AppDomain.SetAppDomainPolicy(PolicyLevel) メソッド



AppDomain policy levels are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. See for more information.


AppDomain policy levels are obsolete

アプリケーション ドメインのセキュリティ ポリシー レベルを設定します。

 virtual void SetAppDomainPolicy(System::Security::Policy::PolicyLevel ^ domainPolicy);
 void SetAppDomainPolicy(System::Security::Policy::PolicyLevel ^ domainPolicy);
public void SetAppDomainPolicy (System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel domainPolicy);
[System.Obsolete("AppDomain policy levels are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. See for more information.")]
public void SetAppDomainPolicy (System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel domainPolicy);
[System.Obsolete("AppDomain policy levels are obsolete")]
public void SetAppDomainPolicy (System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel domainPolicy);
abstract member SetAppDomainPolicy : System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel -> unit
override this.SetAppDomainPolicy : System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel -> unit
[<System.Obsolete("AppDomain policy levels are obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. See for more information.")>]
abstract member SetAppDomainPolicy : System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel -> unit
override this.SetAppDomainPolicy : System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel -> unit
[<System.Obsolete("AppDomain policy levels are obsolete")>]
member this.SetAppDomainPolicy : System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel -> unit
Public Sub SetAppDomainPolicy (domainPolicy As PolicyLevel)



セキュリティ ポリシー レベル。





セキュリティ ポリシー レベルが既に設定されています。

アンロードされたアプリケーション ドメインで操作しようとします。

次の例では、このメソッドを使用 SetAppDomainPolicy してアプリケーション ドメインのセキュリティ ポリシー レベルを設定する方法を示します。

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Security::Policy;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
int main()
   // Create a new application domain.
   AppDomain^ domain = System::AppDomain::CreateDomain( "MyDomain" );
   // Create a new AppDomain PolicyLevel.
   PolicyLevel^ polLevel = PolicyLevel::CreateAppDomainLevel();
   // Create a new, empty permission set.
   PermissionSet^ permSet = gcnew PermissionSet( PermissionState::None );
   // Add permission to execute code to the permission set.
   permSet->AddPermission( gcnew SecurityPermission( SecurityPermissionFlag::Execution ) );
   // Give the policy level's root code group a new policy statement based
   // on the new permission set.
   polLevel->RootCodeGroup->PolicyStatement = gcnew PolicyStatement( permSet );
   // Give the new policy level to the application domain.
   domain->SetAppDomainPolicy( polLevel );
   // Try to execute the assembly.
      // This will throw a PolicyException if the executable tries to
      // access any resources like file I/O or tries to create a window.
      domain->ExecuteAssembly( "Assemblies\\MyWindowsExe.exe" );
   catch ( PolicyException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "PolicyException: {0}", e->Message );

   AppDomain::Unload( domain );
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Policy;
using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace AppDomainSnippets
    class ADSetAppDomainPolicy
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a new application domain.
            AppDomain domain = System.AppDomain.CreateDomain("MyDomain");
            // Create a new AppDomain PolicyLevel.
            PolicyLevel polLevel = PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel();
            // Create a new, empty permission set.
            PermissionSet permSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
            // Add permission to execute code to the permission set.
                (new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution));
            // Give the policy level's root code group a new policy statement based
            // on the new permission set.
            polLevel.RootCodeGroup.PolicyStatement = new PolicyStatement(permSet);
            // Give the new policy level to the application domain.
            // Try to execute the assembly.
                // This will throw a PolicyException if the executable tries to
                // access any resources like file I/O or tries to create a window.
            catch(PolicyException e)
                Console.WriteLine("PolicyException: {0}", e.Message);

open System
open System.Security
open System.Security.Policy
open System.Security.Permissions

// Create a new application domain.
let domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain "MyDomain"

// Create a new AppDomain PolicyLevel.
let polLevel = PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel()
// Create a new, empty permission set.
let permSet = PermissionSet PermissionState.None
// Add permission to execute code to the permission set.
permSet.AddPermission(SecurityPermission SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution) |> ignore
// Give the policy level's root code group a new policy statement based
// on the new permission set.
polLevel.RootCodeGroup.PolicyStatement <- PolicyStatement permSet
// Give the new policy level to the application domain.
domain.SetAppDomainPolicy polLevel

// Try to execute the assembly.
    // This will throw a PolicyException if the executable tries to
    // access any resources like file I/O or tries to create a window.
    domain.ExecuteAssembly "Assemblies\\MyWindowsExe.exe"
    |> ignore
with :? PolicyException as e ->
    printfn $"PolicyException: {e.Message}"

AppDomain.Unload domain
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Security.Policy
Imports System.Security.Permissions

Class ADSetAppDomainPolicy
   Overloads Shared Sub Main(args() As String)
      ' Create a new application domain.
      Dim domain As AppDomain = System.AppDomain.CreateDomain("MyDomain")
      ' Create a new AppDomain PolicyLevel.
      Dim polLevel As PolicyLevel = PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel()
      ' Create a new, empty permission set.
      Dim permSet As New PermissionSet(PermissionState.None)
      ' Add permission to execute code to the permission set.
      permSet.AddPermission(New SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution))
      ' Give the policy level's root code group a new policy statement based
      ' on the new permission set.
      polLevel.RootCodeGroup.PolicyStatement = New PolicyStatement(permSet)
      ' Give the new policy level to the application domain.
      ' Try to execute the assembly.
         ' This will throw a PolicyException if the executable tries to
         ' access any resources like file I/Q or window creation.
      Catch e As PolicyException
         Console.WriteLine("PolicyException: {0}", e.Message)
      End Try
   End Sub
End Class


セキュリティ ポリシーを有効にするために、アセンブリが読み込まれる前に AppDomain このメソッドを呼び出します。
