ListViewDataItem.DataItem プロパティ


ListViewItem オブジェクトのバインド先の基になるデータ オブジェクトを取得または設定します。

 virtual property System::Object ^ DataItem { System::Object ^ get(); void set(System::Object ^ value); };
public virtual object DataItem { get; set; }
public override object DataItem { get; set; }
member this.DataItem : obj with get, set
Public Overridable Property DataItem As Object
Public Overrides Property DataItem As Object


ListViewItem オブジェクトのバインド先の基になるデータ オブジェクト。

次の例は、 プロパティを使用 DataItem してフィールド値を取得する方法を示しています。 その後、この値を使用して、アイテム DropDownList が編集モードのときに表示されるコントロール内の項目を事前に選択します。 このコード例は、ListViewDataItem クラスで提供されている、より大きな例の一部です。

protected void ContactsListView_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)

  //Verify there is an item being edited.
  if (ContactsListView.EditIndex >= 0)

    //Get the item object.
    ListViewDataItem dataItem = (ListViewDataItem)e.Item;

    // Check for an item in edit mode.
    if (dataItem.DisplayIndex == ContactsListView.EditIndex)

      // Preselect the DropDownList control with the Title value
      // for the current item.

      // Retrieve the underlying data item. In this example
      // the underlying data item is a DataRowView object.        
      DataRowView rowView = (DataRowView)dataItem.DataItem;

      // Retrieve the Title value for the current item. 
      String title = rowView["Title"].ToString();

      // Retrieve the DropDownList control from the current row. 
      DropDownList list = (DropDownList)dataItem.FindControl("TitlesList");

      // Find the ListItem object in the DropDownList control with the 
      // title value and select the item.
      ListItem item = list.Items.FindByText(title);
      list.SelectedIndex = list.Items.IndexOf(item);
Protected Sub ContactsListView_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ListViewItemEventArgs) 
  'Verify there is an item being edited.
  If ContactsListView.EditIndex >= 0 Then
    'Get the item object.
    Dim dataItem As ListViewDataItem = CType(e.Item, ListViewDataItem)
    ' Check for an item in edit mode.
    If dataItem.DisplayIndex = ContactsListView.EditIndex Then
      ' Preselect the DropDownList control with the Title value
      ' for the current item.
      ' Retrieve the underlying data item. In this example
      ' the underlying data item is a DataRowView object.        
      Dim rowView As DataRowView = CType(dataItem.DataItem, DataRowView)
      ' Retrieve the Title value for the current item. 
      Dim title As String = rowView("Title").ToString()
      ' Retrieve the DropDownList control from the current row. 
      Dim list As DropDownList = CType(dataItem.FindControl("TitlesList"), DropDownList)
      ' Find the ListItem object in the DropDownList control with the 
      ' title value and select the item.
      Dim item As ListItem = list.Items.FindByText(title)
      list.SelectedIndex = list.Items.IndexOf(item)
    End If 
  End If

End Sub



