WebReference.ValidationWarnings Proprietà


Ottiene l'insieme di avvisi generati durante la convalida dei documenti di descrizione.

 property System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection ^ ValidationWarnings { System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection ^ get(); };
public System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection ValidationWarnings { get; }
member this.ValidationWarnings : System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
Public ReadOnly Property ValidationWarnings As StringCollection

Valore della proprietà

Oggetto StringCollection del testo di avviso di convalida.


Nell'esempio di codice riportato di seguito viene illustrato come utilizzare la proprietà ValidationWarnings.

// Read in a WSDL service description.
string url = "http://www.contoso.com/Example/WebService.asmx?WSDL";
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(url);
ServiceDescription wsdl = ServiceDescription.Read(reader);

// Create a WSDL collection.
DiscoveryClientDocumentCollection wsdlCollection = 
    new DiscoveryClientDocumentCollection();
wsdlCollection.Add(url, wsdl);

// Create a namespace.
CodeNamespace proxyNamespace = new CodeNamespace("ExampleNamespace");

// Create a web reference using the WSDL collection.
string baseUrl = "http://www.contoso.com";
string urlKey = "ExampleUrlKey";
string protocolName = "Soap12";
WebReference reference = new WebReference(
    wsdlCollection, proxyNamespace, protocolName, urlKey, baseUrl);

// Print some information about the web reference.
Console.WriteLine("The WebReference object contains {0} document(s).", 
Console.WriteLine("The protocol name is {0}.", reference.ProtocolName);
Console.WriteLine("The base URL is {0}.", reference.AppSettingBaseUrl);
Console.WriteLine("The URL key is {0}.", reference.AppSettingUrlKey);

// Print some information about the proxy code namespace.
Console.WriteLine("The proxy code namespace is {0}.", 

// Print some information about the validation warnings.
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} validation warnings.",

// Print some information about the warnings.
if (reference.Warnings == 0)
    Console.WriteLine("There are no warnings.");
    Console.WriteLine("Warnings: " + reference.Warnings);

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