BatchClient.CreateTaskCollectionAsync Method



CreateTaskCollectionAsync(String, BatchTaskGroup, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, CancellationToken)

Adds a collection of Tasks to the specified Job.

CreateTaskCollectionAsync(String, RequestContent, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, RequestContext)

[Protocol Method] Adds a collection of Tasks to the specified Job.

CreateTaskCollectionAsync(String, BatchTaskGroup, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, CancellationToken)

Adds a collection of Tasks to the specified Job.

public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.Response<Azure.Compute.Batch.BatchTaskAddCollectionResult>> CreateTaskCollectionAsync (string jobId, Azure.Compute.Batch.BatchTaskGroup taskCollection, int? timeOutInSeconds = default, DateTimeOffset? ocpdate = default, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
abstract member CreateTaskCollectionAsync : string * Azure.Compute.Batch.BatchTaskGroup * Nullable<int> * Nullable<DateTimeOffset> * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.Response<Azure.Compute.Batch.BatchTaskAddCollectionResult>>
override this.CreateTaskCollectionAsync : string * Azure.Compute.Batch.BatchTaskGroup * Nullable<int> * Nullable<DateTimeOffset> * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.Response<Azure.Compute.Batch.BatchTaskAddCollectionResult>>
Public Overridable Function CreateTaskCollectionAsync (jobId As String, taskCollection As BatchTaskGroup, Optional timeOutInSeconds As Nullable(Of Integer) = Nothing, Optional ocpdate As Nullable(Of DateTimeOffset) = Nothing, Optional cancellationToken As CancellationToken = Nothing) As Task(Of Response(Of BatchTaskAddCollectionResult))



The ID of the Job to which the Task collection is to be added.


The Tasks to be added.


The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds. If the value is larger than 30, the default will be used instead.".


The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.


The cancellation token to use.



jobId or taskCollection is null.

jobId is an empty string, and was expected to be non-empty.


This sample shows how to call CreateTaskCollectionAsync.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
BatchClient client = new BatchClient(endpoint, credential);

BatchTaskGroup taskCollection = new BatchTaskGroup(new BatchTaskCreateContent[]
    new BatchTaskCreateContent("<id>", "<commandLine>")
Response<BatchTaskAddCollectionResult> response = await client.CreateTaskCollectionAsync("<jobId>", taskCollection);

This sample shows how to call CreateTaskCollectionAsync with all parameters.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
BatchClient client = new BatchClient(endpoint, credential);

BatchTaskGroup taskCollection = new BatchTaskGroup(new BatchTaskCreateContent[]
    new BatchTaskCreateContent("<id>", "<commandLine>")
        DisplayName = "<displayName>",
        ExitConditions = new ExitConditions
            ExitCodes = {new ExitCodeMapping(1234, new ExitOptions
                JobAction = BatchJobAction.None,
                DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Satisfy,
            ExitCodeRanges = {new ExitCodeRangeMapping(1234, 1234, default)},
            PreProcessingError = default,
            FileUploadError = default,
            Default = default,
        ContainerSettings = new BatchTaskContainerSettings("<imageName>")
            ContainerRunOptions = "<containerRunOptions>",
            Registry = new ContainerRegistryReference
                Username = "<username>",
                Password = "<password>",
                RegistryServer = "<registryServer>",
                IdentityReference = new BatchNodeIdentityReference
                    ResourceId = "<resourceId>",
            WorkingDirectory = ContainerWorkingDirectory.TaskWorkingDirectory,
        ResourceFiles = {new ResourceFile
            AutoStorageContainerName = "<autoStorageContainerName>",
            StorageContainerUrl = "<storageContainerUrl>",
            HttpUrl = "<httpUrl>",
            BlobPrefix = "<blobPrefix>",
            FilePath = "<filePath>",
            FileMode = "<fileMode>",
            IdentityReference = default,
        OutputFiles = {new OutputFile("<filePattern>", new OutputFileDestination
            Container = new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination("<containerUrl>")
                Path = "<path>",
                IdentityReference = default,
                UploadHeaders = {new HttpHeader("<name>")
                    Value = "<value>",
        }, new OutputFileUploadConfig(OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskSuccess))},
        EnvironmentSettings = {new EnvironmentSetting("<name>")
            Value = "<value>",
        AffinityInfo = new AffinityInfo("<affinityId>"),
        Constraints = new BatchTaskConstraints
            MaxWallClockTime = XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT1H23M45S"),
            RetentionTime = XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT1H23M45S"),
            MaxTaskRetryCount = 1234,
        RequiredSlots = 1234,
        UserIdentity = new UserIdentity
            Username = "<username>",
            AutoUser = new AutoUserSpecification
                Scope = AutoUserScope.Task,
                ElevationLevel = ElevationLevel.NonAdmin,
        MultiInstanceSettings = new MultiInstanceSettings("<coordinationCommandLine>")
            NumberOfInstances = 1234,
            CommonResourceFiles = {default},
        DependsOn = new BatchTaskDependencies
            TaskIds = {"<taskIds>"},
            TaskIdRanges = {new BatchTaskIdRange(1234, 1234)},
        ApplicationPackageReferences = {new BatchApplicationPackageReference("<applicationId>")
            Version = "<version>",
        AuthenticationTokenSettings = new AuthenticationTokenSettings
            Access = {AccessScope.Job},
Response<BatchTaskAddCollectionResult> response = await client.CreateTaskCollectionAsync("<jobId>", taskCollection, timeOutInSeconds: 1234, ocpdate: DateTimeOffset.Parse("Tue, 10 May 2022 18:57:31 GMT"));


Note that each Task must have a unique ID. The Batch service may not return the results for each Task in the same order the Tasks were submitted in this request. If the server times out or the connection is closed during the request, the request may have been partially or fully processed, or not at all. In such cases, the user should re-issue the request. Note that it is up to the user to correctly handle failures when re-issuing a request. For example, you should use the same Task IDs during a retry so that if the prior operation succeeded, the retry will not create extra Tasks unexpectedly. If the response contains any Tasks which failed to add, a client can retry the request. In a retry, it is most efficient to resubmit only Tasks that failed to add, and to omit Tasks that were successfully added on the first attempt. The maximum lifetime of a Task from addition to completion is 180 days. If a Task has not completed within 180 days of being added it will be terminated by the Batch service and left in whatever state it was in at that time.

