SoapClientMessage.Action プロパティ


SOAP 要求または SOAP 応答の SOAPAction HTTP 要求ヘッダー フィールドを取得します。

 virtual property System::String ^ Action { System::String ^ get(); };
public override string Action { get; }
member this.Action : string
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Action As String


SOAP 要求または SOAP 応答の SOAPAction HTTP 要求ヘッダー フィールド。

次のコード フラグメントは、XML Web サービス クライアントによって送受信される SOAP メッセージをログに記録する SOAP 拡張機能の一部です。 この特定のフラグメントは、HTTP 要求ヘッダー フィールドの値をそのログ ファイルに SOAPAction 出力します。

newStream->Position = 0;
FileStream^ myFileStream = gcnew FileStream( filename, FileMode::Append,
   FileAccess::Write );
StreamWriter^ myStreamWriter = gcnew StreamWriter( myFileStream );
   "================================== Request at {0}", DateTime::Now );

// Print to the log file the request header field for SoapAction header.
myStreamWriter->WriteLine( "The SoapAction Http request header field is: " );
myStreamWriter->WriteLine( "\t{0}", message->Action );

// Print to the log file the type of the client that invoked 
// the XML Web service method.
myStreamWriter->WriteLine( "The type of the client is: " );
if ( (message->Client->GetType())->Equals( typeid<MathSvc^> ) )
   myStreamWriter->WriteLine( "\tMathSvc" );

// Print to the log file the method invoked by the client.
   "The method that has been invoked by the client is:" );
myStreamWriter->WriteLine( "\t{0}", message->MethodInfo->Name );

// Print to the log file if the method invoked is OneWay.
if ( message->OneWay )
      "The client doesn't wait for the server to finish processing" );
   "The client waits for the server to finish processing" );

// Print to the log file the URL of the site that provides 
// implementation of the method.
   "The URL of the XML Web service method that has been requested is: " );
myStreamWriter->WriteLine( "\t{0}", message->Url );
myStreamWriter->WriteLine( "The contents of the SOAP envelope are: " );

// Copy the contents of one stream to another. 
Copy( newStream, myFileStream );
newStream->Position = 0;

// Copy the contents of one stream to another. 
Copy( newStream, oldStream );
newStream.Position = 0;
FileStream myFileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append,
StreamWriter myStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(myFileStream);
   "================================== Request at "
   + DateTime.Now);

// Print to the log file the request header field for SoapAction header.
myStreamWriter.WriteLine("The SoapAction Http request header field is: ");
myStreamWriter.WriteLine("\t" + message.Action);

// Print to the log file the type of the client that invoked
// the XML Web service method.
myStreamWriter.WriteLine("The type of the client is: ");

// Print to the log file the method invoked by the client.
   "The method that has been invoked by the client is:");
myStreamWriter.WriteLine("\t" + message.MethodInfo.Name);

// Print to the log file if the method invoked is OneWay.
     "The client doesn't wait for the server to finish processing");
     "The client waits for the server to finish processing");

// Print to the log file the URL of the site that provides
// implementation of the method.
   "The URL of the XML Web service method that has been requested is: ");
myStreamWriter.WriteLine("\t" + message.Url);
myStreamWriter.WriteLine("The contents of the SOAP envelope are: ");

// Copy the contents of one stream to another.
Copy(newStream, myFileStream);
newStream.Position = 0;

// Copy the contents of one stream to another.
Copy(newStream, oldStream);
 newStream.Position = 0
 Dim myFileStream As New FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append, _
 Dim myStreamWriter As New StreamWriter(myFileStream)
 myStreamWriter.WriteLine( _
    "================================== Request at " & DateTime.Now)

 ' Print to the log file the request header field for SoapAction header.
 myStreamWriter.WriteLine("The SoapAction Http request header field is: ")
 myStreamWriter.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & message.Action)

 ' Print to the log file the type of the client that invoked
 ' the XML Web service method.
 myStreamWriter.WriteLine("The type of the client is: ")
 If message.Client.GetType().Equals(GetType(MathSvc)) Then
    myStreamWriter.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & "MathSvc")
 End If

' Print to the log file the method invoked by the client.
 myStreamWriter.WriteLine( _
    "The method that has been invoked by the client is:")
 myStreamWriter.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & message.MethodInfo.Name)

 ' Print to the log file if the method invoked is OneWay.
 If message.OneWay Then
    myStreamWriter.WriteLine( _
       "The client doesn't wait for the server to finish processing")
    myStreamWriter.WriteLine( _
       "The client waits for the server to finish processing")
 End If 

 ' Print to the log file the URL of the site that provides 
 ' implementation of the method.
 myStreamWriter.WriteLine( _
    "The url of the XML Web service method that has been requested is: ")
 myStreamWriter.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & message.Url)
 myStreamWriter.WriteLine("The contents of the SOAP envelope are: ")

 ' Copy the contents of one stream to another. 
 Copy(newStream, myFileStream)
 newStream.Position = 0

 ' Copy the contents of one stream to another. 
 Copy(newStream, oldStream)


プロパティは Action 、任意 SoapMessageStageの で使用できます。
