExchangeAlgorithm: ");
                Console.Write("SignatureAlgorithm: ");
                Console.WriteLine("KeySize: " + customCrypto.KeySize);
                Console.WriteLine("Parameters described in Xml format:");

                // Display the MinSize, MaxSize, and SkipSize properties of 
                // each KeySize item in the local keySizes member variable.
                KeySizes[] legalKeySizes = customCrypto.LegalKeySizes;
                if (legalKeySizes.Length > 0)
                    for (int i=0; i < legalKeySizes.Length; i++)
                        Console.Write("Keysize" + i + " min, max, step: ");
                        Console.Write(legalKeySizes[i].MinSize + ", ");
                        Console.Write(legalKeySizes[i].MaxSize + ", ");
                        Console.WriteLine(legalKeySizes[i].SkipSize + ", ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Caught unexpected exception: " + 
// This sample produces the following output:
// *** CustomCrypto created with default parameters:
// Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
// KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
// SignatureAlgorithm:
// KeySize: 8
// Parameters described in Xml format:
// <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin1</KeyContainerName>
// <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
// <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
// Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8, 
// *** CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:
// Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
// KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
// SignatureAlgorithm:
// KeySize: 64
// Parameters described in Xml format:
// <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2</KeyContainerName>
// <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
// <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
// Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8, 
// Unable to create CustomCrytpo from  the Create method
// This sample completed successfully; press Exit to continue.
    Class Form1
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

        ' Event handler for Run button.
        Private Sub Button1_Click( _
            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

            tbxOutput.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
            tbxOutput.Text = ""

            ' Construct a CustomCrypto object and initialize its
            ' CspParameters.
            Dim customCrypto As New Contoso.vbCustomCrypto

            ' Display properties of the current vbCustomCrypto object.
            WriteLine("*** CustomCrypto created with default parameters:")

            ' Release all the resources used by this instance of CustomCrytpo.

            customCrypto = New Contoso.vbCustomCrypto(64)
            ' Create new parameters and set them by using the
            ' FromXmlString method.
            Dim parameterXml As String = "<CustomCryptoKeyValue>"
            parameterXml += "<ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>"
            parameterXml += "<KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2"
            parameterXml += "</KeyContainerName>"
            parameterXml += "<KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber>"
            parameterXml += "<ProviderType>2</ProviderType>"
            parameterXml += "</CustomCryptoKeyValue>"

            ' Display the properties of a customCrypto object created with
            ' custom parameters.
            WriteLine(vbCrLf + "*** " + _
                "CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:")

            ' Create an object by using the assembly name.
                Dim createdCrypto As Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
                createdCrypto = customCrypto.Create("vbCustomCrypto")

                If (Not createdCrypto Is Nothing) Then
                    Write(vbCrLf + "*** Successfully created vbCustomCrytpo ")
                    WriteLine("from the Create method.")

                    Write("Unable to create CustomCrytpo from ")
                    WriteLine(" the Create method.")
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try

            ' Align interface and conclude application.
            WriteLine("This sample completed successfully;" + _
                " press Exit to continue.")

            ' Reset the cursor.
            tbxOutput.Cursor = Cursors.Default
        End Sub
        ' Display the properties of the specified CustomCrypto object to
        ' the output texbox.
        Public Sub DisplayProperties( _
            ByVal customCrypto As Contoso.vbCustomCrypto)

                ' Retrieve the class description for the customCrypto object.
                Dim classDescription As String = customCrypto.ToString()

                WriteLine("KeyExchangeAlgorithm: " + _
                WriteLine("SignatureAlgorithm: " + _
                WriteLine("KeySize: " + customCrypto.KeySize.ToString())
                WriteLine("Parameters described in Xml format:")

