WebPermission.Copy Metodo


Crea una copia di una classe WebPermission.

 override System::Security::IPermission ^ Copy();
public override System.Security.IPermission Copy ();
override this.Copy : unit -> System.Security.IPermission
Public Overrides Function Copy () As IPermission


Nuova istanza della classe WebPermission che dispone degli stessi valori dell'originale.


Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come creare una seconda istanza di WebPermission usando Copy. Questa seconda istanza è identica alla prima.

// Create another WebPermission instance that is the copy of the above WebPermission instance.
WebPermission^ myWebPermission2 = (WebPermission^)(myWebPermission1->Copy());

// Check whether all callers higher in the call stack have been granted the permissionor not.
 // Create another WebPermission instance that is the copy of the above WebPermission instance.
  WebPermission myWebPermission2 = (WebPermission) myWebPermission1.Copy();

 // Check whether all callers higher in the call stack have been granted the permissionor not.
' Create another WebPermission instance that is the copy of the above WebPermission instance.
Dim myWebPermission2 As WebPermission = CType(myWebPermission1.Copy(), WebPermission)

' Check whether all callers higher in the call stack have been granted the permissionor not.


Il IPermission valore restituito da questo metodo rappresenta lo stesso accesso alle risorse dell'originale WebPermission. Questo metodo esegue l'override Copy e viene implementato per supportare l'interfaccia IPermission .

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