Rect.Equality(Rect, Rect) Operator


2 つの四角形を比較し、完全に等しいかどうかを判断します。

 static bool operator ==(System::Windows::Rect rect1, System::Windows::Rect rect2);
public static bool operator == (System.Windows.Rect rect1, System.Windows.Rect rect2);
static member ( = ) : System.Windows.Rect * System.Windows.Rect -> bool
Public Shared Operator == (rect1 As Rect, rect2 As Rect) As Boolean





2 番目に比較する四角形。


四角形が同じ Location 値と Size 値を持つ場合は true。それ以外の場合は false

次の例では、 演算子を Equality 使用して、2 つの四角形が完全に等しいかどうかを判断する方法を示します。

private Boolean overloadedEqualityOperatorExample()
    // Initialize new rectangle.
    Rect myRectangle = new Rect();

    // The Location property specifies the coordinates of the upper left-hand 
    // corner of the rectangle. 
    myRectangle.Location = new Point(10, 5);

    // Set the Size property of the rectangle with a width of 200
    // and a height of 50.
    myRectangle.Size = new Size(200, 50);

    // Create second rectangle to compare to the first.
    Rect myRectangle2 = new Rect();
    myRectangle2.Location = new Point(0, 0);
    myRectangle2.Size = new Size(200, 50);

    // Check if the two Rects are exactly equal using the overloaded equality operator.
    // areEqual is false because although the size of each rectangle is the same,
    // the locations are different.
    bool areEqual = (myRectangle == myRectangle2);

    // Returns false.
    return areEqual;
Private Function overloadedEqualityOperatorExample() As Boolean
    ' Initialize new rectangle.
    Dim myRectangle As New Rect()

    ' The Location property specifies the coordinates of the upper left-hand 
    ' corner of the rectangle. 
    myRectangle.Location = New Point(10, 5)

    ' Set the Size property of the rectangle with a width of 200
    ' and a height of 50.
    myRectangle.Size = New Size(200, 50)

    ' Create second rectangle to compare to the first.
    Dim myRectangle2 As New Rect()
    myRectangle2.Location = New Point(0, 0)
    myRectangle2.Size = New Size(200, 50)

    ' Check if the two Rects are exactly equal using the overloaded equality operator.
    ' areEqual is false because although the size of each rectangle is the same,
    ' the locations are different.
    Dim areEqual As Boolean = (myRectangle = myRectangle2)

    ' Returns false.
    Return areEqual

End Function



この比較では、 の Double.NaN 2 つのインスタンスが等しいと見なされます。


四角形の位置と寸法は、値によって Double 記述されます。 操作時に値の精度が失われる可能性があるため Double 、論理的に等しい 2 つの値の比較が失敗する可能性があります。

この演算子の同等のメソッドは 次のようになります。 Rect.Equals(Rect, Rect)