                ' Display the MinSize, MaxSize, and SkipSize properties of 
                ' each KeySize item in the local keySizes member variable.
                Dim legalKeySizes() As KeySizes = customCrypto.LegalKeySizes
                If (legalKeySizes.Length > 0) Then
                    For i As Integer = 0 To legalKeySizes.Length - 1 Step 1
                        Write("Keysize" + i.ToString() + " min, max, step: ")
                        Write(legalKeySizes(i).MinSize.ToString() + ", ")
                        Write(legalKeySizes(i).MaxSize.ToString() + ", ")
                        Write(legalKeySizes(i).SkipSize.ToString() + ", ")
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                WriteLine("Caught unexpected exception: " + ex.ToString())
            End Try
        End Sub
        ' Write the specified message and carriage return to the output
        ' textbox.
        Private Sub WriteLine(ByVal message As String)
            tbxOutput.AppendText(message + vbCrLf)
        End Sub
        ' Write the specified message to the output textbox.
        Private Sub Write(ByVal message As String)
        End Sub
        ' Event handler for Exit button.
        Private Sub Button2_Click( _
            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

        End Sub

        Public Sub New()

            'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

            'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call

        End Sub

        'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
        Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
            If disposing Then
                If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
                End If
            End If
        End Sub

        'Required by the Windows Form Designer
        Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

        'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form 
        'Designer. It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 
        'Do not modify it using the code editor.
        Friend WithEvents Panel2 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
        Friend WithEvents Panel1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
        Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Friend WithEvents Button2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Friend WithEvents tbxOutput As System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
        <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _
        Private Sub InitializeComponent()
            Me.Panel2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
            Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
            Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
            Me.Panel1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel
            Me.tbxOutput = New System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
            Me.Panel2.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom
            Me.Panel2.DockPadding.All = 20
            Me.Panel2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 320)
            Me.Panel2.Name = "Panel2"
            Me.Panel2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 64)
            Me.Panel2.TabIndex = 1
            Me.Button1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right
            Me.Button1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font( _
                "Microsoft Sans Serif", _
                9.0!, _
                System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, _
                System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, _
                CType(0, Byte))
            Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(446, 20)
            Me.Button1.Name = "Button1"
            Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 24)
            Me.Button1.TabIndex = 2
            Me.Button1.Text = "&Run"
            Me.Button2.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Right
            Me.Button2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font( _
                "Microsoft Sans Serif", _
                9.0!, _
                System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, _
                System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, _
                CType(0, Byte))
            Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(521, 20)
            Me.Button2.Name = "Button2"
            Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 24)
            Me.Button2.TabIndex = 3
            Me.Button2.Text = "E&xit"
            Me.Panel1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
            Me.Panel1.DockPadding.All = 20
            Me.Panel1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
            Me.Panel1.Name = "Panel1"
            Me.Panel1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 320)
            Me.Panel1.TabIndex = 2
            Me.tbxOutput.AccessibleDescription = _
                "Displays output from application."
            Me.tbxOutput.AccessibleName = "Output textbox."
            Me.tbxOutput.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
            Me.tbxOutput.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(20, 20)
            Me.tbxOutput.Name = "tbxOutput"
            Me.tbxOutput.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(576, 280)
            Me.tbxOutput.TabIndex = 1
            Me.tbxOutput.Text = "Click the Run button to run the application."
            Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 15)
            Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 384)
            Me.Name = "Form1"
            Me.Text = "AsymmetricAlgorithm"

        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace
' This sample produces the following output:
' *** CustomCrypto created with default parameters:
' Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
' KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
' SignatureAlgorithm:
' KeySize: 8
' Parameters described in Xml format:
' <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin1</KeyContainerName>
' <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
' <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
' Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8, 
' *** CustomCrypto created with custom parameters:
' Contoso.vbCustomCrypto
' KeyExchangeAlgorithm: RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx
' SignatureAlgorithm:
' KeySize: 64
' Parameters described in Xml format:
' <CustomCryptoKeyValue><KeyContainerName>SecurityBin2</KeyContainerName>
' <KeyNumber>1</KeyNumber><ProviderName>Contoso</ProviderName>
' <ProviderType>2</ProviderType></CustomCryptoKeyValue>
' Keysize0 min, max, step: 8, 64, 8, 
' Unable to create CustomCrytpo from  the Create method
' This sample completed successfully; press Enter to exit.


