VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, Item Table

Links business transactions made for this item with the general ledger to account for VAT amounts that result from trade with the item.

Specifies the VAT product posting group to which this item belongs.

When you post transactions that involve this item, the program uses this code in combination with a VAT business posting group code in the VAT Posting Setup window. The VAT Posting Setup specifies the VAT accounts to which the program posts.

Choose the field to see the VAT product posting groups that exist in the VAT Product Posting Groups window.


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Negative Adjmt. (LCY) Field, Item Table Inventory
Item Table Inventory
Item Table Inventory

See Also


Item Card

Other Resources

About Posting Groups
VAT Product Posting Groups
How to: Set Up Items
How to: Record VAT
Small Business Role Center