ContentDisposition.DispositionType プロパティ



 property System::String ^ DispositionType { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string DispositionType { get; set; }
member this.DispositionType : string with get, set
Public Property DispositionType As String


配置タイプを格納している String。 値の制限はありませんが、通常、いずれかの DispositionType 値です。


設定操作に指定された値は null です。

設定操作として指定した値が Empty ("") です。


static void CreateMessageWithAttachment4( String^ server, String^ to )
   // Specify the file to be attached and sent.
   // This example uses a file on a UNC share.
   String^ file = L"\\\\share3\\c$\\reports\\data.xls";
   // Create a message and set up the recipients.
   MailMessage^ message = gcnew MailMessage( L"",to,L"Quarterly data report",L"See the attached spreadsheet." );
   // Create  the file attachment for this email message.
   Attachment^ data = gcnew Attachment("qtr3.xls", MediaTypeNames::Application::Octet);
   // Add time stamp information for the file.
   ContentDisposition^ disposition = data->ContentDisposition;
   disposition->CreationDate = System::IO::File::GetCreationTime( file );
   disposition->ModificationDate = System::IO::File::GetLastWriteTime( file );
   disposition->ReadDate = System::IO::File::GetLastAccessTime( file );
   disposition->DispositionType = DispositionTypeNames::Attachment;
   // Add the file attachment to this email message.
   message->Attachments->Add( data );
   //Send the message.
   SmtpClient^ client = gcnew SmtpClient( server );
   // Add credentials if the SMTP server requires them.
   client->Credentials = dynamic_cast<ICredentialsByHost^>(CredentialCache::DefaultNetworkCredentials);
   client->Send( message );
   // Display the message headers.
   array<String^>^keys = message->Headers->AllKeys;
   Console::WriteLine( L"Headers" );
   IEnumerator^ myEnum3 = keys->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum3->MoveNext() )
      String^ s = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum3->Current);
      Console::WriteLine( L"{0}:", s );
      Console::WriteLine( L"    {0}", message->Headers[ s ] );

public static void CreateMessageWithAttachment4(string server, string to)
    // Specify the file to be attached and sent.
    // This example uses a file on a UNC share.
    string file = @"\\share3\c$\reports\data.xls";
    // Create a message and set up the recipients.
    MailMessage message = new MailMessage(
       "Quarterly data report",
       "See the attached spreadsheet.");

    // Create  the file attachment for this email message.
    Attachment data = new Attachment("qtr3.xls", MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet);
    // Add time stamp information for the file.
    ContentDisposition disposition = data.ContentDisposition;
    disposition.CreationDate = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(file);
    disposition.ModificationDate = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(file);
    disposition.ReadDate = System.IO.File.GetLastAccessTime(file);
    disposition.DispositionType = DispositionTypeNames.Attachment;
    // Add the file attachment to this email message.
    //Send the message.
    SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(server);
    // Add credentials if the SMTP server requires them.
    client.Credentials = (ICredentialsByHost)CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
    // Display the message headers.
    string[] keys = message.Headers.AllKeys;
    foreach (string s in keys)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}:", s);
        Console.WriteLine("    {0}", message.Headers[s]);


プロパティの値は DispositionType 、電子メールを表示するソフトウェアで使用して、電子メールの添付ファイルを表示する正しい方法を決定できます。 Inline 添付ファイルは通常、ユーザーがメールを開いたときに表示されます。 Attachment 通常、添付ファイルは、ユーザーが添付ファイルを表すアイコンをクリックするなど、何らかのアクションを実行するまで開かされません。

Content-Disposition ヘッダーについては、 で利用可能な RFC 2183 で https://www.ietf.org説明されています。