Les algorithmes de chiffrement asymétriques, également appelés algorithmes à clé publique, nécessitent que l’expéditeur et le récepteur gèrent une paire de clés associées : une clé privée et une clé publique. Les deux clés sont propres à l’entité. La clé publique peut être mise à la disposition de tout le monde ; cette clé est utilisée pour l’encodage des données envoyées à un récepteur. La clé privée doit être gardée privée par le récepteur ; cette clé est utilisée pour décoder les messages encodés à l’aide de la clé publique du destinataire. La RSACryptoServiceProvider classe est une implémentation d’un algorithme à clé publique. Pour une présentation approfondie du chiffrement à clé publique et des algorithmes, consultez la section « Chiffrement à clé publique » dans Services de chiffrement. Pour plus d’informations sur l’utilisation de l’outil Nom fort (Sn.exe) pour créer des paires de clés, consultez Guide pratique pour créer une paire de clés Public-Private.

Vous pouvez utiliser des systèmes à clé publique pour former des signatures numériques. Les signatures numériques sont utilisées pour aider à protéger l’intégrité des données. Par exemple, pour utiliser un système à clé publique pour signer numériquement un message, l’expéditeur applique d’abord une fonction de hachage au message pour créer un résumé de message. L’expéditeur chiffre ensuite la synthèse de message avec la clé privée de l’expéditeur pour créer la signature personnelle de l’expéditeur. Lors de la réception du message et de la signature, le récepteur déchiffre la signature à l’aide de la clé publique de l’expéditeur pour récupérer la synthèse du message et hache le message à l’aide du même algorithme de hachage que celui utilisé par l’expéditeur. Si la synthèse de message que le récepteur calcule correspond à la synthèse de message reçue de l’expéditeur, le destinataire peut supposer que le message n’a pas été modifié pendant son transit. Notez que tout le monde peut vérifier une signature, car la clé publique de l’expéditeur est de notoriété publique. Cette technique ne conserve pas le secret du message ; pour que le message soit secret, il doit également être chiffré.

Le .NET Framework fournit les classes suivantes qui implémentent des algorithmes de signature numérique : DSACryptoServiceProvider, RSACryptoServiceProvider( ECDsa classe de base) et ECDsaCng.

L’espace System.Security.Cryptography de noms fournit des classes concrètes pour RSA et DSA uniquement.

Pour savoir comment utiliser l’algorithme RSA pour chiffrer et déchiffrer des données XML, ainsi que créer et vérifier des signatures numériques XML, consultez les articles suivants :



Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe AsymmetricAlgorithm.



Représente la taille, en bits, du modulo de la clé utilisé par l'algorithme asymétrique.


Spécifie les tailles de clé prises en charge par l'algorithme asymétrique.



En cas de substitution dans une classe dérivée, obtient le nom de l'algorithme d'échange de clés. Sinon, lève un NotImplementedException.


Obtient ou définit la taille, en bits, du modulo de clé utilisé par l'algorithme asymétrique.


Obtient les tailles de clé prises en charge par l'algorithme asymétrique.


En cas d'implémentation dans une classe dérivée, obtient le nom de l'algorithme de signature. Sinon, lève toujours un NotImplementedException.



Libère toutes les ressources utilisées par la classe AsymmetricAlgorithm.


Crée un objet de chiffrement par défaut utilisé pour exécuter l'algorithme asymétrique.


Crée une instance de l'implémentation spécifiée d'un algorithme asymétrique.


Libère toutes les ressources utilisées par l'instance actuelle de la classe AsymmetricAlgorithm.


Libère les ressources non managées utilisées par la classe AsymmetricAlgorithm et libère éventuellement les ressources managées.


Détermine si l'objet spécifié est égal à l'objet actuel.

(Hérité de Object)
ExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, PbeParameters)

Exporte la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo avec un mot de passe basé sur l’octet.

ExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, PbeParameters)

Exporte la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo avec un mot de passe basé sur char.

ExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKeyPem(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, PbeParameters)

Exporte la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo avec un mot de passe basé sur des octets, encodé en PEM.

ExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKeyPem(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, PbeParameters)

Exporte la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo avec un mot de passe basé sur char, encodé pem.


