AudioVideoMcuSession.BeginDialOut Method (String, AsyncCallback, Object)

Requests the Audio-Video MCU to initiate an Audio-Video call to the supplied destination URI.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.AudioVideo
Assembly:  Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration (in Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.dll)


Public Function BeginDialOut ( _
    destinationUri As String, _
    userCallback As AsyncCallback, _
    state As Object _
) As IAsyncResult
Dim instance As AudioVideoMcuSession
Dim destinationUri As String
Dim userCallback As AsyncCallback
Dim state As Object
Dim returnValue As IAsyncResult

returnValue = instance.BeginDialOut(destinationUri, _
    userCallback, state)
public IAsyncResult BeginDialOut(
    string destinationUri,
    AsyncCallback userCallback,
    Object state


  • destinationUri
    Type: System.String
    The URI of the entity to call.
  • userCallback
    Type: System.AsyncCallback
    The method to be called when the asynchronous operation is completed.
  • state
    Type: System.Object
    A user-provided object that distinguishes this particular asynchronous operation from other asynchronous operations.

Return Value

Type: System.IAsyncResult
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous operation.


Exception Condition

Thrown when the parent ConferenceSession is not in a valid state or the conference does not support the corresponding MCU type.


Thrown when the supplied destinationUri is null.


Thrown when the supplied destinationUri is invalid.


Thrown when the parent ConferenceSession is reconnecting (FailureReason will be set to InvalidOperationReason.RetryableOperation).


The Audio-Video MCU is requested to initiate a call to the destination URI using audio and video as default media types if the Conversation does not have either audio and video among its active media types. On the other hand, if the Conversation has only audio or video among active its media types, the dial-out request is sent with either audio or video only.

See Also


AudioVideoMcuSession Class

AudioVideoMcuSession Members

BeginDialOut Overload

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.AudioVideo Namespace