SyncOperationStatistics クラス


名前空間: Microsoft.Synchronization
アセンブリ: Microsoft.Synchronization (microsoft.synchronization.dll 内)


<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class SyncOperationStatistics
Dim instance As SyncOperationStatistics
public class SyncOperationStatistics
public ref class SyncOperationStatistics
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
public class SyncOperationStatistics
public class SyncOperationStatistics

次の例では、2 つのプロバイダーの間でデータを同期し、同期統計情報をユーザーに示します。

    ' Create the synchronization orchestrator and set the providers and synchronization direction.
    Dim orchestrator As New SyncOrchestrator()
    orchestrator.LocalProvider = localProvider
    orchestrator.RemoteProvider = remoteProvider
    orchestrator.Direction = syncDir

    Dim msg As String
        ' Synchronize data between the two providers.
        Dim stats As SyncOperationStatistics = orchestrator.Synchronize()

        ' Display statistics for the synchronization operation.
        msg = ((("Synchronization succeeded!" & vbLf & vbLf & stats.DownloadChangesApplied & " download changes applied" & vbLf) & stats.DownloadChangesFailed & " download changes failed" & vbLf) & stats.UploadChangesApplied & " upload changes applied" & vbLf) & stats.UploadChangesFailed & " upload changes failed"
    Catch ex As Exception
        msg = "Synchronization failed! Here's why: " & vbLf & vbLf & ex.Message
    End Try
    MessageBox.Show(msg, "Synchronization Results")
End Sub
    // Create the synchronization orchestrator and set the providers and synchronization direction.
    SyncOrchestrator orchestrator = new SyncOrchestrator();
    orchestrator.LocalProvider = localProvider;
    orchestrator.RemoteProvider = remoteProvider;
    orchestrator.Direction = syncDir;

    string msg;
        // Synchronize data between the two providers.
        SyncOperationStatistics stats = orchestrator.Synchronize();

        // Display statistics for the synchronization operation.
        msg = "Synchronization succeeded!\n\n" +
            stats.DownloadChangesApplied + " download changes applied\n" +
            stats.DownloadChangesFailed + " download changes failed\n" +
            stats.UploadChangesApplied + " upload changes applied\n" +
            stats.UploadChangesFailed + " upload changes failed";
    catch (Exception ex)
        msg = "Synchronization failed! Here's why: \n\n" + ex.Message;
    MessageBox.Show(msg, "Synchronization Results");



スレッド セーフ

この型の public static (Visual Basic では Shared ) メンバーはすべて、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバーの場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。



SyncOperationStatistics メンバー
Microsoft.Synchronization 名前空間