RawStylusInput クラス


StylusDevice から StylusPlugIn への入力に関する情報を提供します。

public ref class RawStylusInput
public class RawStylusInput
type RawStylusInput = class
Public Class RawStylusInput

次の例では、ジェスチャを StylusPlugIn チェックするオブジェクトを Down 作成します。 StylusPlugInアプリケーション スレッドから呼び出されるメソッドをOnStylusUpProcessedサブスクライブするための呼び出しNotifyWhenProcessedOnStylusUp

class RecognizerPlugin : StylusPlugIn
    GestureRecognizer recognizer;
    // StylusPointCollection that contains the stylus points of the current
    // stroke.
    StylusPointCollection points;

    // Keeps track of the stylus to check whether two styluses are used on the
    // digitizer.
    int currentStylus;

    public RecognizerPlugin()
        : base()
        recognizer = new GestureRecognizer();

    // Collect the points as the user draws the stroke.
    protected override void OnStylusDown(RawStylusInput rawStylusInput)
        // If points is not null, there is already a stroke taking place
        // on the digitizer, so don't create a new StylusPointsCollection.
        if (points == null)
            points = new StylusPointCollection(rawStylusInput.GetStylusPoints().Description);
            currentStylus = rawStylusInput.StylusDeviceId;

    // Collect the points as the user draws the stroke.
    protected override void OnStylusMove(RawStylusInput rawStylusInput)
        // Check whether the stylus that started the stroke is the same, and
        // that the element hasn't lost focus since the stroke began.
            if (points != null && currentStylus == rawStylusInput.StylusDeviceId)

    // Collect the points as the user draws the stroke.
    protected override void OnStylusUp(RawStylusInput rawStylusInput)
        // Check whether the stylus that started the stroke is the same, and
        // that the element hasn't lost focus since the stroke began.
        if (points != null && currentStylus == rawStylusInput.StylusDeviceId)

            // Subscribe to the OnStylusUpProcessed method.

        points = null;
        currentStylus = 0;
    // If the element loses focus, stop collecting the points and don't
    // perform gesture recognition.
    protected override void OnStylusLeave(RawStylusInput rawStylusInput, bool confirmed)
        if (confirmed)
            // Clear the StylusPointCollection
            points = null;
            currentStylus = 0;

    // This method is called on the application thread.
    protected override void OnStylusUpProcessed(object callbackData, bool targetVerified)
        // Check that the element actually receive the OnStylusUp input.
        if (targetVerified && recognizer.IsRecognizerAvailable)
            StylusPointCollection strokePoints = callbackData as StylusPointCollection;

            if (strokePoints == null)

            // Create a StrokeCollection to pass to the GestureRecognizer.
            Stroke newStroke = new Stroke(strokePoints);
            StrokeCollection strokes = new StrokeCollection();

            ReadOnlyCollection<GestureRecognitionResult> results = recognizer.Recognize(strokes);

            // If the GestureRecognizer recognizes the stroke as a Down
            // gesture with strong confidence, raise an event.
            if (results[0].ApplicationGesture == ApplicationGesture.Down &&
                results[0].RecognitionConfidence == RecognitionConfidence.Strong)
                //raise event
Class RecognizerPlugin
    Inherits StylusPlugIn
    Private recognizer As GestureRecognizer

    ' StylusPointCollection that contains the stylus points of the current
    ' stroke.
    Private points As StylusPointCollection

    ' Keeps track of the stylus to check whether two styluses are used on the
    ' digitizer.
    Private currentStylus As Integer

    Public Sub New()
        recognizer = New GestureRecognizer()

    End Sub

    ' Collect the points as the user draws the stroke.
    Protected Overrides Sub OnStylusDown(ByVal rawStylusInput As RawStylusInput)

        ' If points is not null, there is already a stroke taking place
        ' on the digitizer, so don't create a new StylusPointsCollection.
        If points Is Nothing Then
            points = New StylusPointCollection(rawStylusInput.GetStylusPoints().Description)
            currentStylus = rawStylusInput.StylusDeviceId
        End If

    End Sub

    ' Collect the points as the user draws the stroke.
    Protected Overrides Sub OnStylusMove(ByVal rawStylusInput As RawStylusInput)

        ' Check whether the stylus that started the stroke is the same, and
        ' that the element hasn't lost focus since the stroke began.
        If Not (points Is Nothing) AndAlso currentStylus = rawStylusInput.StylusDeviceId Then
        End If

    End Sub

    ' Collect the points as the user draws the stroke.
    Protected Overrides Sub OnStylusUp(ByVal rawStylusInput As RawStylusInput)

        ' Check whether the stylus that started the stroke is the same, and
        ' that the element hasn't lost focus since the stroke began.
        If Not (points Is Nothing) AndAlso currentStylus = rawStylusInput.StylusDeviceId Then

            ' Subscribe to the OnStylusUpProcessed method.
        End If

        points = Nothing
        currentStylus = 0

    End Sub

    ' If the element loses focus, stop collecting the points and don't
    ' perform gesture recognition.
    Protected Overrides Sub OnStylusLeave(ByVal rawStylusInput As RawStylusInput, ByVal confirmed As Boolean)

        If confirmed Then
            ' Clear the StylusPointCollection
            points = Nothing
            currentStylus = 0
        End If

    End Sub

    ' This method is called on the application thread.
    Protected Overrides Sub OnStylusUpProcessed(ByVal callbackData As Object, ByVal targetVerified As Boolean)

        ' Check that the element actually receive the OnStylusUp input.
        If targetVerified AndAlso recognizer.IsRecognizerAvailable Then

            Dim strokePoints As StylusPointCollection = callbackData

            If strokePoints Is Nothing Then
            End If

            ' Create a StrokeCollection to pass to the GestureRecognizer.
            Dim newStroke As New Stroke(strokePoints)
            Dim strokes As New StrokeCollection()

            Dim results As ReadOnlyCollection(Of GestureRecognitionResult) = recognizer.Recognize(strokes)

            ' If the GestureRecognizer recognizes the stroke as a Down
            ' gesture with strong confidence, raise an event.
            If results(0).ApplicationGesture = ApplicationGesture.Down AndAlso _
               results(0).RecognitionConfidence = RecognitionConfidence.Strong Then
                'raise event
            End If
        End If

    End Sub
End Class


ユーザーがスタイラスを RawStylusInput 移動したときに受け取る入力 StylusPlugIn に関する情報を取得するには、この情報を使用します。



現在のスタイラス デバイスの識別子を取得します。


現在のタブレット デバイスの識別子を取得します。






(継承元 Object)


(継承元 Object)

スタイラスから収集されるスタイラス ポイントを取得します。


現在のインスタンスの Type を取得します。

(継承元 Object)

現在の Object の簡易コピーを作成します。

(継承元 Object)

アプリケーション スレッドの対応するスタイラス メソッドにサブスクライブします。


アプリケーション スレッドに渡すスタイラス ポイントを設定します。



(継承元 Object)