Exporte la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo.


Exporte la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo, encodé en PEM.


Exporte la partie clé publique de la clé actuelle au format X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo.


Exporte la partie clé publique de la clé actuelle au format X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo, encodé en PEM.


En cas de substitution dans une classe dérivée, reconstruit un objet AsymmetricAlgorithm à partir d'une chaîne XML. Sinon, lève un NotImplementedException.


Fait office de fonction de hachage par défaut.

(Hérité de Object)

Obtient le Type de l'instance actuelle.

(Hérité de Object)
ImportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, Int32)

Quand il est remplacé dans une classe dérivée, importe la paire de clés publique/privée à partir d’une structure PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo après le déchiffrement avec un mot de passe basé sur l’octet, en remplaçant les clés de cet objet.

ImportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, Int32)

Quand il est remplacé dans une classe dérivée, importe la paire de clés publique/privée à partir d’une structure PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo après le déchiffrement avec un mot de passe basé sur char, en remplaçant les clés de cet objet.

ImportFromEncryptedPem(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>)

En cas de substitution dans une classe dérivée, importe une clé chiffrée encodée en PEM RFC 7468, en remplaçant les clés de cet objet.

ImportFromEncryptedPem(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>)

En cas de substitution dans une classe dérivée, importe une clé chiffrée encodée en PEM RFC 7468, en remplaçant les clés de cet objet.


En cas de substitution dans une classe dérivée, importe une clé encodée textuellement RFC 7468, en remplaçant les clés de cet objet.

ImportPkcs8PrivateKey(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, Int32)

Quand il est remplacé dans une classe dérivée, importe la paire de clés publique/privée à partir d’une structure PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo après le déchiffrement, en remplaçant les clés de cet objet.

ImportSubjectPublicKeyInfo(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, Int32)

Quand il est remplacé dans une classe dérivée, importe la clé publique à partir d’une structure X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo après le déchiffrement, en remplaçant les clés de cet objet.


Crée une copie superficielle du Object actuel.

(Hérité de Object)

Retourne une chaîne qui représente l'objet actuel.

(Hérité de Object)

En cas de substitution dans une classe dérivée, crée et retourne une représentation sous forme de chaîne XML de l'objet AsymmetricAlgorithm actuel. Sinon, lève un NotImplementedException.

TryExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, PbeParameters, Span<Byte>, Int32)

Quand il est remplacé dans une classe dérivée, tente d’exporter la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo dans une mémoire tampon fournie, à l’aide d’un mot de passe basé sur l’octet.

TryExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKey(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, PbeParameters, Span<Byte>, Int32)

Quand il est remplacé dans une classe dérivée, tente d’exporter la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo dans une mémoire tampon fournie, à l’aide d’un mot de passe basé sur char.

TryExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKeyPem(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, PbeParameters, Span<Char>, Int32)

Tente d’exporter la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo avec un mot de passe basé sur des octets, encodé pem.

TryExportEncryptedPkcs8PrivateKeyPem(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, PbeParameters, Span<Char>, Int32)

Exporte la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo avec un mot de passe basé sur char, encodé pem.

TryExportPkcs8PrivateKey(Span<Byte>, Int32)

Quand il est remplacé dans une classe dérivée, tente d’exporter la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo dans une mémoire tampon fournie.

TryExportPkcs8PrivateKeyPem(Span<Char>, Int32)

Tente d’exporter la clé actuelle au format PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo encodé en PEM dans une mémoire tampon fournie.

TryExportSubjectPublicKeyInfo(Span<Byte>, Int32)

Quand il est remplacé dans une classe dérivée, tente d’exporter la clé actuelle au format X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo dans une mémoire tampon fournie.

TryExportSubjectPublicKeyInfoPem(Span<Char>, Int32)

Tente d’exporter la clé actuelle au format X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo encodé en PEM dans une mémoire tampon fournie.

Implémentations d’interfaces explicites


Cette API prend en charge l'infrastructure du produit et n'est pas destinée à être utilisée directement à partir de votre code.

Pour obtenir une description de ce membre, consultez Dispose().

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