Uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial) Metodo


Ottiene la parte specificata di un'istanza di Uri.

 System::String ^ GetLeftPart(UriPartial part);
public string GetLeftPart (UriPartial part);
member this.GetLeftPart : UriPartial -> string
Public Function GetLeftPart (part As UriPartial) As String



Uno dei valori dell'enumerazione che specifica la fine della parte di URI da restituire.


Parte specificata dell'istanza di Uri.


L'istanza di Uri corrente non è un'istanza assoluta.

Il parametro part specificato non è valido.


Nell'esempio seguente viene creata un'istanza Uri e viene scritto il percorso nella console.

// Create Uri
Uri^ uriAddress = gcnew Uri( "http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#search" );
Console::WriteLine( uriAddress->Fragment );
Console::WriteLine( "Uri {0} the default port ", uriAddress->IsDefaultPort ? (String^)"uses" : "does not use" );

Console::WriteLine( "The path of this Uri is {0}", uriAddress->GetLeftPart( UriPartial::Path ) );
Console::WriteLine( "Hash code {0}", uriAddress->GetHashCode() );
// The example displays output similar to the following:
//        #search
//        Uri uses the default port
//        The path of this Uri is http://www.contoso.com/index.htm
//        Hash code -988419291
// Create Uri
Uri uriAddress = new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#search");
Console.WriteLine("Uri {0} the default port ", uriAddress.IsDefaultPort ? "uses" : "does not use");

Console.WriteLine("The path of this Uri is {0}", uriAddress.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path));
Console.WriteLine("Hash code {0}", uriAddress.GetHashCode());
// The example displays output similar to the following:
//        #search
//        Uri uses the default port
//        The path of this Uri is http://www.contoso.com/index.htm
//        Hash code -988419291
// Create Uri
let uriAddress = Uri "http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#search"
printfn $"{uriAddress.Fragment}"
printfn $"""Uri {if uriAddress.IsDefaultPort then "uses" else "does not use"} the default port """

printfn $"The path of this Uri is {uriAddress.GetLeftPart UriPartial.Path}"
printfn $"Hash code {uriAddress.GetHashCode()}"
// The example displays output similar to the following:
//        #search
//        Uri uses the default port
//        The path of this Uri is http://www.contoso.com/index.htm
//        Hash code -988419291
' Create Uri
Dim uriAddress As New Uri("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#search")
Console.WriteLine("Uri {0} the default port ", If(uriAddress.IsDefaultPort, "uses", "does not use")) 

Console.WriteLine("The path of this Uri is {0}", uriAddress.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path))
Console.WriteLine("Hash code {0}", uriAddress.GetHashCode())
' The example displays output similar to the following:
'        #search
'        Uri uses the default port
'        The path of this Uri is http://www.contoso.com/index.htm
'        Hash code -988419291


Il GetLeftPart metodo restituisce una stringa contenente la parte più sinistra della stringa URI, che termina con la parte specificata da part.

GetLeftPart include delimitatori nei casi seguenti:

  • Scheme include il delimitatore dello schema.
  • Authority non include il delimitatore del percorso.
  • Path include il delimitatore del percorso e qualsiasi delimitatore nell'URI originale fino alla query o al delimitatore di frammenti.
  • Query include , Pathpiù la query e il relativo delimitatore.

Gli esempi seguenti mostrano un URI e i risultati della chiamata GetLeftPart con Scheme, Authority, Patho Query.

URI Schema Authority Percorso Query
http://www.contoso.com/index.htm?date=today http:// http://www.contoso.com http://www.contoso.com/index.htm http://www.contoso.com/index.htm?date=today
http://www.contoso.com/index.htm#main http:// http://www.contoso.com http://www.contoso.com/index.htm http://www.contoso.com/index.htm
mailto:user@contoso.com?subject=uri mailto: <none> mailto:user@contoso.com mailto:user@contoso.com?subject=uri
nntp://news.contoso.com/123456@contoso.com nntp:// nntp://news.contoso.com nntp://news.contoso.com/123456@contoso.com nntp://news.contoso.com/123456@contoso.com
news:123456@contoso.com news: <none> news:123456@contoso.com news:123456@contoso.com
file://server/filename.ext file:// file://server file://server/filename.ext file://server/filename.ext

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