Applies to

CreateTaskCollectionAsync(String, RequestContent, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, RequestContext)

[Protocol Method] Adds a collection of Tasks to the specified Job.

public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.Response> CreateTaskCollectionAsync (string jobId, Azure.Core.RequestContent content, int? timeOutInSeconds = default, DateTimeOffset? ocpdate = default, Azure.RequestContext context = default);
abstract member CreateTaskCollectionAsync : string * Azure.Core.RequestContent * Nullable<int> * Nullable<DateTimeOffset> * Azure.RequestContext -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.Response>
override this.CreateTaskCollectionAsync : string * Azure.Core.RequestContent * Nullable<int> * Nullable<DateTimeOffset> * Azure.RequestContext -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.Response>
Public Overridable Function CreateTaskCollectionAsync (jobId As String, content As RequestContent, Optional timeOutInSeconds As Nullable(Of Integer) = Nothing, Optional ocpdate As Nullable(Of DateTimeOffset) = Nothing, Optional context As RequestContext = Nothing) As Task(Of Response)



The ID of the Job to which the Task collection is to be added.


The content to send as the body of the request.


The maximum time that the server can spend processing the request, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds. If the value is larger than 30, the default will be used instead.".


The time the request was issued. Client libraries typically set this to the current system clock time; set it explicitly if you are calling the REST API directly.


The request context, which can override default behaviors of the client pipeline on a per-call basis.


The response returned from the service.


jobId or content is null.

jobId is an empty string, and was expected to be non-empty.

Service returned a non-success status code.


This sample shows how to call CreateTaskCollectionAsync and parse the result.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
BatchClient client = new BatchClient(endpoint, credential);

using RequestContent content = RequestContent.Create(new
    value = new object[]
            id = "<id>",
            commandLine = "<commandLine>",
Response response = await client.CreateTaskCollectionAsync("<jobId>", content);

JsonElement result = JsonDocument.Parse(response.ContentStream).RootElement;

This sample shows how to call CreateTaskCollectionAsync with all parameters and request content and parse the result.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
BatchClient client = new BatchClient(endpoint, credential);

using RequestContent content = RequestContent.Create(new
    value = new object[]
            id = "<id>",
            displayName = "<displayName>",
            exitConditions = new Dictionary<string, object>
                ["exitCodes"] = new object[]
                        code = 1234,
                        exitOptions = new
                            jobAction = "none",
                            dependencyAction = "satisfy",
                ["exitCodeRanges"] = new object[]
                        start = 1234,
                        end = 1234,
                ["preProcessingError"] = null,
                ["fileUploadError"] = null,
                ["default"] = null
            commandLine = "<commandLine>",
            containerSettings = new
                containerRunOptions = "<containerRunOptions>",
                imageName = "<imageName>",
                registry = new
                    username = "<username>",
                    password = "<password>",
                    registryServer = "<registryServer>",
                    identityReference = new
                        resourceId = "<resourceId>",
                workingDirectory = "taskWorkingDirectory",
            resourceFiles = new object[]
                    autoStorageContainerName = "<autoStorageContainerName>",
                    storageContainerUrl = "<storageContainerUrl>",
                    httpUrl = "<httpUrl>",
                    blobPrefix = "<blobPrefix>",
                    filePath = "<filePath>",
                    fileMode = "<fileMode>",
            outputFiles = new object[]
                    filePattern = "<filePattern>",
                    destination = new
                        container = new
                            path = "<path>",
                            containerUrl = "<containerUrl>",
                            uploadHeaders = new object[]
                                    name = "<name>",
                                    value = "<value>",
                    uploadOptions = new
                        uploadCondition = "tasksuccess",
            environmentSettings = new object[]
                    name = "<name>",
                    value = "<value>",
            affinityInfo = new
                affinityId = "<affinityId>",
            constraints = new
                maxWallClockTime = "PT1H23M45S",
                retentionTime = "PT1H23M45S",
                maxTaskRetryCount = 1234,
            requiredSlots = 1234,
            userIdentity = new
                username = "<username>",
                autoUser = new
                    scope = "task",
                    elevationLevel = "nonadmin",
            multiInstanceSettings = new
                numberOfInstances = 1234,
                coordinationCommandLine = "<coordinationCommandLine>",
                commonResourceFiles = new object[]
            dependsOn = new
                taskIds = new object[]
                taskIdRanges = new object[]
                        start = 1234,
                        end = 1234,
            applicationPackageReferences = new object[]
                    applicationId = "<applicationId>",
                    version = "<version>",
            authenticationTokenSettings = new
                access = new object[]
Response response = await client.CreateTaskCollectionAsync("<jobId>", content, timeOutInSeconds: 1234, ocpdate: DateTimeOffset.Parse("Tue, 10 May 2022 18:57:31 GMT"));

JsonElement result = JsonDocument.Parse(response.ContentStream).RootElement;

Applies to