AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill Class


Allows you to generate a vector embedding for a given text input using the Azure OpenAI resource.

public class AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill : Azure.Search.Documents.Indexes.Models.SearchIndexerSkill
type AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill = class
    inherit SearchIndexerSkill
Public Class AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill
Inherits SearchIndexerSkill


AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill(IEnumerable<InputFieldMappingEntry>, IEnumerable<OutputFieldMappingEntry>)

Initializes a new instance of AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill.



API key of the designated Azure OpenAI resource.


The user-assigned managed identity used for outbound connections. Please note SearchIndexerDataIdentity is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include SearchIndexerDataNoneIdentity and SearchIndexerDataUserAssignedIdentity.


The user-assigned managed identity used for outbound connections. Please note SearchIndexerDataIdentity is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include SearchIndexerDataNoneIdentity and SearchIndexerDataUserAssignedIdentity.


Represents the level at which operations take place, such as the document root or document content (for example, /document or /document/content). The default is /document.

(Inherited from SearchIndexerSkill)

ID of the Azure OpenAI model deployment on the designated resource.


ID of the Azure OpenAI model deployment on the designated resource.


The description of the skill which describes the inputs, outputs, and usage of the skill.

(Inherited from SearchIndexerSkill)

The number of dimensions the resulting output embeddings should have. Only supported in text-embedding-3 and later models.


Inputs of the skills could be a column in the source data set, or the output of an upstream skill.

(Inherited from SearchIndexerSkill)

The name of the embedding model that is deployed at the provided deploymentId path.


The name of the skill which uniquely identifies it within the skillset. A skill with no name defined will be given a default name of its 1-based index in the skills array prefaced with the character "#" in debug sessions and error messages.

(Inherited from SearchIndexerSkill)

The output of a skill is either a field in a search index, or a value that can be consumed as an input by another skill.

(Inherited from SearchIndexerSkill)

The resource URI of the Azure OpenAI resource.

Applies to