IAuthenticationModule.PreAuthenticate(WebRequest, ICredentials) Metodo


Restituisce un'istanza della classe Authorization per una richiesta di autenticazione a un server.

 System::Net::Authorization ^ PreAuthenticate(System::Net::WebRequest ^ request, System::Net::ICredentials ^ credentials);
public System.Net.Authorization? PreAuthenticate (System.Net.WebRequest request, System.Net.ICredentials credentials);
public System.Net.Authorization PreAuthenticate (System.Net.WebRequest request, System.Net.ICredentials credentials);
abstract member PreAuthenticate : System.Net.WebRequest * System.Net.ICredentials -> System.Net.Authorization
Public Function PreAuthenticate (request As WebRequest, credentials As ICredentials) As Authorization



L'istanza di WebRequest associata alla richiesta di autenticazione.


Le credenziali associate alla richiesta di autenticazione.


Un'istanza di Authorization contenente il messaggio di autorizzazione per la richiesta.


Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come utilizzare il metodo PreAuthenticate. Per un esempio completo, fare riferimento alla AuthenticationManager classe .

// The PreAuthenticate method specifies if the authentication implemented
// by this class allows pre-authentication.
// Even if you do not use it, this method must be implemented to obey to the rules
// of interface implemebtation.
// In this case it always returns null.
virtual Authorization^ PreAuthenticate( WebRequest^ request, ICredentials^ credentials )
   return nullptr;
// The PreAuthenticate method specifies whether the authentication implemented
// by this class allows pre-authentication.
// Even if you do not use it, this method must be implemented to obey to the rules
// of interface implementation.
// In this case it always returns null.
public Authorization PreAuthenticate(WebRequest request, ICredentials credentials)
  return null;
' The PreAuthenticate method specifies whether the authentication implemented 
' by this class allows pre-authentication. 
' Even if you do not use it, this method must be implemented to obey to the rules 
' of interface implementation.
' In this case it always returns null. 
Public Function PreAuthenticate(ByVal request As WebRequest, ByVal credentials As ICredentials) As Authorization _
    Implements IAuthenticationModule.PreAuthenticate

  Return Nothing
End Function 'PreAuthenticate


Quando la CanPreAuthenticate proprietà è true, il PreAuthenticate metodo restituirà un'istanza della Authorization classe contenente un messaggio di autenticazione.

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